4 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've heard of it too. You would need an analytical balance to get accurate measurements weighing a piece of paper. Just cut out the part you want to take an integral of, then cut out a piece of paper with known size (or cut several pieces with different sizes to get more accurate results) and weigh each of them. I guess this used to be cheaper and faster than using computers when computers were big and expensive.

Moving to Lemmy made me realize how much time I wasted lurking on Reddit. I didn't bother to participate because someone would have already said what I thought. Sometimes I could even read one thread for days because there was just so much to read.

But I don't know if it's good or bad if there are so many comments. Maybe it's good if you learn something useful but I don't think it's that useful to read for days about random subject you don't need. At least it's a some form of entertainment. I think I just read less now that I'm on Lemmy.

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Do Americans really use inches of mercury to measure air pressure? Even millimeters of mercury would feel weird for me in weather context. I've seen mmHg used mostly in medical and chemistry stuff. I guess it really is anything but metric for you guys.

Maybe their necklaces and earrings don't adhere to OSHA regulations. I don't know. Everyone has to use their own judgement when posting and I think it's better to mark NSFW when in doubt, but there seems to be at least two different ways people use NSFW feature so sometimes the choice of using an NSFW tag might not make sense.

At first I read SIMD bucks and I thought they must take optimizing code seriously.

Yes it does. I think it's that way because it's in locative case even though it doesn't make the word itself look any different. English sort of has cases and doesn't.

It works similarly in Latin. You don't say ad domum. You only say domum.


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We didn't really have arcade in our town but there were some coin-operated games around. I think it wasn't very long period of time they had Polybius but I remember playing it occasionally during that time. I was quite young so I didn't fully understand the gameplay and can't really recall any elements of it anymore. Only thing I do remember is I used to have vivid dreams about it when I hadn't played it for a while. That sort of made me interested to play it again every once in a while. Though I must have been terrible at that game so I don't know why I even tried it that many times.

I didn't really thought about it when they had changed the machine to different one. I would rather play the Street Fighter II or whatever they had put there instead because it was much easier game to understand. There have been occasional dreams I've had much later in my life about this game but other than that I don't really think about it. Sometimes after having that kind of vivid dream I do think for a while that it would be nice to give it a try again but I don't know if they have the game anywhere or if it's possible to emulate via MAME.

I also use the same bottles over a period of time but I don't think about it like I'm drinking leftovers most of the time. You might think I do but I just consider them pre-opened bottles or not even that. They're just bottles, in very similar state to when they were opened. I'm not thinking about it like oh, this is the leftover from when I bought and opened this bottle.

Half man, half bear and half pig obviously.

Someone commented on my post about Devil World that what I experienced was Tetris effect. When I was scrolling vertically on my phone I would occasionally experience sideways scrolling similar to the game mechanic even though there certainly wasn't any sideways scrolling happening.

Another one was when I was playing Portal. Traveling via portals became my usual method to move around in every dream I had those days.

and also that being based on Debian LMDE is 100% community based.

At first I read it as "completely based" and wondered whether LMDE is also red pilled.

I think he meant having the 3,5 mm jack in a phone.

2010s era memes

Maybe because we millenials like to reminisce the memes of the time when memes were good.

Any idea is there anything similar available on LG webOS?

I use it. I also use bluetooth headphones but wired headphones are more reliable. No connection problems. And I haven't tried bluetooth headphones with microphone so I don't know if they're any good. I need the microphone for phone calls.

I like the Impact font one the best. Makes it more old school. Someone should make a motivational poster of this because we clearly don't have enough of this meme.

But does it mean the 15% is non-standard or just not implemented at all? If it's not implemented then all of the implementation is 100% standard compliant and if everyone stopped relying on the 15% part then developing for Firefox should make it compatible for rest of the browsers.

My hands aren't particularly small either and I hate big phones. I like to use my phone with one hand most of the time so I need a small phone to hold it comfortably and to reach around the touch screen.

I've noticed even few millimeters of difference in width has great impact on how comfortable the phone is to use. Gesture navigation also helps and I think it was created out of necessity for bigger phones.

But I can't click a book.


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! I want to see people post more Karl Pilkington stuff here

I love simple controls or an elegant way to control simply. For example using one thumb to control two buttons simultaneously or the Super Mario Run control scheme where you only press on the touch screen, doesn't matter where, and that's it.

I hate it when in co-op game the other player's actions can screw up the game e.g. moving the screen too far so the other player dies.

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This is the only way. Deal with it.

I played it occasionally but, as you said, it wasn't very interesting game for young children. I guess it was interesting only subconsciously (the vivid dreams I mentioned in the other comment). Maybe it would have been fun game if I were an adult at the time.

I think it's just that raremoved part. Which comment didn't make sense?

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Sii-Sii la Chinese ^_^

Which things do you find boring and restrictive about it? I think it's rather nice although I don't like some of the changes after Catalina like moving from skeuomorphic icons to more symbolic ones.

Other than aesthetics I think editing and writing is fast on macOS even when not using vim. I even changed my PCs to use mac keyboard layout because it's better. Of course when using vim, editing should work same on any system at least in theory.

Apparently posting a very old meme that is funny because it's not funny. Also making a reference to something not many people know about, moaning about learning to use new software being waste of time (I don't understand what was the issue. Maybe I was off-topic), and having an opinion that Apple is any good.

I also had a GP2x. Would be nice to play with it still but unfortunately it doesn't turn on anymore. No idea what's wrong with it. Though it also had a rubbish joystick so would need to fix that too in order to make it playable.

That Thumby thing seems interesting but holy hell... How am I supposed to play that? I Guess it's a great birthday present for a pet ant indeed.

No, I haven't. I looked up a video of it and the fighting reminds me of TMNT arcade games which I like. I might give it a try some day.

My inner voice doesn't usually change but when it does it's a bit creepy. There's few occurences when I have had my co-workers voice as my inner voice. It seems like it came out of nowhere (well, I was also drunk and tired) and after a while I thought I've had enough of his voice but it didn't go away until much later.

It's very specific community and I would imagine the content suitable for it is rare so you would need many pairs of eyes to find more content. The community needs to grow much more.

I'm just lurking here occasionally (I would check it more often if the app made me pay attention to my subscriptions) and if I were to find content I might hesitate to post because maybe mods would think it's not renaissance enough. But I'll try to remember this community if I ever find some accidental renaissance elsewhere.

Some bird has already sung the lick. Not sure if accidentally though.

I also used to use that color for transparency. When I made something in MS Paint I set that color to where I wanted transparency so I could move it to other window with transparent selection. Nice workflow for simple pixel art but I would rather use GIMP these days.

That's a nice purple! I like all sorts of purples too but I couldn't pick the one I like the most. I like anything from lavender to kind of red wine color. Not sure if they're all even considered to be purple as they are little more red.

It's difficult for me too sometimes. I was sick so I was trying to figure out who should I ask to bring me some medicine from pharmacy or whether to not ask anyone. Maybe I could go there myself even though I was very sick or maybe I could be without medicine. Finally I asked a friend. I almost didn't ask her because I didn't want to bother her and I would've hated it if she said no.

But in many cases Windows is pre-installed so it doesn't matter if installing Windows is equally hard. People don't have to install Windows in order to use it. In order to get normal people to use Linux there should be similarly no barrier to entry. I've seen companies selling used laptops with Linux distro of choice pre-installed. Something like that could work.