
10 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 9 months ago


Reddit was awesome. It's sad what became of it. Jumped ships that took me to Lemmy-kbin Land!

I love games, gamification and chat roleplaying, socializing with people, volunteering, different lists and difficult topics!

...until the evening comes. I hope you do have...precautions for that?

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I bought a cat game where you need to find and click 100 of them! They had cute noises and every single cat was named!

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Isn't it that building/strategy game where beavers have evolved and build cities? Saw it in Steam.

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I think the only ads I see at home are Steam and my trash email.

One of my friend has YouTube in his TV that pumps ads, another friend watches the old-fashioned TV that also pumps ads, shopping malls have audio and visual ads, bus and train stations have ads...so I guess the last time I saw an ad was 7 hours ago or so.

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I haven't tested these, but for ideation:

  • Use the worst weapon/tool/car through the game
  • Do not use stat points through the game
  • Only stealth
  • Only guns blazing
  • Sleep when it's night (unless you're a night owl but then sleep during the day)
  • Do chores in the game that a human needs to do in real life (spend time in the bathroom, pretend to shower, take a walk outside etc)
  • Choose, do you handle the character's movement or attacking. A friend/spouse does the other option
  • Take off some extra brightness
  • No potions/boosters/upgrades
  • No fast traveling
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Gotta check the battery info from a respectable seller.

Mine had a guarantee of 90% of the battery function...was it compared to a new, unused phone of itself (can't remember). I don't remember how good my previous phone's battery was in the beginning, or any before that, but this current phone had an awesome battery life! (I try to keep the battery between 20-80% to give the battery more life)

So only shorts are delivered? Who not "normal" videos as well/instead?

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I would probably think about the things I enjoy doing by myself. Then, little by little, trying to add space for that someone to do that same thing with you. Then learning, what hobby/activity works OK, fine or even very well while socializing with someone and what doesn't, and how much time you can actually give for someone before you get (close to) exhausting yourself. And forgetting to keep in touch through messages cos that's not gonna work out for you but rather giving a call to that someone when you feel like meeting up, face to face.

Then it's down to more experimenting, of what you can do, they can do, you together, how often, and if you guys become something bigger, then delve into that matter slowly. Talking is the key here, so both get chances to learn something out of yourself and the other.

I don't think it's a good idea for you to go too far out of your comfort zone. I believe that little steps just out of that circle can train you and teach you something valuable, and going too far just gets you burned or broken down, needing lots of time to regain your energy. Choose your own pace, choose ways to try out new things and explain to that someone, how your brain works so they can decide, is it worth it to start with you. If it's not, keep trying until someone thinks it is.


Good that you beat the Great Filter of oil production (I think trains might be around or after researching that?)! Many of us find introducing oil...demoralizing playing motivation (did for me unfortunately!) 😅

Maybe the devs love keeping answering same questions over Discord? =D

Poop flavored chocolate.

Chances are, it would be more healthy (unless deliberately using poop itself as an ingredient).

I think Win10 already is everything what I need.

I have gotten a small feel of 11 from my girlfriend's laptop - it feels alright.

But I think I won't have reasons to upgrade. I haven't studied 11 at all so I don't even know am I missing something lol

I wanted to tell about the game while not making it too beneficial for me 🙂

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Money?? I've never seen that happen, at least not on the computer browser. This is the first time I hear about this.

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I recall a study about kids under a specific age that cannot get scared of looking at pictures of demons and other horror stuff because they don't know yet what your everyday default person looks like.

So I'd argue that even people need to get accustomed to a thing before they could recognise or have an opinion about anything.

Oof. My sister did this in GTA. It was sooooo frustrating to watch at! 😂

So the fox is confused and fighting its own survival through battling its foe?

This is Halloween, This is Halloween...everyone hail to the pumpkin song!

Is most of the lyrics I recall of the first song that comes to my mind.

I don't remember did I do anything else than lurk when I initially created my account in Reddit.

I was more active before I stopped creating stuff (and shortened my time of interacting with) in Reddit, and that activity level carried in here.

However, since I think that Lemmy is a smaller place than Reddit and I really want this "seems-better" system to take off, I am trying to contribute some extra resources of mine here to help the cause! (I think Lemmy is the only social media I use)

I trust in the Golden Rule, and my behavior within carries me to victory!

I trust that the Golden Rule will be "enough the same" - compared to the given rules here - so that I will not break any rules!

Stuff I advertise to people are mostly free to use 🤔

I started in Kbin. I think that the activity level was smaller in there, which made me swap. Another reason was that Lemmy feels nicer to use (I like its looks more and I found a neat app on the phone to use it. Didn't find an app for Kbin).

Buying a (premium) service to get rid of something awful requires effort and resources.
Do you have the money? Do you get enough kicks out of the money you would be spending? Do you know the pros and cons of subscribing/going in a service (what will they provide for the money spent?)? Do you want to support the service - even so far to provide them money? You need to provide additional data of yourself to make the purchase and may even need to learn how to do it - are you ready for that?

Getting an (ad-blocking) extension to a browser to get rid of something awful requires effort and resources.
Do you know how to start using extensions in browsers and what to do if you need to troubleshoot them? Is it free (are paid extensions even a thing? I don't recall seeing one)? Can you support someone you would want to support with a ad-blocker (some decent folks who make good content may be in need of the money they get from ads, but then again, there's a chance you can send them money through other means)? Are you supporting a service that has an built-in feature that annoys you (in this case, providing ads for the users to see), endorsing such behavior (even more) even though you cannot see those ads yourself?

Both options may require research. Both options are influenced by other people and by their opinions. Both options have their pros and cons. Both options have consequences.


I don't buy any subscriptions. I wouldn't have the money for that and I have bad experiences of them.
I can support someone with a grateful comment or sharing their content to others.
I myself stick with the ad-blocking services.

But don't let me influence you with what/how I do it 😉 Make up yer own mind and act accordingly.

I don't remember when I watched the telly at home previously. Most of my entertainment are games and then some YouTube and movies not so often (lurking in friend's online streaming services or googling "watch x for free").

Stopped watching the television when too many ads erupted even between the movies that were my last interest in this service.

Most of my telly shows I see nowadays are at a friend's place, and I'm every time annoyed about the amount of ads.

Also repairing clothing with thread and a needle

I haven't tried but -

I once asked what would be a real life equivalent of those small chores you find in video games that earn you a little gold.
Someone answered that driving people around.

I've heard that it's easier to grow in power or money when you don't consider ethical questions while rising above others (as long as you either follow laws or don't get caught while not following them).

And since humans seem to be an animal that corrupts easily (especially when given enough power/money)...

Makes me wonder - when do I corrupt? How? And if/when I will, will I even notice it myself?

It seems that this decentralized style starts to be a new trend?

First this Fediverse/Lemmy I heard about. Then The Matrix (messaging platform). And now these Mastodon & WreMin.

Well, if that prevents or slows down the corrupted law of enshittification, then I'm approving it!

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And the whole area inside is filled with torches?

I've noticed that sometimes he gets very close quickly but then drifts away to other questions that seem less relevant. But I don't mind this myself.
The excitement stays, whether he will guess what I think about or not - I don't mind answering 60 questions or even 100.

Care to clarify what is objectively bad? Like, an example

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I'd say if you cannot find content that interests you, go ahead and create content what you'd like to see here!

I feel like I have created more posts here under one month than ever at Reddit. I'm still a bit sad about the fact that there's much potentiality to some communities here in Fediverse that seem dead, so I try to kick them around a little with my own posts and see, do they start running also without me a bit later.

I don't have that much to post about but I try to come up with stuff once in a while! (I still wonder, is it OK to grab material from Reddit and copy-paste it in here. I asked about it in here but I didn't get any replies.)

It's cool to be able to chill in a game as well! So many other answers involve either dying or killing 😂

Woke up to make coffee and breakfast to my girlfriend, and to pack my stuff up after a weekend stay. Left her place with her, escorting her to work. Continued the trip to my own home. Checking on Lemmy, maybe taking a nap at some point.

We don't have dance practices today and I couldn't bring any people outside that community so I could teach them, which is sad. Gotta wait up until Saturday's ball then!

I might go and fetch the keys to the "club room" of our apartment house if one person isn't coming to visit me today so I could kickstart our communal activities indoors as well!

So, lots of fun stuffs done and will be!

There's someone for everybody. Sometimes you need to look hard and long, sometimes it takes a chance to just walk on you by surprise. A good attitude and an open mind helps a lot in this stuff. It took maybe 200-400 different dating profiles for me to go through before I got lucky myself. Been happily with her for more than a year now.

Some folks enjoy reading articles. Some folks enjoy to watch, listen and read (captions) at the same time. Some folks rather ask around and learn through conversations.

I've understood that it's generally easier to learn new things when you use many different channels (audio, imagery etc). To many people but not to all.

Then, after the mission is done, you'll keep a memorial for this brave Korok? Or do they live there in a new home?

Bought my first second-hand phone about a year ago! A Samsung one.

Bought it from a finnish phone store. My guess would be - someone ditched their phone after the screen broke and they fixed it and put it to sell. It was 100-150€ (before I bought new phones for 600+€) Its tech was much better than my previous phone's, including the battery life 😂

The only problem I have been experiencing is some touch screen problems - it's almost as if a ghost starts to use my phone once in a while when I activate the screen. Usually closing and reopening the screen makes it go away. New updates might also affect positively/negatively on this challenge. But I'm still happy with my phone!

I come to think about ajph (arousal jumps per hour) 🤔

That was a fun game, in the way of making many different materials!