You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? to – 198 points –

(Idea taken from a similar post I saw in Reddit a longer time ago)

I would probably get a knife in my ribs before I notice anything and be left to lie in the street 😅


I am god of the beavers.

Isn't it that building/strategy game where beavers have evolved and build cities? Saw it in Steam.

Yep, Timberborn.

You like it? I’ve been tempted to pick it up.

I think it's great but it can be a little slow. If you're into laid back city builders, it's a great twist on the genre.

I'd be hanging out in my nice Minecraft city my friends and I are building. Honestly wouldn't be too bad

...until the evening comes. I hope you do have...precautions for that?

We have inner and outer walls encircling the city and raised rail lines passing between major points of interest. I'd be prepared!

And the whole area inside is filled with torches?

Honestly not much to worry about in Minecraft. Just go to bed at a reasonable hour and live a great life. It's man's ambition that is his folly.

Do I get to keep my castle? Because if I do, I'm pretty set.

Odds are that I get run over by a train shortly after. Also the factory must grow.


Good that you beat the Great Filter of oil production (I think trains might be around or after researching that?)! Many of us find introducing oil...demoralizing playing motivation (did for me unfortunately!) 😅

Valheim, so probably killed by a falling tree.

100% death by tree. Specifically one that I wasn't chopping in the first place.

If my regular Apex Legends experience applies, I've got about 30 seconds to live and no hope of my teammates reviving me.

I'm playing golf?

How unlikely! How fortunate I took so long to play Golf Story!

It's cool to be able to chill in a game as well! So many other answers involve either dying or killing 😂

Aw man, I love Golf Story. Such a fun little game, and way more accessible than a lot of other golf games.

It's animal crossing. I eat some fruit and then forget and hit a rock and break it.

Animal crossing certainly isn't the worst one to be stuck in but the limited nature of it quickly becomes apparent since you can't really ever leave the island (you can visit other islands, but you can't move there and you also can't visit the mainland).

Nah mate, the goal of life is to laze away on an island with your friends eating fruit and building shit together. Why would I ever want to leave?

Sometimes you might want some variety, like you might want to go on vacation to some exotic places.

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WH40K: Darktide. In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium I am so F-ed in the A.

We have a grim, and painful life to look forward to. At least it will be brief so there's that.

So you rather die grinding in the factories, in prison, as emperor-corpse food or horribly in battle? Tough choice.

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I spend three years locked in a tiny capsule and then die because the engineers forgot to add parachutes.

For me, the issue is not parachutes. It's always forgetting to add antennae for communication

Aww man! Not the best experience to have before death!

Hang out with a bunch of cool dudes, do some diving, make some sushi.

Sounds pretty ideal.

Rimwold. I'll be dying from an infection caused by a chinchilla's bite.

I'd look pretty out of place as an overweight 43 year old man playing in the Women's World Cup.

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Caves of Qud. Guess I'm a farmer now. The world is very dangerous.

Stuck in the liminal space of THPS 1 and 2. Skateboarding forever. Alone.

Except for a few random voiceless NPCs that will stand, forever cheering, at the wayside.

My minecraft mod pack so id basically be the god that created that universe.

I'd be living in the slums in Night City and have a higher quality of life than anyone I know in real life

Until some person with too many implants goes psycho and rips you apart as you walk down the street.

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I would go bowling with my cousin.

Oh wait, I forgot I played the RoboCop demo. Uh oh...

Note: The fact I forgot about playing it probably doesn't speak well for my enjoyment of the game.

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I die. Just like I do in CS2. Shouldn't have started again, I'm just too old for this shit.

I go and live a peaceful life in Kakariko Village

Shitty time to have dusted off plants vs zombies. Guess me and crazy Dave are buds now. If you need me, I'll be rummaging through the kitchen cabinets looking for a helmet!

Brain damage (rocket league).

Does D&D count? I could probably have a decent time finding some magic item and then just using it in daily life.


I'm either getting killed by Nurgle cultists, or by the Inquisition for being weird and knowing heretical words like "Democracy" and "Human Rights".

I die of heart attack, bleeding, poison and disease simultaneously near the entrance to the Darkest Dungeon

I guess I'm now stuck in the digital world with my companions that consist of a pile of sentient poop and a Dinosaur that can breath fire and talk. Both of which will experience the cycle of life, death, and re-incarnation roughly every few weeks.

I will chill in the idealistic socialist town and happily eat the freshly grown meat straight off the vine that the living plant monster gives out to everyone for free daily

In the world as myself or as my character?

If as myself, i'll try to stay away from the US portion of Earth. They get attacked a lot. If as my character, I guess i'll just have to make a Captain's Log noting this strange phenomenon before giving the order to warp towards my next mission for Starfleet.

Life in Star Trek is easier than most, if you're in the right place.

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Eorzea isn't the worst fantasy world to be isekai'd into. I'd just set up in one of the capitals and try not to die

As long as you don't give into despair, everything will be fine!

I continue to press the buttons I'm told to, over and over again. Not much has changed.

I'll need to build shelter , gather food, add defense and make a dam table to eat off of because we just crash landed on a planet and survived, but eating without a table is what sets me off!!

I don't think anything changes as I've played Dirt Rally 2.0. Maybe I'll just die in a car crash.

Good thing it's not the game I played second last... noita.

It's (an) Earth, mid 18th century. Mega-Ghana is the world's leading great power, having crusaded both Christianity and Islam more or less out of existence centuries ago. The place that I actually live in real life was just conquered by England, although this problem is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the (Visigothic) king of Spain invaded England and renamed it to "Nouveau France" several centuries ago. Such is the nature of a multiplayer Paradox megacampaign

Peglin? I can throw stones pretty well, but not sure I can do much against sentient walls

I’d be piloting a ship around the Milky Way fueling my hoarding addiction with theft and murder

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I design a one-way mission to the moon. It's a complex, 3-stage rocket designed to take 1 passenger as the payload. Our brave passenger is a Korok.

Then, after the mission is done, you'll keep a memorial for this brave Korok? Or do they live there in a new home?

I'm in the Star Trek universe! Post scarcity and a chance to understand the mysteries of the universe and live twice as long? Sign me up.

My cousin calls and asks if I want to go bowling.

Would be weird since my cousin is dead

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Witcher 3, Velen. I'm immediately killed by a bandit or a Drowner.

i teleport to the world of Deep Rock Galactic.

If im in the inner colonies, im probobly fine. If im part of the DRG crew, im screwed.

Deep Rock Galactic, after playing around with the grapple I would fall to the ground and die.

Judging by what the people in this world are saying, being rolled up into a giant ball and lobbed into space isn't as bad as it sounds.

Get I teleported into the game as the hero? Then I have to mine for a while, find a strange artefact, have a seizure and then fly off into space with a helpful robot.. were I will most likely die due to space pirates a I have no idea how to pilot a spaceship for real.

As a player character.

Doesn't need to be a hero, since in some games you are a villain.

I’m in feudal Japan during a civil war. I don’t speak any Japanese other than the lyrics to Mr. Roboto and I’m a foreigner. I’m probably dead.

(Shadow Tactics)

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Technically I'd be in Night City, but for the first few hours surrounded by homelessness and decay I'd likely be trying to figure out how I got to San Francisco again...

Haha damn I'd be in Night City. I'd probably be getting mugged by some gangoons.

I'd be deciding whether or not to start journey 3 or riding torrent around finishing things I didn't do. I can do whatever I want as Elden lord

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The factory must grow. I need to figure out how to use the Logistics Train Network mod and build a new oil processing facility.

Pros: I'd only have to solve puzzles, then defeat an AI god at puzzles in order to be born into the real world and become effectively immortal so long as I keep up maintenance on my robo-bod. It's easier than it sounds.

Cons: Most human media is lost to time. I would be alone except for the fellow robots I wake up, and a lot of them are apparently annoying. The work of restoring civilization rests entirely on my shoulders. Luckily, I'm immortal.

Oh, thanks for the reminder that this just came out! Been looking forward to the sequel

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Which game?

Sounds like The Talos Principle. Great puzzle game that comes close to scratching the Portal itch.

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Depending on where in the game I end up: realize I'm basically already dead, shotgun a bottle of bleach and die, or try to survive for a while, get bitten, drink bleach and die. Or just get eaten alive, or get food poisoning, or a cold, and die.


I'll go ask Dutch if I make negative amount of money if I'm supposed to take 50% from the camp funds

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Why is everything square!?

Wtf is with all these zombies and skeletons at night? Why is that green guy running at me? Does... does he not have arms? Are those... four legs? What is going on here?


I'm fucked - Dead Cells.

Some asshole chases me all around the map shooting rockets at me over and over again from a fucking flying motorcycle monstrosity.

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I would get killed by a Worm with a Bazooka, unless it's my turn first and I manage to kill it before it kills me.

Get eaten by giant sea abomination if I don't drown trying to collect metals

Prince of Persia Warrior Within.

Hmm. If I'm on the island of time I'm royally screwed but living in some random town is okay I guess. Could be worse.

I find myself on a large, nice, and green felt. As I stand up, I see a stack of cards in the distance. Next to it are seven spreads of cards, each with the top card face up...

I like to think that I'd join a pirate crew and go on adventures, but more likely I'd be a hobo on some street on a Caribbean island. Could be worse.

I would tame a gecko and ride it into battle. Or get ganked by a bunch of wasps, could go either way.

Since it has been confirmed that all the characters in Smash are toys, and the human playing with them are the hands, does that make me a hand?

I would be the lone human in Deep Rock Galactic. Hopefully I would be transported into the Rig and drink some beers because if I ended up on Hoxxes I'm pretty sure I would be glyphid food.

You won't be alone. ROCK AND STONE!

Well join me for a flintlocke's delight followed quickly by a wormhole special to see where we fly.

Faerûn. I'd probably fail to see a trap and die.

But in my defence, those are invisible until I roll a high enough number on a dice.

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I'd probably either get killed by a nosalis or forget to change my mask filter. Greetings from Metro: Last Light!

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Just living my daily life until other civilization besieges and bombard my city.

Press F for all those swimming around Planet 4546B

Multiple leviathan-class lifeforms detected. Are you sure whatever you are doing is worth it?

Considering I'm guaranteed to eventually get viciously eaten by a horde of zombies with no hope of survival, I think I'll just end it myself.

Project zomboid ?

Now that I think about it, my answer easily could have been any number of zombie games I play, but in this case it was indeed Project Zomboid.

Could have been DayZ too but imo, only zomboid truly delivers on that sentiment of struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse.

DayZ kinda does too but on most servers it feels like it's mostly about surviving societal collapse in a region where guns and ammo are way more abundant than other resources and survivors have very few reasons to trust each other

Yeah, something about PZ just really strikes that hopeless feeling that other zombie games I've played haven't been able to do.

I open an Inn and get to play Gwent against Gerelt of Rivia!

Armored Core 6, yeah it's probably not going to end well for me.

I would like to think I would be some kind of PMC trying to survive in a quarantined zone after mass evacuation. The Russian government has cordoned off the area as a result of some kind of conspiracy by a secretive 'Umbrella Corp' style mega corp and has stranded the Russian and Western PMCs that were caught in the area when it closed.

But in reality I would be a Scav and almost immediately killed by some lvl70 Kappa chad.

Mechwarrior 5? Depending on where I end up, I could be fine or screwed...

Eaten by local fauna,Shot, blown up, or crushed by a titan. Just got done playing titan fall 2.

Shit Keanu Reaves is in my head making snarky comments about my choices. Could be cool.

blade and sorcery VR! It's sociopath time!

Ahh! Do you enjoy slashing or stabbing more?

GRAVITY MAGIC it's fun to launch people everywhere

Yayy! I don't use magic as much, but then again, I don't fight that often against more than one person at a time =D

the last game I played was Duskers, so I'm probably either immediately dying in the vacuum of space or trapped in a derelict space station without any power.

I'd be thrust into a dog-eat-dog world of 4 warring factions each out to establish dominance and feed themselves. I'd say in a week give or take I'd end up on someone's dinner plate.

(I played 3/4s through of Tooth and Tail last night in 8 hours).

Ask me again in two weeks and I'd be in a city where you MUST take a train to get anywhere, in Cities Skylines 2. That would be a nicer fate.

I hunt mushrooms and apples for the next 5 days till I max out my supply in the stash and carefully avoid monster encounters because I'm scared shitless and I only get one life this time.

I own a wine empire and a giant gold clock. Pretty cool.

I guess I'd go to the bus tunnel and check if any of my wine is ready yet.

I'm playing Fea Farm so, farm, fish and hang out with my friends all day. Plus I have cute little fairy wings in that game. I'm set for life.

Last game I played was World of Tanks, so...

Society as we know it ended in 1919, after the calamitous fall of every world government. There is no order or law save the will of the Tank Clans, roaming columns of tanks from every nation on the constant prowl for ammunition, fuel and supplies to keep their rampage sustained for even a moment longer.

To be a tanker in this time is to embrace chaos and anarchy. Tank clans commit to bloody battles, fighting to the last man over scarce resources. The victors cannibalize the smouldering wrecks of the fallen for whatever scrap remains. Technological advances come at the cost of hundreds fallen, all in the name of making deadlier war machines. This the world I now inhabit, a world of steel and chaos, of armor and war. This is...

The World of Tanks.

Oof! 100% adrenaline until you finally bite the bulle- I mean, the...shells? Sabots?

Got a nice job with autonomy, quite a bit of credits and a sweet spaceship. If only we could have cats in Starfield

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I have a bad time as I can't speak Japanese and am pretty sure subtitles don't come with me.

I abandon my plans of defeating Ruby Weapon and just get in the Highwind and go to the Golden Saucer.

That really depends.

Crash land near/in the main colony? Eh. I'd be thrown into prison to be beaten or put into Boris' chair until I was compliant, but after, there's a chance at a decent life with only some risk of death. At worst, they might decide I'm worth tossing in a Warcasket and joining the Dead watching the walls.

Outside of them? Ehh. Might be able to throw in with a tribe and keep my head down until we're all slaughtered in a raid. Some of the Empires seem somewhat friendly, could try to offer services cleaning and hauling for a bed in a servant barracks. Completely fucked if I'm caught out by Raiders, Pirates, Insectoids, or Mechanoids.

BroForce. I'd flex all over those fools from Terroristan

If I become my save file, I'm gonna hop into my Star Eagle, fly to New Atlantis, and use my million creds to furnish my Class One citizen penthouse, and fucking retire.

Maybe go visit Neon once a month to trip out on Aurora and catch BorealUS's next show.

Also I'm female now. I may ride this for a bit before going to Enhance and switching back to Male and getting the full Chad look. Might do this sooner to hide from Starborn assassins lol

OP what game are you describing? I played Middle Earth Shadow of War, so I'd be perched up on a building watching two uruks throttle each other

A text-based Online, browser crime game called TORN.

I was thinking about reinstalling that game but haven't yet done so. I have bad memories of dem uruk chiefs getting op rather quick (yeah I know you gotta kill them with the weaknesses before they learn all your moves 😂)

Wow, Torn looks pretty cool, I didn't know there were still games like this

Shadow of War is not actually that bad, I'm on post game and the uruks are like level 65 and I still run into ones that are mortally vulnerable to stealth, or just plain soft headed or dazed when you pin their feet, and all that. Unless you were playing on a higher difficulty, I'm just on normal.

They get a lot more immunities and stuff but all you gotta do is poke them in the one place they're vulnerable and you're still the man. Only the ones with the adaptable trait really learn from their weaknesses before you can kill or brand them, so it's not too bad.

I'd either be an immortal capsuleer in charge of a space ship. Or I'd be some peasant on a planet that are so unimportant that they don't even get mentioned in the lore.

Balder's Gate would be pretty chill until the illithids transform everyone

I'd probably get beaten up when I had too much of Lae'zel and Shadowheart threatening each other and I finally popped off "Are you two going to fuck or not?"

Take me apart, take me apart,
What a way to roam
And if you have to take me apart to get me there
I'd rather stay at home.

So I'll be driving a lot of cars and racing them in lobbies filled with kids ramming?

Mugello, Suzuka, your time to shine starts now!

uhhh, I'm not really sure what would happen in Muse Dash. if it was a Log Horizon situation where i assume the role the character i probably can't hit anything to the beat lol

Well, I’m lost in this ever-changing burning basement and have to shoot my tears at all these weird enemies and hope I find some good power-ups, and hope I can evade Mom. (Binding of Isaac)

I find myself incredibly frustrated with the reliability of the Konnersport F1 car.

Really hope I can get an entry position at Ryujin Industries (they always seem to be recruiting) so I can afford to not live in the slums and work on getting the skills needed to survive long-term.

I don't know how to ride a horse so I'd probably get mauled by a bear or murdered by outlaws trying to get somewhere civilized.

Probably finish all of my builds and farms, build a lot of new and awesome builds before eventually begging for help from the other members of the server at least assuming I'm trapped in that world specifically, if I can go to others it might be a bit longer before I try to get help.

VRChat. What does that mean? Do I literally get teleported into vrchat as I am irl? Do I have a little menu that'll pop up on my wrist to change avatars/bodies? Can I go to new worlds or am I stuck in the last world I was in? Am I by myself in some kinda limbo-vrchat where it's not actually a game but some kind of other universe that just appears to be vrchat, or can I actually meet up with other people? Can I get hurt or do the same rules of physics, health, food, etc apply? Is vrchat even a game?

If vrchat isn't considered a game, then Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. It'll be cool to be in the future I guess? The game itself is fun, but if I show up as the person I am irl, then it'll be kinda boring. I guess I could always learn how to do sweet tricks and grinds though.

Probably crushed by falling blocks while genki rockets plays in the background.

Tower Unite plaza... I'd be having a good time I guess lol

I drown or get eaten by aggressive fauna.

The world of Subnautica is not a friendly place for the unprepared.

What do you even do in league of Legends lore? I know nothing about it besides what the champions say in TFT

I’d be screwed, because the last game I played was Dying Light 1. I have a fleeting feeling that I’m not athletic enough to climb skyscrapers and buildings.

Yeah I wouldn't be neither!

I remember almost bicycling after a plane in real life before remembering it wasn't Dying Light 😂

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I end up as the final boss of some Pikmin game and get pimp-slapped by 1 inch tall astronauts.

A Pikmin infestation, if they were real, would unironically be worse than bedbugs or cockroaches and I will fucking die on that hill.

I crouch on sand, I'd assume. Next to me a woman pulls a purple sword out of her own chest, tells me to get going then disappears. On my other side a sniper with bandaged eyes talks about a piece of her soul before shooting someone.

The last game I played was Yu-Gi-Oh Masterduel so I guess I'd be forced to endlessly play Yu-Gi-Oh against people in the real world...

likely I die crashing my ship into the sun trying to figure out where the fuck this lost civilization went. (outer wilds)

I spawn next to some weird tower with a princess on top. I see another three stone towers in the distance. The princess tells me to go shoot one of the stone towers with my shotgun. When walking on the bridge, giant log with iron spikes just appears in the air and start rolling to me. It nearly kills me, but I survive. My happiness don't last long, because I see old ugly witch spawning near me. Before I can shoot her, she turns me into a pig. Scared and confused, I turn around and run back to safety. Last thing I see is the princess that I thought was my ally, shooting me with her bow. I hate Clash Royale.

I'm gonna turn down both Halsin's and the Emperor's sexual advances, again, then remind hot Karl that she's the only one for me, and then when we leave camp, I'll probably immediately get murderized by Sarevok because I'm not gonna join his latest murder cult and he's not gonna like that.

Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 has it all.

hot Karl

That's it, that's what I'm calling her now.

Karlach is best girl. Best personality too.

Karlach is a perfect storm character in my case.

My wife nearly always plays a tall barbarian woman when we play DnD and did when we first met IRL and played BG1, BG2, and IWD.

Kar is short for her IRL name and what I've always called her.

She wore a moustache and vato headband for halloween ~13 years ago and I called her Hot Karl (and before that I think she even used Hot Karl as a band name on Guitar Hero or Rock Band years prior).

She's even the same short-ish height (well, short when next to me) as the voice actress for Karlach, Samantha Béart, which while random is still an amusing data point. [I swear I just looked that up on the fly for funsies]

OF COURSE Karlach is best girl, because Wife is best girl. ;)

Karlach's "Fuck yes let's break something" personality is very similar to how my wife acts. But she's less "Barbarian" and more "Witch".

I would probably die on the battlefield by some random aircraft with a gradethrower on point B

I’m immediately killed with a flamethrower or hit in the head by a magically teleported sniper bullet.

If by “game world” you allow TRRPG’s then it’d be Golarion (Pathfinder 2e) and last nights game was “Case File #4” where a creepy leather bound book (the ‘Dark Archive’) keeps appearing and transporting us to various other places to fight undead.

#4 was an abandoned mansion overrun with undead that we needed to clean out. Fuck almighty almost every room was a combat session!

So to be teleported there I’d just run away. Even if I could find a suitable weapon I’d not survive more than one encounter. Not worth throwing away my actual life for some stupid book!

Is okay, I answered about a text online game (TORN) 😁

I hope the horrors leave you alone once you escape the place!

If by “horrors” you mean that damn book?

Then no, there’s eight (8) “Case Files” in total so we’re just halfway there.


Ohh god, I just turned off Necromunda: Hired Gun. I love Warhammer, and grim dark but as for a long live in Necromunda? Not a chance.

Does tabletop count? I become an incredibly powerful Planeswalker and visit zendikar, ravnica, and Kamigawa.

Otherwise, I'll probably just settle into the grind on a freighter and drift into the starfield.

Probably be killed and eaten by the very first monster encounter I have.

I am quickly fragged by space-aged weaponry, provided I don't explode from the strange atmosphere. Best case scenario isn't good, food seemingly doesn't exist.

Dying geeting sniped from a bush while trying to not get poisoned by a swarm of zombie bees (Hunt: Showdown).

Dying geeting sniped from a bush while trying to not get poisoned by a swarm of zombie bees (Hunt: Showdown).

It depends, am I going to be a washed up disco star or a car obsessed binoclard?

I die. Then I wake up in my fancy coffin again just to die again a bit later. But at least I have a nice house and some servants.

An Anomaly storm is about to vaporize me or turn me into a god. Odds aren't looking great.

I would be blown to bits by a black scottish cyclops and then get buried in a soup can

my 1WO stares at me in utter disbelief how his supposedly ace of a Kaleun could fuck up this badly. again. (Silent Hunter 3. snuck into a convoy at night and bad weather. convoy zigs towards me, no time for final speed estimation, i go with last estimate, 4 eels in the water, all pass ahead. possibility: convoy slowed one knot due sea state. decide to surface to reposition. have a brainfart, my artillery starts shooting. hell breaks loose, star shells and searchlights everywhere. both engines AK, course 90. destroyer follows shooting star shells. half an hour zigzagging until he loses me.

I‘d probably die in the French revolution

I get jumped by a hog-sized cockroach and probably die TBH.

Digimon cyber sleuth. I guess it really depends in what position I would be in in the world but overall it seems like a jackpot. I get to capture and battle with digimons and there's an actual virtual reality world to travel to. Sweet.

I'd reach out to grab my smartphone only to realize there's now two of them on my desk. I'm about to have a very bad day~

Will I remain as the same I am in the real world person or do get to choose who I become. Because if I remain a normal human, I am pretty much fucked in the 40k universe

I'm a muffifed immortal redneck shooting eypgetican creatures sounds good to me at least my teeth isn't all crooked wait do rednecks have good dental care?

Arcana hot and cold - I get to have sex with a beast girl. Nice.

Gets your heart pumping as well, is good for yer health!

Probably break my neck because I'm a bloody reckless driver and unlike my avatar in the game, I'm not invulnerable.


I'd eventually fall through a hole and maybe see talking animals several hundred feet below.

vibing with hatsune miku as the last game i played was F2nd

Ummm, I don't even know what "from the depths" is like to live in? Weird? I would be a brain in a box?

I mean. Either I am an Idol (a greek god), or just your average person living a normal life. Suppose not much would change xD.

Another HiE story. At least it won't mean an instagib or other untimely demise, that place is pretty chill.

I've been wasting time with Noita and BG3 as of late. I played Noita before leaving for work today, so the most likely thing to happen is I set myself on fire.

Why did my last game have to be Chivalry 2?

Being repeatedly torn apart by various medieval weapons does not sound like a good time.

Living in such a world brings experience, which may postpone the next getting-shredded by seconds 🤔

Probably be beaten up by a bandit or davis or something

Some jacked up 8-8 monster comes around the corner as i, a poor 1-2 Aegis soldier am demanded to sacrifice my self to the beast, so my Commander can go another round.

I get turned into a zombie, or get stomped by a giant, or just stabbed, or get burned alive by a friend.