1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No it's not. It's coming back as yet another subscription based garbage.

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Imagine thinking it's okay for a corporation has the right to dictate how you look and treat your body.

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You mean exist to ensure the underpaid actually get the legal minimum wage and to stop exploitive rich people from exploiting poor people?

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Magic: the gathering.

There's several different styles of play known as "formats".

The Cheapest being "Standard". Which is the latest 3-5 sets released. The deck of 75 card deck can cost upwards of £500.

Then the most popular format, modern, which is the last 20ish years of release. The average deck there can be upwards of £1,500.

Then there's legacy and vintage where decks are in the high 4 figures and some even in the 5 figures.

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Wtf is this thinking.

Open Ai wouldn't use something or someone without consent? There's a plethora of lawsuits and evidence that they did that with pretty much every medium out there.

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Kind of a shit response to such a well written reply. Most of us would use this guide likely don't already have any of this set up. Imagine spending so long setting this all up when there's a good reply that can further improve on stuff before it's in place.

I believe 90% of those "hurr durrs" were bots by Spez trying to psyops the protests and failing like the dipship that he is.

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If you donate to the devs, of course they still have to pay taxes. That's still income.

Protest and stand up to free labour cooperations.

Archive your profile on and then fuck Reddit.

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I 100% believe we should charge companies a fee for any mistakes they made that we had to spend time correcting.

I know banks do this in the UK if you complain and they're in the wront.

All companies should do this. Watch how fast they'd fix their shit when there's a fincial penny related to shit service.

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The internet has been dying and changing for the worst for a long time.

Websites trying to be a one stop all on one site that keeps you there are 90% of web traffic these days.

Having multiple bookmarks for multiple sites for individual reasons are the small user basis.

Sites like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, tik tok and YouTube etc are the majority of web useage. Gone are the days of forums for bespoke interests.

Discord as a closed ecosystem with none threaded or web searchable topics.

Ad ladden shit hole news sites. Click bait shite etc are the norm.

Gone are the days of enjoyabls fun to explore web surfing.

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Wtf is your problem copy and pasting your comment everywhere? No one keeps asking for your opinion on each comment.

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One of my favourite facts about people hating or finding "gotcha" moments to vegans/vegetarians is that most the time they don't have a clue why people are vegan or vege and miss the whole point.

If it doesn't work on mobile, set the browser to view on desktop mode.

Bots. Endless bots where you don't know if the comment or post is a real person. Sign ups need a barrier to filter out bots.

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I dislike this sentiment. Just because something is FOSS or open source, doesn't mean it's not harvesting your data or doing something nefarious.

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Final Fantasy: the spirits within.

The animation felt way ahead of its time. It's been over a decade since I watched it, but I have very fond and exciting memories of watching it.

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Oh, thought this was an article with facts and figures, no someone's doomsaying and fear mongering....

Many YouTube's third party clients don't use an API and having a public API with built in ads is a gold mine that many of YouTube's embeds rely on for revenue. Doubt they'll destroy that anytime soon.

Along with that, many of YouTube's top creators are already looking for alternatives, floatplane, nebula etc... It just takes a mass exodus to kick start them. And you bet Google is aware of that.

That's fine. Totally agree, but this (AI actors/voices etc) would just replace the celebrities with just a smaller, richer, more controlling group of capitalist fucks.

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I read a comment earlier that there has always been the same percentage of stupid people on earth. Just that the internet makes them more obvious and noticed.

Your existence and comment proves this.

Absolutely spot on reply.

Brand recognition and memory triggers is what big brand ads are about.

Cleanex, Hoover, Coke, most cologne/perfume ads, Old Spice...

Then do better. If you're a Union organiser, you should know to push the better options rather than kneel to the "WELL MOST PEOPLE DO X" BS.

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The fact you're saying you're still getting useful results on Google means you haven't used Google for the past year to me.

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Unfortunately not just that, but also similar to some potatoes, it's capitalism killing it. golden Rice and their seeds are private and must be bought by a monopoly company only.

I rarely see that,. But what I see all the time is Linux lovers being toxic fanboys trying to shove their "passion" down everyone's throat. Also, 99% of them being wrong about what it can "offer".

Its a pure superiority complex fanbase.

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Good for you knowing this before everyone else who knew! Really impressive! You're so cool!

Now stop assuming everyone has read news that you have.

Could you back instead. I can happily and confidently speak for everyone here that we'd happily keep that commentor over you.

Anyone have a non-paywalled link?

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Might be an unpopular opinion, but I despised Reddit videos...

It encouraged outrageous amounts of content theft.

Sure YouTube sucks. But stealing the content from it isn't fair on the people who worked incredibly hard to make said content. One of the beast thing about Reddit og days was discovering amazing content creators from people sharing their videos directly from the source. And no, a sticky comment or comment from the "op", sorry content theif, isn't good enough. Just sharing the god damn origin of the original source. This also goes for music, news, images, etc. But also, if you don't like being tracked, use non-tracking links or piped for YouTube etc....

Tldr, don't steal content, don't encourage stealing content. Support the content creators....... Stop being lazy with posts and doom scrolling.

Everything listed there is vertical integration meaning amazon can provide lower than market rate prices. Twitch needs to pay a webservice and hosting provider. Who do they pay? Oh.. Amazon, so now their cost of running is lower than any competitor. So much so no one can compete with them. Since subs and ad revenue is so competitive. Twitch can offer(can not do of course) better rates for streamers and also higher quality streams than over competitions.

The same is true for prime video.

Amazon.coms retail isn't the biggest issue here, it's the web service that is dominating and fronting pretty much all the costs for to even exist.

Let me frame this another way.

Google is monopolistic and kills any other competitor from competing. Thus preventing consumer choice.

Google is already one of the biggest companies in the world. I've never given them a penny in my 2 decades of service use. Yet the line goes up.

They exist because of us the consumer.

They also don't pay, let alone treat, their creators fairly. Although they are 99% the reason they exist.

Yet Google wants more because line must go up.

There are other services I pay for such as nebula, float plane, patron specifics. But not all creators can sustain that. And I doubt it I pay for YouTube that will change. Because spoiler alert. YouTube don't pay well. It's sponsors and merch that keep creators alive.

AI isn't new. Algorithms "are" ai. All apps always used it. But it's changed from algorithms to AI.

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It's sad that I was hoping for Lemmy to be a place to have a better vetting of comments by votes but its frankly worse than Reddit.

Its hive mind is sadly becoming less diverse and just up votes "LOL THIS THING BAD" with no sourcing or anything.

I've found myself sadly going back to Reddit more because the comments are just of higher quality and diversity of opinions.

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Next we'll need a study that proves gun rights increase death rates.

Total users have sky rocketed and iirc like 90% of users/people who log in to say vote, save and subscribe to communities are lurkers. Hell, I've been "lurking" since I've signed up.

Since there's such a spike in users, and prior to the Reddit death, most users were power users. I'm surprised that the active user ratio didn't decrease. (My 90% lurker figure would give a 0.1 ratio). The fact it near increased by .05 instead is wild.

Wohh there, that's a lot of claims with 0 proof.

Can yo source any of that?

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Okay? And physical stores don't? This isn't news and doesn't address your claim whatsoever? It doesn't compare spotify vs indi labels.

Discoverability, publishing, advertising, gigs etc.

I class myself as a power user, other than Galaxy Store (which is also seem mostly as bloatware) is not offered on any non-samsung phone set up.

The Amazon App Store is acceptable but also gated

Against The Storm, still in early access but very regular updates and fantastic team behind it.

Very fresh feeling take on rts/micromanagment game. Feels very unique in its game play loop.

No disgusting UI trying to make you watch other shite that is clearly a failure.

No scrolling threw pages down to just get down to the "continue watching" section.

No advert between each episode that isn't an "ad" screaming the same scene for their next original failure.

No shite algorithm recommending me the next show I'm clearly not interested in