Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 762 points –
Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers | CNN Business

Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers::Lyft and Uber threatened to stop doing business in Minneapolis after the city council adopted a new rule Thursday that would set a minimum wage for rideshare drivers.


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You mean exist to ensure the underpaid actually get the legal minimum wage and to stop exploitive rich people from exploiting poor people?

But it isn't like a lot of taxi companies didn't do the same thing to their workers.

In most parts of the US, restriction of the number of taxis came from issuing a limited number of medallions. The owners of these medallions effectively became rentseekers, renting out their medallions to drivers. The system was rife with abuse.

Part of the main issue now is that a lot of small rentseekers got taken over by two big ones.

Uber drivers don't make less money than taxi drivers. On average, they make about the same.



Uber drivers aren't "poor" lol.

Uber & Lyft drivers assume all the financial risk and responsibility for their car payment, maintenance, insurance, cleaning, health and dental insurance, etc. You’ll find that once you factor in the externalities the tech companies push into their workers, they don’t necessarily make good money at all.

So do pizza delivery drivers and they make great money.

They really don’t. When I was a pizza guy about ten years ago, after fuel & maintenance I would make the equivalent of about $12 USD per hour averaged over a month of full time work.

And one big repair like your power steering pump can ruin the whole month. It’s a great way to “use up” the last of your car before you scrap it, but really not a sustainable job.

Weird because when I was a pizza guy, I made more than I did as a teacher

Well are you factoring in the costs to the automobile like they mentioned? As they say they are a hidden cost and can be quite considerable long term as delivering pizzas adds a lot of wear and tear on a vehicle. When I delivered a LOOOONNNG time ago the costs really did sneak up on me. It was a fun job, and initially I thought it paid well - till I got a couple surprises.

Holy fuck, someone as dumb as you is teaching people? Scary.

I'm vastly smarter than you, but no longer a teacher. Pay couldn't keep up.

Well, you did go get a degree that scored you a job that pays less than a pizza driver, so I have to assume that you're actually not very smart at all. ;)

So long and thanks for the laughs. :)

Lol fuck teachers amirite?

No way they should be paid more.

Anyway I'm currently making 6 figures. What do you make?

Seven figures. Ooops.

At the risk of embarrassing you further, "6 figures" is grammatically poor. "six figures" would be the correct option.

I feel sorry for anyone you ever taught. Dumbass.

Lmao maybe I'll hire you some day when you graduate.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Ah yes, pizza delivery drivers are well known to be among the highest income earners. Up there with doctors, I believe.

Good time to remind everyone doctors are overpaid due to artificial scarcity, because the ADA lobbies Congress to artificially limit the number of residencies, to keep supply of doctors low

And I didn't say pizza drivers were rich, I said they make a good living. They do.

I made about $20/hr as a delivery driver, take-home, which put me above both what I made as a teacher (roughly 14/hr) and my next 2 jobs (e-learning developer, salesperson -16/18 respectively).

Then why would the company be against paying minimum wage?

Because it's a custom minimum wage that only their companies have to pay, set arbitrarily to make shit like taxis more competitive.

Yellow Cab fucking admitted in NYC that they only pushed the "Uber drivers make lower wages" rhetoric because they couldn't compete, when in fact Uber drivers make what taxi drivers make.

So now Uber just contracts out taxis, and gets their money anyway

But at least people have to pay more for rides.

How the hell does a minimum wage make taxis more competitive? That doesn't make any sense. If uber drivers already make more than the minimum wage then a minimum wage would have no effect on that.

You should read the article, because it's only a set minimum for those two companies, not a general min wage.

I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I am in Portland and Uber & Lyft are so popular here that the cabs here mostly do medical transport for non-emergency situations. I use to be a dispatcher here for several years. All cabs did were go to various hospitals and doctor offices.

People here really, really do not like their beliefs challenged by reality

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