Pentagon independently concluded Islamic Jihad responsible for hospital blast to World – 400 points –
Pentagon independently concluded Islamic Jihad responsible for hospital blast

President Joe Biden was asked by a reporter in Israel on Wednesday what made him confident that the Israelis weren't behind the explosion that killed hundreds at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.

Biden responded that it was "the data I was shown by my Defense Department."

Two U.S. officials told ABC News the Pentagon independently concluded the Gaza hospital blast was likely caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short of its target.


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The problem I have with this narrative isn't who dropped the bomb. Tbh they're probably right it was a Palestinian missile. It's the sheer audacity for all these western countries to be shocked and say let's figure this out, as Israel just dropped like 6000 bombs in 6 days. They're worried about one bomb but not the 6000 others, cause ya know, those were killing only Hamas and not injured people in a hospital /s.

While the Muslim world looks on in horror at more bombing in a conflict that has been going on for decades, the western world is focused on insignificant details. Who carried out what attack. Who dropped what bomb. Which act is more morally reprehensible. None of this solves the problem of a displaced people. Only the US can pressure Israel to accept a two state solution. That's the only peaceful solution possible for this conflict imo. The other solution is to wipe out Gaza and the West Bank and everyday we're getting closer to that.

The western world is focused on insignificant details. Who carried out what attack. Who dropped what bomb. Which act is more morally reprehensible. None of this solves the problem of a displaced people

Misinformation on the scale of "a building was destroyed that clearly is still intact" deserves focus. If they'll lie about shit that can be confirmed with a tiny bit of research, what else is getting exaggerated?

I don't know, most of the papers in the UK led with a front page item on how Israel had killed 500 people by bombing a hospital. So if that wasn't actually true, it's quite important.

I doubt that Rishi Sunak speak correctly.

This is the most global headline nơw.

If you have a little deep heart inside, you can think twice. See what difference between two sides. Who is support Israel, the world's most powerful militaries that every country don't want take risk to war with. Then, who is support Palestine. There is many country but still behind.

The latest statistics on the Israel-Palestine conflict as of October 19, 2023, are as follows:

Gaza: Killed: At least 3,478 Injured: Over 12,065 Occupied West Bank: Killed: At least 69 Injured: More than 1,300 Israel: Killed: At least 1,403 Injured: At least 3,800

These figures have been reported by the Palestinian health ministry, Palestine Red Crescent Society, and Israeli Medical Services. Please note that these numbers are subject to change as the situation evolves.

And what the trembling moments 1 child killed in Gaza every hour. Precisely more than that. 😥

When 12 of The Council drafted a statement calling for a ceasefire on Wednesday, but the statement was vetoed by the US. WHAT THE F***

Millions of lives hang in the balance, including the 2.3 million civilians half of whom are children in Gaza civilians in Israel, and Jews and Muslims around the world.

I can write more but let just world knows who is the really war criminal.

You don't have to be Muslim to support Palestine 🇵🇸 ... you just have to be HUMAN ... 😥

what can third parties do to reduce or eliminate Hamas's hold on Palestine?

I'm all for Palestinian rights, and the constant encroachment of fundamentalist settlements is a war crime that went unpunished for Israel - but Hamas's charter is explicit, there's no middle ground or two state solution, just the destruction of Israel.

So how can third parties help the Palestinians in the one way that would make a significant difference in their QOL and interactions with Israel?

Honest question.

stop funding Israel?

so make Israel an easier target for the many countries that agree with Hamas and think it should be destroyed?

pfft. did you even read the question? How the fuck does that stop Hamas, if anything it would embolden them. How does that help Palestinians wanting a future without a genocidal fuckwit club running their country?

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You're not going to get any magical solution because Israel is a country founded on stolen land by entitled religious extremists. People always leave that part out when they talk about this situation.

You’re not going to get any magical solution

and yet they all believe in their invisible friends and holy books so much.... ironic that.

Israel is a country founded on stolen land by entitled religious extremists. People always leave that part out when they talk about this situation.

funny how you're leaving out the near extermination of their people and world recognition of their state, kinda glossing over most of history even. guess you decided to leave those parts out too. It's almost as if both sides are completely full of shit.


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You also can support Palestinian people and genuinely want their liberation, but have zero love for Hamas or IJ.

Okay well I'm not sure what most of this says, and I know better than to engage in Israel-Palestine discourse online.

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A two-state-solution doesn't work in part because extremist Muslim groups want the are to be purely Muslim. They would continue to attack Israel with terror tactics, Like they did from the start. What is your solution to that?

Swap Muslim with Jewish and Israel with Palestine and it's the same problem... to be clear I think both are true but it's kinda weird to single one out.

I single them out because the extremist Muslim groups on Palestinian side have openly admitted, repeatedly, that the goal ist to exterminate all Jews from the area and make it a pure Muslim country.

If you have some sources that show the same was said from Israeli side about Palestine, please show me. Because what I see in this conflict is not as simple as people like to make it out to be. It's not just evil colonizers trying to snag land from a victim country that wants a two-state-solution.

Yeah, the people of Palestine haven't exactly been pushing for a two state solution and they back/vote in groups that want to exterminate the jews and enforce Sharia law wherever they can.

Even if Israel wanted a two state solution they're not going to get it. Not until Palestinians can come up with a functional government that isn't made up of a group that has genocide as one of their stated political goals.

And I mean actual genocide, the attempt to end a genetic lineage through violence, not the "genocide" of lemmy which essentially just means "cultural disruption/assimilation", a widening of definition that allows them to pretend that it's equal on both sides cause "they're both committing genocide!"

Sorry man, it's not a "Lemmy" definition, that's literally a type of genocide as defined by the UN.

If the word you choose to describe forced cultural assimilation and mass slaughter for the intended purpose of annihilating an entire group of people based on their race are the same, your definition is useless.

That's like calling a playground fight between kids attempted murder, it makes the word worthless when you water it down to mean any violence at all.

Yes, the definition is vague:

genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  • Killing members of the group;
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

It hinges on "intent", which needs to be inferred and interpreted. It includes terms like "in whole or in part", and does not specify how many "members of the group" are the lower limit.

However, the main point of R0cket_M00se still stands. There is a significant width in the spectrum of acts and intents which can be classified as genocide, with Hamas proudly on the upper end.

It's kind of funny to me listening to people who advocate for separate states. I mean, sure, do it. But don't expect that to stop religious zealots from firing peace rockets at each other.

It won't stop anything, a two state solution is a joke.

The best case scenario now is for Palestinians to assimilate into other Muslim countries, it's not ideal but it's probably the way fewest people will die.

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There isn't a solution and just to be clear proto Israelis take part in a civilian bombing campaign inside of mandatory Palestine because they also do not believe any other religion should exist.

If you're going to paint a picture don't just throw shade at one when both deserve it.

How do you explain 20 % of Israel citizens being Palestinian, when Israel supposedly want Palestinians to not exist?

Concessions for image, apparently it's fairly effective given your response.

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The reason for the focus is that it was deliberately being used in a disinformation campaign. Were that not the case, I think you're right that it would have faded into the background noise as just one bomb among 6000 others.

Part of the problem is that Hamas won't accept a two state solution, either. The people in power on both sides have made it clear that they want the other eradicated. If Hamas and the Israeli government were to disappear then maybe that could happen, but even then there is so much deep rooted hatred amongst those populations for them to realistically live in relative peace while being in such close proximity to each other.

I don't honestly know of a great solution besides Israel replacing their government, and the ultra nationalistic conservative half of the Gaza strip moving out, or vice versa.

I like your take. Most actors involved in this conflict have tunnel vision and that will only lead to more violence.

Even some victims of Hamas' violence are calling on TV for reflection instead of seeking revenge. Revenge only feeds a never-ending cycle of violence with no end in sight. Israel's Government will have to own up to having allowed/encouraged Hamas with the single purpose of derailing two-state efforts and that has failed horribly.

People "fighting for their homeland" rarely just give up. And you've got two sides who earnestly believe they're doing just that.

There's no peace here. Northern Ireland managed it, but the body counts and level of violence aren't even remotely comparable. It took Israel and Palestine about a week to blow through what The Troubles took 40 years to kill.

Each time it kicks off we in the West wonder how we could solve it. We can't. It's not our problem to fix. We certainly had a hand in making it but it's an impossible tangle of blood, bodies and beliefs that nobody can undo.

The world's media looks on but we're mostly just rubbernecking. Few of us have any skin in the game. Takes our mind off our own shit countries I suppose.

There is no two sides. One foreign people wanted another people's land, and they used some past ancestry / religious fanaticism / racism to commit atrocities in the process of stealing the land.

Burying the Nakba: How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs

Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in '48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew

When former IDF soldiers and Holocaust survivors take a firm anti-Zionist stance, it's probably because the Zionist side is shit.

Breaking the Silence is also an Israeli organization composed of IDF veterans giving testimonies such as the IDF using ambulances to conceal combatants or using human shields.

You will not achieve peace by totally dismissing one party at the table. You have not proposed any solutions or even a path to a solution.

You have only encouraged more violence by pointing fingers.

Even now, my brain won't ever wrap its head around modern countries like Ireland and N. Ireland feeling the need for things like "peace walls" between neighbors.

Your comment sums up a lot of my feelings: a true peace can't be forced from the outside. It's way too complicated and emotional for simplistic shit. And you can see it in the comments around here too. Everyone's wrapped up in intense anger, blame, and reciting the litany of past horrors as justification for new ones.

In fairness, most of the people in Gaza have been born and raised in an era where the strip is their homeland. They've never experienced a settlement, they've been ruled by Palestinians their whole lives and the borders were the same as the 1967 ones.

Yeah it's so fair that they get to live in an open air prison that's been under blockade for 20 years. You make it sound like Gaza is a functioning country.

An objectively ineffective blockade based on the amount of rocket fire coming out of Gaza.

Also worth saying that the two sides in Northern Ireland, although originally sundered on the basis of sectarian religion, still shared a suite of cultural commonalities inasmuch as they were all basically from Ireland and the British Isles and had similarly bad teeth, cock-eyed inbred ugliness together with a generalized dislike of anyone perceived as an outsider, but.

Or, you know, a solution that isn't imposed by western colonialists, maybe? But by the sovereign people that inhabit the region?

Otherwise, I agree with everything you said.

It really doesn't matter what you call them or how you feel about it, Israel is in the position to call the shots and the US is their most influential ally on this. Israel isn't going to magically go the peaceful route without external pressure, and you have to be fucking joking to think they care what Palestinians care.

what makes you think anything would change if nobody did anything? of course there needs to be an external pressure to change something about the situation. otherwise israel will just keep on decimating palestine population and it will end with a singular state. is that what you want?

I added an Al Jazeera video argument of a single state. It is not a defense of the zionist fundamentalist terrorists state.

It's a defense of a multi ethnic state, run by the people for the people.

If nobody did anything maybe in 50 years the social indexes may improve by collective work of the people that live there, and know the right priorities, like Vietnam is recovering after the US simply stopped bombing the shit out of that land.

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