5 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Most likely climate change, after that maybe war and past that maybe disease from super bacteria that does not respond to antibiotics or a virus that is very deadly but with a long incubation, basically a deadlier covid, since the world has showed that it is completely unable to get it's shit together and do basic things like social distance and masks.

The last one is not as likely in the sense that it's not likely to kill all of us, just a really big part, but I fully expect to see something like that happening in my lifetime and causing the deaths of hundreds of millions.

I heard that showing her how unfair it is that just because you are nice no one wants to sleep with you, is the best way to make her sleep with you out of obvious obligation to your nice personality and unjust fate

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Honestly, brilliant move, even if the commercial sucks this is one of those "no bad publicity" situations since everyone is going to talk about the first AI commercial.

But after watching this ad, it honestly looks pretty good, slight uncanny vibes but if I just took it as "artistic choice" (ironic I know) of actually feels like a really nice ad

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You think I have time for that? I cry on my way to work, like a responsible adult.


Say "I love you babe!"

  • Long term relationship - green
  • First date - red

Say "I'll beat you!"

  • Racing a kid - green
  • When stoping in the middle of the woods with your date - red

Let a fart rip

  • With a friend when the room is silent - green
  • On your date when she rims you - red

I can go on

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groceries and vacations

Fuck you for acting as if the growing price of basic needs is in the same category as vacations

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Wait until you hear about xbox skipping 1 to 359!

They did get back to try and redo it but then quit after 1!

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Car security is horrible

I bought a copying remote from aliexpress thinking "no way my car has a static code and not a rolling one... right?"

Nope, fuck you Kia, any stupid cheap remote from aliexpress can be used to copy keys from a surprising amount of cars.

Car security should improve and I hope this becomes a big enough issue that it get's better regulated

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Rest assured with something as important as the Linux Kernel: development will keep going.

Morgan freeman voice: but he was not rested or assured.

Too many famous people are hailed as something they are not, and everyone believes it. For example Elon Musk is hailed as a genius when he seems to be showing lately that he is the dumbest person alive.

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Global warming is kind of a big one to not list...

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Being antivax.

I grew up in an antivax house and I never questioned it, especially since me and my family used to be healthier than most people around us.

There would be vaccine days in school and we would have to go and refuse them. only when the corona hit and suddenly there was all this discussion about the importance of vaccines and I started to actually research it, given I was still young at the time so I don't blame myself for not doubting it up until that point.

To this day I'm still wary of vaccines and I do have this deep feeling that I don't want to be vaccinated but I do get my vaccines after researching them and proving to myself that the data makes sense.

I also can't ignore the fact that there is a conflict of interest for these companies to release these vaccines and them maybe not being as safe as possible but I try to follow the data especially from independent research that isn't related to the company that made the vaccine.

It's really crazy how childhood beliefs can hold you so strongly even when you logically get through them and realize they are wrong.

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The real question is which avengers would be gone. Putting my money on Thor

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There are actually two ways to do this. One is a heat pump (like a small ac or an electric cooling plate) the issue is that it would heat up on the other side, so not great.

The other option is actually really interesting as just like a microwave it uses radio waves (in this case lasers) to cool things by shooting the atoms in a way that negates their current movment and slows them down.

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I hate this so much!

My bank is like that and another horrible thing is that after you choose your password (which can be long and complex) you need to choose a 6 DIGIT restore code incase you forgot your password...

Why is is my BANK so bad at security??

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Cool that there is more murder than misogyny

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Just "Why?" Leave this magical answers being confused and questioning humanity, like the rest of us.

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There are clear benefits to physically working together

To some people in some fields. I don't get this mindset that there is some magic in coming back to the office, I can tell you that I work better from home and am happier when I decide who to see when and not when some CEO says I should go to the office.

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You should improve your blowing technique, just search "how to blow better"

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Lol, you can still do that, just call it "the truth that big pharma doesn't want you to know"

Every one gets a strong moral compass that they can't ignore.

Sure we won't all have the same morals but I believe that most bad things in the world happen because people ignore morals and act selfish and only a small part of our issues stem from actual moral differences.

Edit: Seems I am much more optimistic than I thought.

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How to be a millionare by 30:

  • get 2 million as a gift from parents
  • Start a buisness in an untapped market
  • get investors
  • work all day every day
  • workout and meditate to keep you body and mind healthy
  • save as much as you can, no starbucks!
  • sell the buisness once it is valued over a million
  • use that money to start a new one
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I never wash my eyeballs, it really stings so I avoid it.

EDIT: typo

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This is so useful! Now I can just run:

rm -rf /

Without the sudo!

Please arrest them already, jeez

Pretty common one I think

Super speed. Either you would need to also think and react at super speeds, which mean the world would be agonizingly slow, or you would have normal speed reaction in which case you would crash and die.

There is also the option of super reaction time on demand, but in any case non of this matters as super speed would make the air as "thick" as a concrete wall so you would also need to me super strong and super durable.

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Actually happened btw

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2 for money

3 for everything else. Think about it! Assuming you can teleport in any direction as fast as you can think then you can fly, move super fast, dodge any attack, pass through thin barriers (such as fences, thin walls, etc) swim super fast and depending on the rules of this power maybe you can poop really fast by teleporting away but leaving your poop behind!

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Of it's naruto style, I would make a 100 of me, have them all find jobs for a year or two, then collapse them all back and never have to work again aince I now saved for 100+ years.

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Understad the things you use every day.

Using a phone? understand how computers and operating systems work and how networking works, at least at a basic level.

Brushing your teeth? Learn how to do it correctly. Understand the logic behind it. Do some basic research.

Own a car? learn how to maintain it, understand how it works, understand its limitations.

live in a house? understand how to maintain it, how to repair it, how it works, where your electric box is.

Etc. You don't have to be an expert on everything, but you should have a basic understanding of the things you use every day.

Been there and found out that If you dig deep enough almost everything is either a salad or a soup

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They came for the civilians, they shot families in their homes, literal children and babies. No stone provoked this.

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Same, it really bumped up my pessimism regarding people

Sorry for your loss

Fucking January 6th!

"I'll fuck you up!"

"I'll fuck you! 😘"

Damn, usually these challenges are pretty bad and there's only one or two good options so it makes choosing easier but this one is horrible becuase everything is amazing. I want it all!

Thank you!

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