Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown to – 742 points –
Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown

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Car security is horrible

I bought a copying remote from aliexpress thinking "no way my car has a static code and not a rolling one... right?"

Nope, fuck you Kia, any stupid cheap remote from aliexpress can be used to copy keys from a surprising amount of cars.

Car security should improve and I hope this becomes a big enough issue that it get's better regulated

I would have expected an OTP type code to unlock a car... Considering how expensive cars are, this is really cheap to implement. Heck, I could buy a yubikey for €25, and I'm sure if a big company wants to buy a million of them, they can do it for a fraction of that cost... A brand new car costs tens of thousands..., it should've been a no brainer to include better security.

Yeah, but saving 1.50 per car improves some stupid business performance indicator, which respectively will get some manager a nice bonus.

I believe you, this world is so weird... For companies that make tens of billions in profit, saving a million dollars on chips is almost a rounding error compared to the benefit to their reputation when their cars are more secure.

Ever since I first met the insanity that are business indicator numbers, I lost my believe in humanity. People knowingly hurt their companies effectiveness and prosperity just to improve those numbers. And they get rewarded for it.