@ATGM πŸš€
18 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Prigozhin is a monster and a war criminal.

But how much infighting do we think Russia can handle without collapsing on the front?

It seems like we are about to find out.

Since their leader has no sway with the oligarchic class that effectively holds power in Russia, it seems unlikely he would be able to consolidate power. If somehow he offed Putin it would be more likely to end in civil war IMO than in Prigozhin as head of Russia.

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"Really existing socialism" of course meaning "a system wherein workers have zero effective political power."

Just because it's true that the ML movement was an essential part of decolonialization, and because it isn't true that the USSR was some evil empire, doesn't mean that the ideologies that underpin(ned) those societies aren't deeply flawed.

The USSR was not an evil empire, no, but the political structure of a hierarchical, command-based politic lead exactly where critics said it would lead. The "ultraleft", as you call them, including Luxemburg and Anarchist communists warned Lenin exactly what would go wrong in the USSR, and Lenin did not listen.

That's why Lenin is a counter-revolutionary by deed if not by intent. By his actions, the power of the people's and worker's soviets were shattered and replaced with corrupt bureaucracy.

Also, hey, go tell a Tartar, Kalmykk or other displaced ethnic group who were victim of Stalin's genocide that he wasn't a deranged butcher. Maybe if you survive you can tell me what you learned.

Still worth doing IMO

I just honestly didn't give a shit about them, and still it was all over the news.

How many people died in car crashes eachday this coverage was everywhere?

A group of rich people with poor research skills exploded themselves, and it just doesn't matter to me.

We don't spend half this time crying over much bigger tragedies.

I think it's unlikely he will be able to secure power.

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It has nothing to do with us.

I think you will find that the liberal-capitalist world order with some semblance of norms like national self determination and resistance to overt nationalistic annexation does benefit the US.

Note that I'm not saying I like this world order, or the US politic. But your assertion looks false to my eyes. Even if there was no moral issue of enabling Ukrainian self defense because Ukrainian self defense is a moral good, the USA benefits from preventing authoritarian regimes from using military force to swallow up their neighbors. And so do the European countries.

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And Stalinist, Maoists, and other authoritarian Communists.

Usually they also "love" countries like North Korea, China, and for whatever reason (aNtI iMpErIaLiSm), Syria, Russia, and so on.

Red Fascists. They use the same tactics of gas lighting and goal post shifting.

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Can Putin survive something this humiliating?

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It's also Rostov-on-Don and not Rostov, Yaroslavl.

And yet in spite of the few positive things contributions Mao made, and some of the things he got right, he still positioned himself culturally to take up the position 'benign and distant emperor. Much as the contemporary regime prefers to pin all the horrors of the Cultural Revolution on the Gang of Four, many of Mao's ideas themselves were harmful (such as wholesale and universal destruction of old culture).

Marxism-Leninism and its party structure has shown itself, in practice and historically, as being unable to resist this impulse to corruption and autocracy. It was Bolshevik counterrevolution that destroyed the power of the Worker's and Soldier's Soviets in Russia, Soviet counterrevolution that invaded Ukraine during its revolution, and then again Leninist party counterrevolution that prevented any of the (few) positive aspects of the cultural revolution from blossoming into anything useful.

Vanguard parties are counter productive, and counter revolutionary. The French revolution gives us the same lesson, as the Jacobin counter-revolutionary terror (with the oh-so-popular guillotine mostly used on the poor) created the space for reactionary backlash.

The centralization of power is, therefore, a counter-revolutionary impulse. Humans being are not suited for the rule and management of others. Only a revolution that truly returns power to the people has any chance of lasting. That's why even the flawed and imperfect Kurdish revolutionaries of Rojava are sustaining the social and cultural infrastructure for revolution, while Marxists, Maoists and other authoritarian communists world-wide consistently either degrade into bandits and terrorists, or form corrupt and reactionary power-structures.

None of those states ever gave economic or political power to the working classes.

Use Gentoo, then you'll be making all the friends.

Everyone needs a libc recompilation expert in their lives.

I think it's probably safe to say that if the Russian state media says the FSB want to arrest him, then the FSB probably do want to arrest him.

Kbin supports instance blocks? Don't have that yet on Lemmy

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This is another reason why the rest of the left calls Tankies Red Fascists. So much behavior is shared.

Like the arrogant mislabeling of everything they dislike as "liberals".

I trust that they want my money

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I would rather give them a higher amount of higher-cost and more accurate weapons. I know why the US wouldn't, and why Ukraine accepts this. It's their choice in the end.

I don't think we particularly need to celebrate this though.

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The party leaders are not proletarian, but rather become part of a class of privileged bureaucrats.

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I do wish there was another way to hide posts. I don't want to upvote everything.

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Russian state associated media has confirmed it.

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[removed by reddit]

β€œIn the past, it was not uncommon for an archaeologist to find (remains) and say, β€˜OK, this individual has a sword and a shield. Therefore, he’s a man.’ Of course, deeply mistaken, because it assumes that in the past gender roles were the way we conceive them today,” GarcΓ­a SanjuΓ‘n said.

Just to put it out there, but no serious archeologist has believed this for a while.

Consider the two clearly gay women burried together in an Old Norse tomb, with their cannabis seeds and Swastika-engraved Buddha statue. The idea that male dominance and disarming of women is universal is not something anyone can believe after making a serious study of history.

Just consider the Albanian women who took up male identities to become warriors. Note that I'm still referring to them here as women since arguably these historical practices are less about trans identity and more about social positions.

We have to choose where to spend the limited material and human resources we have.

These people made their own bed. Those rescue resources were wasted on them. Don't kid yourself that poor people in a boat accident would've got a 10th of that attention.

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Exactly. I also raised my eyebrows when he recently started calling people far right lunatics.

It's pretty typical tankie behavior that we're seeing.

When you say it's bad that Stalin implemented genocidal policies such as against the Krim Tartars, Kalmykks and other ethnic groups, they come back with wHaT aBoUt aMeRiCa.

They know that both things can be bad, but they have similar incentives to right-fascists. That is to say they're liars.

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How many people died in car accidents, and from preventable disease, every day of the coverage?

I only have so many fucks to give and I'm not wasting them on some spoiled thrill seeker.

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The Russian national guard is supposed to be fairly large, and you would think that the air force can operate inside the borders of Russia (for now).

Do I think they can march on Moscow? No. But I'm also not convinced that this can be outright stopped without compromising the war.

The Cuban working class does not self-administer the economy. Although Cuba is as close so a success as Marxism can get, Fidel's policies of homophobic persecution - regardless of the fact that he regretted them - is proof positive of why authoritarian policies go wrong. Why no single person should have that level of power.

Because in spite of Castro's evident good intentions, and the otherwise high level of success that Cuba has achieved, those atrocities still happened. And because of Authoritarian policies, no-one within Cuba could opposite it while it went on without facing persecution.

Do we actually need people afraid of CLIs to host anything? Sounds like a hassle.

Their plan is to make themselves look weak and incompetent?

I very much doubt it.

I don't feel the need to go into detail, but it was an interaction in the mod discord that changed my mind.

Deciding to contribute regularly, let alone to mod a community, isn't a light decision for me. It's a lot of time and effort to spend.

So for me it doesn't take more than one interaction that feels disrespectful and dismissive to decide that my time and energy is better spent elsewhere. I've been around more than one online community and feel as if I can recognize patterns by now. That's what made me want to take my time and attention to another instance.

If the other party to that interaction wants to weigh in, that's well within their power to do.

FWIW the community response seems strongly against this dEbAtE mE bRo Scheiße.

Bans are necessary when someone wants to debate the existence of trans people (or anyone).

Honestly, could we ignore him? He's a fringe candidate with a near-zero chance of reaching nomination. What impact does he have on the race other than to act as a potential spoiler and distraction candidate?

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Hey, that's kinda fucked, since genocide is one of the worst things that can happen and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

Nothing Childish about condemning genocidal states like China.

And also going around making lunatic declaration, indifferent to the human suffering he was causing.

two clearly gay women

Or perhaps, to phrase it like a historian - roommates accidentally buried together

Tankies use "Liberal" just as the right does. Funny, that.

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And "liberal" is the Tankie go-to for "those we dislike."

Just like it is for the ring-wing fascists.

Sixteen reboots later...