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Joined 3 months ago

Ah yes. Ratings are the only thing that matter!

Except there’s only two parties and they’re both evil so I think it actually doesn’t fucking matter and what a dumb fuck thing to say.

Banning elbows not being allowed on the table and hats not being allowed indoors are also wins for me

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Never been an issue for me. The issue would be invading someone’s personal space. Maybe we just have bigger tables where I live.

Well it’s never been an issue in any space I’ve eaten in, so I think you’re wrong.

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That’s adorable. That’s also super not what happened tho.

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What a stupid fucking take. She said there were fire ants on her face. In that instance you move her. I’m not a cop, and I know this, and wouldn’t do this to someone, because I’m not a fucking moron.

I swear to god you guys who stick up for the cops don’t even think for five seconds before hungrily jamming pig cock down your throats for all to see.

Well yeah. What irritates me is that leftists aren’t asking for anything that big from Biden this time. They just want their government to stop funding and facilitating a genocide. They just want Biden to stop being wishy washy and come out definitively against this genocide, and take actions to discourage, and I can’t stress this enough, a fucking genocide.

And he’s saying “no.” And then democrats are trying to shame leftists for not voting for someone who won’t stop helping another country commit genocide.

It’s fucking insane.

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Today on zionists calling absolutely everything racism

Time to start pirating Nintendo games again

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You are part of the elite you stupid stupid fuck

I like to play Magic the Gathering. I also won’t play with randos at local game shops because more often than not they’re socially awkward, outright rude and act like 30 year old children if a game doesn’t go how they want, or they fucking reek. You can find actual normal people who play the game, but the amount of fucking weirdos way outnumbers then, to the point where going to events is not an option for me anymore.

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Can the US just leave the rest of the world the fuck alone?

This is how you smuggle foreign produce across the border

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I’ll tell you exactly why this is for me, at least. When you’re exploring a New Romantic option and that person isn’t totally sure if they are into you or not, you can say one wrong stupid thing and ruin your chances of getting with that person. Also with a crush, who usually you don’t know super well, you don’t know what things might be the wrong things to say to that person.

This is why the “don’t talk ask questions” strategy works so well for flirting. It makes you seem interested in them (and you should be) and also prevents you from fucking the whole thing up with your big stupid mouth that meant to tell a funny joke but it accidentally came out racist or some shit.

When I was a kid I worked at a full service gas station. We didn’t get lunch breaks, or any sort of breaks, and I didn’t know that’s how things were supposed to work until I became an adult and started to work construction.

This law absolutely will be used to take advantage of kids, because companies do not give one single fuck about children and kids don’t know any better.

What? Leftists know there’s inflation.

Did you do the thing where you call democrats and liberals leftists again?

They’ve been building the house for a year? What kind of house are they building where they’ve been hammering on the walls for a year?!

Also you don’t generally hammer bricks in my experience. At any rate, unless they’re building the Taj Mahal, it shouldn’t be taking that long.

Also why are they on your roof? They’re not building an addition to your house or anything. Something weirds going on sounds like to me.

Psh everyone I’ve talked to that’s seen it loved it

Rich can mean stupid. It can also mean racist. In fact it often does mean both. Western propaganda has really done a number on people if that needs to be said.

The rich are a bunch of sociopath morons, giving them as much power as they have is idiotic. It’s responsible for pretty much every bad thing that happens.

Alexander the Great was captured by pirates too. He forced them to increase his ransom because he was insulted that it was so small, and spent much of his time forcing them to listen to the poetry he wrote. Which is also hilarious IMO.

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At this point if you don’t think what’s happening in Gaza is a genocide you’re an idiot. These people should never be elected or hold any position of power ever. They’ve failed both the morality and intelligence tests in one simple issue.

I remember seeing that that’s what he’s doing now and this is like… the saddest example of injustice

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If those states allow first cousin marrying then yeah, that’s cousin fucker states.

Most of the world doesn’t live in the states man, did you think naming other states was going to offend people? You guys and all your weird hillbilly sex stuff need to get your shit together man. It’s embarrassing to see.

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Nah, I think they’ve shown they cannot be responsible with such a privilege and it should be taken from them.

The American people don’t actually get to choose.

Man that whole story just screams “loser.”

What game is this about?

Dude you’re wrong in so many different directions that I don’t even know where to begin.

Some democrats:” If you don’t want to lose then stop supporting genocide. If you help put an end to a genocide you will most likely win the next election.”

Biden: “hmmmm aaaaaah such a difficult decision what do I do here oh man this is a tough one”

I don’t know how a Zionist can look at this and justify it at any level honestly.

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Given how your party system works in America I’m wondering what you think a realistic non violent alternative would be?

Where my Shamp’s at

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Ctrlaltdel was so fucking cringe

Yeah the wasted youth I spent doing church shit weighs on me.

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I just assume everything loblaws does to be evil now.

Personally I don’t see any inherent problems with these small jumpable gates at first glance. But I’m sure there’s something sinister and evil about them and that I’m not seeing, because loblaws is literally Satan.

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My balls have definitely started sagging this year and I’m 34

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“Should the president be allowed to perform abortions” hah gottem

Diablo 4 came on game pass recently and the micro transaction content is just as bad. Like 70 bucks Canadian for a horse skin.

Hahaha right? It’s the inventors of autocomplete that he should be crediting here for this thought to make any sense.

Oh. I always get those two mixed up.

Still hilarious