buying coffee to Lemmy – 1384 points –

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How to be a millionare by 30:

  • get 2 million as a gift from parents
  • Start a buisness in an untapped market
  • get investors
  • work all day every day
  • workout and meditate to keep you body and mind healthy
  • save as much as you can, no starbucks!
  • sell the buisness once it is valued over a million
  • use that money to start a new one

I have seen many adverts rich people make so heres a schedule:

Wake up at 4am

Get dressed 4-5

Go to gym 5-7

Get changed 7-8

Eat breakfast 8-8:30

Read newspaper 8:30-9

Work 9-12

Lunch 12-13

Hit the club 13-17

Dinner 17-18

Club again 18-?

Do these and you will be a billionare in no time. If you are an older gentleman replace the club with golf.

Sell business once it is valued over a million

-invest in GICs/Bonds on a 5 year maturation or high yield savings accounts (~5%)

-Every 5 years collect $275,000 on a $1M principle.

-Now you make average money and you don't even have a job.