
12 Post – 287 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Quetiapine 50mg, twice per day. Increase dosage if voices persist

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Being on OF definitely doesn't grand the right to pull over drivers! Being a cop however, does..

That's 30% less downloads, not 30% less traffic . I am not sure how that translates to current users.

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Your houses seem to be made out of paper. Then you complain about strong winds..

16 more...

I am mildly in favor of that. Kids can't decide what to wear it's their parents who do.

This will simply reduce the artificial divide between those wear that type of stuff and who doesn't.

I also don't believe it's a freedom endangering, because they're aren't spontaneously people wearing abayas or burka or whatever just for the pleasure of it, I interpret the fact of wearing it as religious propaganda and artificial separation.

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Unfortunately vatniks are too dumb to acknowledge that milk went bad, and will continue to drink it like nothing happened


Sorry imma head out

good to know Earth resources are used in rational and sustainable manner.

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I classify Turkey with Iran. Don't go there. Unfortunately my list for no-go is growing

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  • please use something unique and descriptive

Best I can do is "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"

Wait, I have seen that before. I have a déjà-vu

EDIT: so it's 5$ kWh, current price in France is 0.2€ kWh for comparison. Makes a real point for energy-efficient computers/software!

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lol look guys we found him: the target audience for Tinder's offer

We did it boys, cold is no more

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We all know rebranding Facebook as Meta brought so much value to the company and it's users /s Honestly he does whatever the fuck he wants i am tired of seeing his face everywhere, just stop posting whatever he does:" musk go to pee" , "musk ate a lunch! "

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Ban their domain name in yours "hosts" file

Stop giving them views and complain about it

I am automatically down voting everything with musk in title

i assume other countries do this too

France has flaws, but this isn't one of them

smug face of superiority for not using reddit, facebook, instagram, snapchat, onlyfans nor tiktok, from my linux machine 😏

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"Yes, I am mentally sane & in love with a girl who doesn't exist" ...

Hmm sir. Those two don't go together

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well. 1.5C° maybe not an existential threat, but I don't see a single sign it would stop there, and not going further into 4.0C° ya know

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I am surprised how well that works! I was taking it for completely different reason, so totally unexpected

In French they fucking have the same word for "no more" and "more", and only differs in pronounciation of the last letter:

"J'ai plus de pommes" pronounced as "j'ai plu de pommes" means "I have no more apples" (nobody says the "ne" particle)

"J'ai plus de pommes (que toi)" pronounced as "j'ai plus de pommes (que toi)" means "I have more apples (than you)"

Which is even worse because usually last letter is not pronounced, so that makes it an exception to the rule

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Not a native English speaker here. I had to scroll comments to even understand what's the problem. i still don't understand what's that "mega substantial difference" between "colored people" and "people of color". That's like, literally, grammatically the same. Sorry guys you are just trying hard to set yourself apart from that moron.

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Awww it's retarded

This is a feature, not a bug :)

Beyond dumb, it's hilarious

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What's up with that "bus shaming"? It would never occur to me to judge people based on whether they use public transport VS own a car!

Yeayeay we know 3 days, blabla

Sure, let's blame consumer for corporate policies

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I don't need further details to assert "stay away from that 'opportunity'"

Some huge numbers there buddy

"naaat faaiirr!" cries and runs away

So let me summarise this:

Only C and Lisp actually completed the initial task of getting the princess free, and Author clearly favors C over the drooling and homeless lisp hacker. Also, turns out, C greatest weakness helped to save not only the princess but everything she ever possessed! How convenient!

And everyone else should follow!

got a darwin award immediatly

Lol such a lame and coward decision. They had a chance to declare the terrorists some time ago but they didn't, because.. Wait for it.. That would have had "consequences"

So now when Pirojin (sic) is dead and the group is dismantled, they took their ball in one hand and declared them terrorists? Lol pathetic UK being pathetic

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The article says "not anytime soon", the title is lying

Even with adblock ON, the stupid TV rectangle pisses me off, i can't