21 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It was the only (as far as I know) general shitposting community on reddit that wasn't casually racist/homophobic/transphobic, because of this a lot of LGBTQ+ people flocked to it for their memes.

Have we really sunk to boomer memes, what with this and the one about velcro shoes? We can fuckin' do better than this.

Well I'm glad this is happening I was just trying to reply to your previous post but it turned out it was removed in the process of me writing the comment. The short of it was that a community of almost 10k needs more than one mod, because while there are three mod accounts two are you and the third is a dead account. Please do your absolute best when deciding who to give moderation control over 196 as I don't doubt there will almost certainly be bad actors who try to get mod so they can sabotage this place, it sure wouldn't be the first time this community has been targeted.

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Ya know, it was an okay meme until you brought bigotry into it. (The Serbian comment.)

I'm cool with it as long as it's marked, I just think we need to establish a line on what counts as NSFW or not since some things toe the line. Like are we hardline marking anything even remotely sexual, or just things that are clearly NSFW. Obviously the former would be easier to moderate because of the subjective nature of things, so I wouldn't be opposed to that.

Also do mods not have the ability to edit a post so they are marked as NSFW if it's not already marked?

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Honestly if that's actually an enforced policy, that's kinda meh, and will make the titles kinda stale after a while.

A lot of people are from the original 196. But if you're talking about the micro celebrities, I haven't seen any of them, and kind of don't expect to, maybe some day, but I doubt it.

For the sake of putting in my opinion I agree gore shouldn't be allowed here. Although I'm pretty sure that's already the case considering the instance we're in and also this community's origin.

What is with the hentai levels of censorship there? Actually does nothing.

Considering every "communist" nation is actually authoritarian I don't think communism is inherently homophobic. Also every one of those leaders are bad, they run authoritarian countries.

Hell yeah! I'm delicious bacon.

I fuck all, but I would actually prefer to get fucked rather than to fuck.

At that point just pirate it unless you're trying to play a game online. Also if you were unaware g2a uses stolen credit cards among other morally dubious methods to get their game keys. You probably shouldn't be supporting that regardless of your reasoning.

Considering how small 196 is compared to the subs I've seen be forced to reopen I don't think the admins'll even bother, and if they do try to do that the mods of 196 would most likely just refuse to reopen and the sub would be nuked for "not being moderated".

So what you need to know is yes we're chill. Also most of us migrated from reddit and r/196 was a leftist shitposting sub. You can get the rest of the vibe by reading the rules sticky which mostly just boils down to don't be a douche or a bigot. If you're talking about Blahaj as a whole pretty chill as far as I can tell, just a bunch of LGBTQ people and anyone else who wants to be here with us.

Alright this probably isn't the right place to ask this, and I fear I'm about to start a shitstorm, but what is the actual difference between bisexual and pansexual? As far as my own understanding goes it's just semantics and they really mean the same thing, but if I'm wrong I'd love to be corrected. I feel I should clarify I do not care if you prefer to use pansexual over bisexual or vice versa, whatever makes you happy I'm cool with, just genuine curiosity here.

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We do not appreciate the r-slur here.

I mean honestly you probably shouldn't get your hopes up, that place will not be the same after the whole API debacle because so many people have left reddit and aren't coming back. I don't doubt whatever r/196 will be after reopening is gonna be a hell of a lot worse than it was.

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Why would you separate 5 kilos into 13 bricks?

I'm sorry if this comes off as vapid, hell feel free to tell me to go fuck myself if you want, but doubting your decision on a name will always lead to disappointment. Pick a name that you like for any reason you like, and afterwards don't keep shopping around for names, be proud of the one you have, it's as valid as you are.

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Ah yes, the old "I don't wanna pay taxes for things I don't use" argument, I guess we should just stop funding medicare/medicade because not everyone uses it, right? While we're at it we should also get rid of all government assistance programs, since only a small portion of the population uses them, that sounds like a great idea. /s

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Adblockers and piracy will let you have it for free AND with no ads.

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If I could downvote I would, not because I dislike the art, but because while NSFW is allowed here this is just porn and nothing else. I believe there are much more appropriate places to post this rather than in what is primarily a shitposting community.

Believe it or not this is a lot of depressed people, I can also speak from personal experience.

Anxiety do be a bitch like that, but in the end it's just intrusive thoughts. You're gonna have to disregard them, and have confidence that the choice you're making is a correct one. Also I understand that's a lot easier said than done, but from my own experience it's really the best advice I got, and I can say anxiety's done a lot more harm than good in my own life. Maybe it don't mean shit coming from a stranger, but I believe you can do it.

It's ok if you don't know what you're doing. Just obey the rule and do your best to not be cringe, these are the only requirements.

In the case of legal documents it is for safety, go look up what happens to trans women if they're arrested and thrown in with the men, which happens a lot. But it's not just what the other prisoners do that's horrific, the cops themselves preform heinous acts towards trans women. Also you'll respond to me but not the other person who already pointed out it's for safety?

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Not who you asked but when you make a post there is checkbox in between the community selection and language selection. You can also retroactively make a post NSFW by editing the post.

God you're fuckin' dense. TRANS PEOPLE ARE TREATED LIKE SHIT BY POLICE AND PRISONERS ALIKE BECAUSE THEY'RE TRANS, not because they committed a crime. Also saying not to commit crimes ignores what the conversation was originally about and it's the safety of a marginalized group of people, not just in the case of being arrested.

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Okay, but what is your opinion on thigh highs? (If it's anything less than great I will vehemently dislike your opinion.)

Ew, Stonetoss.

E:It turns out I'm mistaken.

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I mean yeah but again, adblockers.

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Would it be possible for everyone to switch to piracy? Could the current piracy infrastructure support that? I’ve never actually considered that. Video is heavy.

I mean if everyone was using the same streaming or torrenting site probably not, but there are so many different sites to use that honestly I wouldn't be surprised. If you do start pirating there are sites that are specifically for streaming shows, just make sure you have an adblocker or you're gonna see a lot of porn ads. Also make sure to know what you're downloading if torrenting, I'm not gonna get into the finer points on how to not get a virus or a cease & desist from your ISP if you go down that route, but there are plenty of details on that if you just look for it.

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Truly the best of both worlds.

So out of curiosity I went into your profile to see how many times you've made a blank post since I saw 2 in row just now, and you've done this at least 4 times. Like the first time it's kinda funny, but after that maybe don't post literally nothing for the sake of the rule, If ya got nothing to post just don't post.

2 is the only way.