What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?

The Stoned Hacker@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 278 points –

For me it's driving while under the influence. If you couldn't tell, I like me some ganja. However I have long since held the belief that it is utterly insane to drive while under the influence of most substances, with maybe nicotine and caffeine being the exception. All too often I see other stoners smoking and driving, which I simply can't fathom. I've only operated a vehicle once under the influence and it was just to move a U-Haul around the block to a different parking spot, which was such a scary experience while high that I refuse to even consider getting behind the wheel again while high.


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I like to play Magic the Gathering. I also won’t play with randos at local game shops because more often than not they’re socially awkward, outright rude and act like 30 year old children if a game doesn’t go how they want, or they fucking reek. You can find actual normal people who play the game, but the amount of fucking weirdos way outnumbers then, to the point where going to events is not an option for me anymore.

Yeah I used to play Magic and D&D. Lots of overlap there but the D&D groups are hit or miss if you get some weird people but generally everyone is chill and just wants to not die and have fun.

Magic gets crazy competitive and I can't stand walking by some people. While a lot of D&D players I've met are heavily overweight in a lot of the same ways Magic players are, it seems they're much more socially and self aware. The people at my table also were well groomed so while after 4 hours of sitting and playing while eating chips and soda there may be a bit of funk, it never really reeked.

Yeah DnD isn’t really competitive, everyone there is there to cultivate the most fun situation they can.

Although I feel like if you get into groups where they’re trying to lean to hard into the role playing aspect of the game you can meet some real fucking weirdos.

Agreed, but it depends on how they roleplay. As a DM i was very roleplay heavy and did voices for characters and tried to set the scene, but it was always lighthearted and fun. Like kobolds for instance, they always have a nasally voice and heavy lisp. I'm lucky that my groups were usually really into roleplay as well, and it was great. Some weird stuff happens ofc but it's all in the context of the game. Like when we were playing Tomb of Annihilation (i didn't DM), one of the players ended up in a relationship with one of those cat people because he was one of the turtle people and it was really really funny.

There are two reasons why I refuse to play MTG now: Wizards of the Coast is shitty and the experience of playing at my local game store.

This. I won’t play at my lgs because of this, and because I want to play, not be locked out of the game by your broke ass tier 0 $2000 deck.

Also, I don’t buy magic cards anymore because fuck WotC. I will keep and play with my existing cards with my friends. I won’t willingly give WotC another penny.

There’s ways to make some pretty convincing proxies. They say you can’t pirate magic cards, to which I respond yarr

I’m trying to get my play group to talk about proxies. I’d love to get a decent color laser printer and some card stock so we could all play some cards we could never afford, but they’re not into it. I don’t push it, I just mention it once in awhile when it’s t comes up naturally. In the end, idgaf. I’d just love to make some dumb ass commander decks by proxy.

I never understood the anti proxy mentality at just your buddies house. “Everyone spending a ton of money is part of the fun!” No, it’s not, and it makes you bad with money, and it’s incredibly controlling to demand that your friends also be bad with money because you are.

Me either. I mean, it’s only going to amp up the fun. None of us are ever gonna be able to afford a Black Lotus, but it sure as hell would be fun to proxy it.

And I made it clear I’m all for setting guidelines up for our proxying, so if they want to say, not allow the power nine, then fine. There’s still a fuckton of cards I’d love to play with that I’ll never buy.

Oh well.

For a second I was like damn this dude is talking about not smoking and driving because it made him too careful of a driver and you're driving around playing turn-based strategic card games with your friends. But then I remembered this thread wasn't about negligent driving.

Yeah no, I don’t fault you though because this post was worded weird. Most people don’t consider smoking weed as a hobby. As fun as getting fucked up is, I’d argue that you can’t label that as your hobby.

when you spend as much time getting stoned as I do and with as much care (I consider rolling joints and artform) as I do then yeah it is a hobby