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Joined 12 months ago

So highly reputable source with skin in the game thanks for the explanation.

Why would they even do that T_T.

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What a nice dad trying to keep the attention on his kid!

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BRUH.... THE MAN was under arrest when the murder happened good lord I hope that the judge or whatever is tried for mismanagement of this case...

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Goddamn what is going on in France...

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Missile defence system can't shoot non-missile common understanding.

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Wow... I just don't understand how American law works and this just shows it multiple times throughout the thing...

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Israel try not to piss away positive feelings towards them challenge IMPOSSIBLE.

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The safe position is, Israel did bad things but Hamas is bad for wanting to commit genocide/attacking random festival. I think.

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The answer is absolutely they should... But seems like they don't want to...

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I remember when Bitcoin first came out and one of the selling points of bitcoin was that literally anyone could trace the transfers using the wallet codes and what not no? I don't ever remember there being claims that it was untraceable at least as the selling point to the average consumer. There was even tools in like 2012 for tracking whether stuff internally in bitcoin was stolen or whatever...

"While the taint analysis tool aims at measuring the “correlation” between two addresses, there is another notion of taint in the Bitcoin community which refers to the percentage of bitcoins, that come from a known theft or scam and have been blacklisted by popular exchange markets. For example, in 2012 the bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox froze accounts of customers, who owned bitcoins that could be directly related to such an incident [20]."

Good lord can the GOP pick better fights and not be stupid as fuck? Please stop doing the be stupid challenge...

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I wonder what the "issues including women’s rights" actually are supposed to be?

Common China internet L.

“They say that there’s so much water up north, that I wanna have the overflow areas go into your forests and dampen your forests,” Trump said. “Because if you dampen your forest, you’re not gonna have these fire forest fires that are burning at levels that nobody’s ever seen before.”

Absolute dumbass shit.

‘You have very poor land management,” he continued before recalling a conversation he had with an Austrian official about forest fires in that country. “He said, ‘Sir, we have more flammable trees than you do on your coast. We don’t have forest fires. We have land management.’ They take care of the land. They pick up the dead trees. You know, a tree doesn’t burn very easily unless it’s dead. Then it gets dry and it burns. The leaves on the ground – they’re five feet thick over here.”

Stuff that might be true (I'm never going to look into this) but isn't funny. Goddamn Trump sending mixed signals here.

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Picture of op I found.

When the Libertarians did the same thing and thus the Republicans stole their talking points and what not and used them to prop up business interest. :)

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I highly doubt this would ever pass its clearly just insane. It's basically asking for a civil war in Arizona to start...

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Why does the US not have severe penalties for threatening anyone? Or do they?

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  1. There were supposedly two driverless cars in play just from reading the bot below so that makes me immediately think that the cars were not in the same lane but it doesn’t state that.

  2. Going to a different website reveals that to indeed have been the claim. “When we arrived at scene, the only open lanes for egress from the call were blocked by two Cruise vehicles that had stopped and were not moving or leaving the scene. We were unable to leave the scene initially due to the Cruise vehicles not moving. This delay, no matter how minimal, contributed to a poor patient outcome,”

  3. The main disagreement here is between whether or not the driverless cars completely stalled and blocked the way or only one stalled and the other kept driving which is what the car company is claiming happened.

I more mean why are they activating the military units and what not the murder and what not is understandable if bad the weird part is 1 death spiralling into the military mobilisation that happened at least to me.

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One of the big things that Israel needs to stop for peace that is problematic on their end.

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Yeah stuff like this article suggesting basically that Mitch McConnell did nothing outside of the norms and completely followed the rules. Just makes me so sad and annoyed.

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I still don't understand why this became a hot button issue...

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It sounds like it was just a "routine warning"? That Israel needed to do something about the situation in Gaza cause something big might happen cause of the situation and not something specific like an attack will happen from this at least. Though with hindsight we can say that they should have paid more attention to it.

What a responsible young man I hope nothing bad happens after he shows up.

My man had an overinflated ego...

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So the article went into Shrinkage but it didn't go into the shrinkage data for the stores in question (probably doesn't exist publicly) nor did it go into any other information on the shops relative sizing or anything else even though it mentioned they were likely smaller than the ones that didn't close... What an annoying article it's almost as bad as believing the original target statement at face value.

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Amazon on their way to get dogpiled in the media again.

Congrats to Google?

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Glad I don't use X...

God I hope this happens more frequently. I mean I've heard that there are probably thousands of Malaysians in this kind of situation.

Damn XD.

This wasn't already the case?

I do not understand why imagine wanting to have flesh when you could have metal as your cage.

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Nah they'll say the FBI, the IRS and if they frequently use airplanes they'll say the TSA if they don't they'll have forgotten what they do.

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I don't even get why the white house brought up the beheading the whole time I just thought it was 40 babies killed or whatever which they would mention not focus in on the beheading bit...

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So what are they censoring exactly please do tell us.


A Youtube Shorts with content warning tells the video contain lies. But the lies, propaganda and everything are the part of the mission - “Gaza off the map”. Social medias are also part of this mission.

SO they blocked you for spreading lies and misinformation. They actually JUST did what they said? WOW! I've never seen that happen before!