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Joined 1 years ago

The problem I have with this narrative isn't who dropped the bomb. Tbh they're probably right it was a Palestinian missile. It's the sheer audacity for all these western countries to be shocked and say let's figure this out, as Israel just dropped like 6000 bombs in 6 days. They're worried about one bomb but not the 6000 others, cause ya know, those were killing only Hamas and not injured people in a hospital /s.

While the Muslim world looks on in horror at more bombing in a conflict that has been going on for decades, the western world is focused on insignificant details. Who carried out what attack. Who dropped what bomb. Which act is more morally reprehensible. None of this solves the problem of a displaced people. Only the US can pressure Israel to accept a two state solution. That's the only peaceful solution possible for this conflict imo. The other solution is to wipe out Gaza and the West Bank and everyday we're getting closer to that.

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We're watching idly as Israel continues it's horrific genocide.

I've been watching countless videos of unarmed civilians being shot and killed. Children running away and being shot. Mothers walking their children being sniped. Empty university buildings being filled with explosives and blown up. Hospitals being bombed and people being sniped through windows. There's basically no doubt left in my mind that the Israeli military and by extension the government are terrorist forces. In fact them killing more people than Hamas ever killed makes them the biggest terrorists in the region.

The only thing that can end this war is Americans flipping support and to stop obstructing the UN security resolutions. Unfortunately Genocide Joe is probably not watching the same news we all are.

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"As a defense measure, the researchers recommend that users use the ten-finger system when typing. In this case, the recognition rate of individual keys dropped significantly."

Lmao. If you know how to type, then it doesn't work.

This system also depends on the AI being trained on a particular keyboard. It's probably not gonna work if you use a non MacBook computer.

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The sad truth is all their media has become pro Israeli. They never even see or hear about the Palestinians plight. They just keep replaying the same crap from Oct 7.

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Not true. Most products aren't the cost of the materials. There are a lot of included expenses in the price of a product like the cost of labor. They're also not the same cars.

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I uninstalled the YouTube app on my phone a long time ago. I only visit the site in an ad blocking browser.

Israel, the country that has been in a perpetual state of war for the last 70 years with its own people and neighbors suddenly wanting peace? I don't see it. This has always been how netanyahu operates.

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It's such a shame to see how Google use to be to the giant corporate money sucking shit pile it has become.

Great to see the world has some people of conscience.

It has been the same way for many years. I remember that's why people started world politicssub but that was taken over or something. Most of reddit has become a breeding ground for hate filled Americans and Israelis who think there is no higher calling in the world but to kill terrorists and any amount of collateral damage is acceptable. Of course every definition of terrorists also applies to Israel but they don't see the irony of that.

Honestly the UN is useless. It's funny cause the organization before was also useless. You can't have a global organization with a few countries holding all the cards.

It's only good for WHO, UNESCO, and UNHCR.

I'm reminded of when Voat was gonna replace Reddit. I'm still skeptical we'll get a lot more users migrating since things over there seem to have stabilized. But this is an exciting time for Lemmy to try some new things and fix what was broken with reddit.

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Funny thing is it's not like they were losing money.

Vivaldi is nice. I don't just it but I've tried it.

Honestly, I still use opera as my daily driver on Android. I just like the UI, especially the dark mode reader colors. But I've also tried most other browsers. Firefox is janky on some sites. Vivaldi is pretty good. I could probably switch.

Empty words.

I got tired of trying to install revanced. Just uninstalled YouTube completely and open everything in my opera browser. Blocks ads does the same job.

That's the thing. You'd think America would have learned that you can't bomb people into peace. But here they're still supporting Israel which is doing the same thing.

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It really has to be a question of what your end goal is. If the end goal is eliminating Hamas which is embedded in the civilian population, then the only thing you can do is to kill all 2 million people. I'm hoping that's not a real option. Killing some will just give Hamas the ability to come back.

If your end goal is peace then you have to negotiate. Hamas has to release hostages and disband. In exchange the Palestinian Authority would rule over Gaza in a two state peace process. I think the only legitimate solution that both sides would accept is a two state solution at this point. Palestinians want their 1967 borders back and Israel refuses to do that..that's the heart of this issue. Israel right now can forcefully take the entire region with the western world's backing, so they see no reason to negotiate. The only way this could ever happen is if other countries twisted Israel's arm and forced it to negotiate. I.e. sanctions or blockade until a peaceful solution is agreed upon. This is highly idealistic and will never happen though.

Thank you for changing topics and avoiding the main topic. Killing civilians is wrong. Hope you have a good day.

Not really. If someone decided to build an ethnostate in your home and you weren't invited, but millions of people from around the world were, to our wouldn't try to resist? You wouldn't fight back as they took your property?

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I think it goes without saying that if you want to protect your domestic market, that having trade restrictions and tariffs is essential. Especially if you have higher labour and environmental standards. So I do support Tusk in that matter. I still think he's a twat though.

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