What is the Israel thing going on?

_number8_@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 192 points –

seems like the 'safe' public opinion is 'we stand behind israel' and the left opinion is palestinian support

i don't live there i don't have any particular interest or fascination with the region i don't understand any of this pls don't yell at me


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The safe position is, Israel did bad things but Hamas is bad for wanting to commit genocide/attacking random festival. I think.

I said this in another thread and I will say it again here:

I always find it odd how people blame “extremists” and the Palestinians for this.

Israel starts to steal homes, land and killing men, children and women. No one bat an eye to that.

Then extremists and hate towards Israel came and bam, they are the bad ones suddenly.

Certainly what Hamas does is entirely wrong however - People cannot expect them be silent and get killed by Israeli forces.

This is what happens from decades upon decades of oppression.

This entire conflict was created by Israel stealing land and starting a genocide mission on Palestinians.

Yes when you kill other humans intentionally you are depraved. Doesn't matter if you are american, Israeli, Chinese, or Palestinian.

Yes you can be oppressed and wronged.

Both can be true.

But the murderous part is your own decision. It needn't be the only one.

I am pretty sure the entire conflict started because arabs deny the right of Israel to exist tho


Before WW1 the area was inhabited by Arabs and controlled by the Ottomans.

During WW1, the Brits promised the Arabs an independent state of Palestine, if they revolt against the Ottomans and kick them out, which they did.

The Brits, being Brits, did what Brits do and kept control over that area, now called Mandatory Palestine, and wanted to keep controlling that area "until such time as they are able to stand alone".

So this area was very much promised to the people who lived there for centuries.

At the same time, Zionist Jews wanted their own national state, and antisemites in Europe wanted the same, as long as that meant that the Jews where far away from Europe. So this unlikely alliance between Jews and Antisemites first looked at moving the Jews to Uganda, which was also controlled by the Brits. That plan fell through, and instead they promised them modern-day Israel. Of course without asking the natives who they promised the area too.

So lots of Jews moved there, which the natives didn't like. Both sides mounted a bigger insurrection, until the UN, again without asking the natives, decided to split up the area between Jews and Palestinians.

The local arab population, aided by Jordan and Egypt, started a war, that Israel won. Israel then annexed a lot of land, that, according to the UN plan was promised to the Palestinians and since then they occupied the areas and ruled with an iron fist there. For each Israeli killed, they kill 20 Palestinians. Palestinians are not allowed to leave the area and Israel randomly turns off water, electricity and food supplies, whenever they feel like it.

Claiming "it's just because Arabs don't like Israel" is pretty one-sided.

What happened there is pretty much every right-extremist-conspiracy-theorist's fever nightmare. A huge amount of foreign settlers immigrating, taking away land and supressing the local population. But instead of this being conspiracy nonsense that right-wing extremists spew to cause fear, it really happened there. And it was even much worse than the right-wing fear phantasies.

I agree with almost everything you said, except the first paragraph. Jews were living in that area for thousands of years, it's not like they been dropped to a completely new territory.

So they did have historic ties with that land

Yes, there was a tiny minority of Jews in the area during Ottoman rule. But it was fewer people than Christians there. And almost all of the Jews that moved there to found Israel had no connection to the land at all.

Israel starts to steal homes, land and killing men, children and women.

Can I get a source for this? I've been living under a rock.

Israel killing children in 2022: https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years-save-children Israel taken over houses: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/if-i-dont-steal-your-home-someone-else-will-jewish-settler-says

There was a few years ago before Pandemic about a Palestinian guy getting arrested for talking to an journalist regards his house been taken over by Israeli people. I will try to find that one as well. It was big on the news (at least in my country back then).

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why were they having a music festival next to a concentration camp?

No idea, but what I do know is that it's not a justification for murdering them.

lol there is literally zero proof of this.

all sources are directly from the IDF.

news sites are already retracting their stories of it.

did you also believe the lie that babies were pulled out of incubators to drag us into the Iraq war?

BBC, CNN, ABC, etc aren't retracting articles. Seems like you're just making shit up

where is the proof?

Sorry bud, that's cute, but you don't get to where's the proof me after literally making shit up. You want the proof? Try your fucking eyes. You sound like a holocaust denier.



and you sound like a TV race American that can be manipulated by the slightest bit of propaganda into supporting anything

Literally an unrelated article... you're gonna have to do better than that bucko. Have you ever critically thought about anything in your life? Are you even capable of reading headlines? If you could you would know that article has nothing to do with the music festival massacre...

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