Daniel Retana

@Daniel Retana@mastodon.ie
2 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Videogame designer and artist

@Lemmyin I just want that Infinity for Reddit get Lemmy and Kbin added to it.
By far the best Reddit client. I really love the gesture navigation on it.
There's no other app close to it.

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@STRIKINGdebate2 Firefox + uBlock Origin is love!!!
Firefox + uBlock Origin is life!!!

Also on Android. It allows me to have extensions.
I don't need any other app besides Firefox, Revanced, and my bank's app on my phone.

@solidsnake911 I'm not going to pay.

Why pay to use a platform that's already making money with my personal data or the data that I post on Reddit?

That's why paying makes no sense. Like paying for having online games on a console. I'm not into that stupid idea, that's why I play on PC and pay for internet to my ISP.
Paying to any console company to play online games is like paying to the mafia for "protection".

Same applies to Reddit.
I'm not falling in those mafia techniques.

@explodes Looks like this year every company is committing corporate suicide.
Let the Hunger Games begin!!!

@UrLogicFails As a PC gamer that wants Linux and Wine/Proton to take off to be mainstream.
I can't stand how Microsoft is convincing everyone that Sony is "evil". That they need to buy more companies, until they're monopolizing (thanks european union).
Sure! Sony is crap, but at least they're delivering games not like those pieces of shit that Microsoft calls "games".
If I have to choose between keep alive 2 brands and kill 1 brand. I'd, of course, take PlayStation and Nintendo. Xbox is useless.

@alyaza That's not surprising to me. At this point I can only believe in privacy if they made their app/software open source.

@king_dead This reads as a South Park episode.
IDK what's real or not anymore!!!

@tunetardis Hello! from the Irish Mastodon ( mastodon.ie ).
We also can read/reply you from here.

@zencat I have Thalassophobia, so for me there's no better regulation than that.

@McBinary What you're describing is one of the issues with the entire fediverse and it is the on boarding process.

A centralized social network just makes you go to Facebook (dot) com, then put your mail and password. Done!

But the fediverse isn't easier. People not only need to learn their username and password, also need to learn their server's name. Why? Because isn't the same to try to log in in lemmy.xyz than log in on lemmy.zyx

That makes non technical users get lost.

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@McBinary As ironic this can get. There's actually a post on Reddit that can explain how most users are. This not only applies to old folks.
Link at the bottom.

I've seen many people get lost at simple things like setting up a Roku or even making a document in Google Docs, when they were so used to use Microsoft Word.

People hate a hard setting up process in everything, even if they have to do it just once.

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@s804 I remember that first time that I saw a Sony Ericsson phone.
On those days most cell phones were ugly and gray. When Sony came to the phone space was like looking what a phone should be.

Their designs were clean and came in some well selected colors, walkman earphones were the best is sound quality, but what was the holy grail (IMO) were those cameras.
Cybershot branding was what put Sony cameras in the radar.

Then Xperias with Android came. Felt like using a spaceship in 2010.

@Xylight When they taught you a really really important rule of the language and this rule has a little exception. Then another exception, also another exception, please add one more exception, around of applause for another exception, and another exception...

The cycle continues until you see that the "rule" should be the exception and all those "exceptions" should be the rule.

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@alyaza An equivalent to:


@brunofin As a huge fan of Infinity that got his heart broken when the developer announced that it doesn't gonna get any Lemmy/Kbin support.
I hope you succeed! That app looks incredible!

Please, I want an AMOLED dark mode (pure black).
When you released a test on Android, please send me a link to beta test it.

@famskiis @brunofin I also love Lemur as a name.
Probably if Brunofin has copyright issues due to is a common word, he could also try with Lemour.
Sounds good and is a "made" word so no copyright issues!

@ClassyDave @Roman0 Let's hope that it doesn't happen.
Also it could create a black market for exported/imported European phones.

@WonkoTheSane @UrLogicFails Sadly regulators won't do anything.
Microsoft like Google, Apple, Facebook and many more American companies have been buying American politicians left and right.

Sorry my fault. Isn't "buying" is called "lobbying". What a way to decorate reality!!!

@Deralax I feel that's more related with platform addiction. Since COVID 19 Reddit became more a news stand.
Look at r/popular 11 of each 10 posts are news related and not like a generic piece of news. Feels that they're perfectly selected to create toxic comments which at the same time droves people to look for more toxic news.

Reddit is a platform designed about being toxic and addictive while Lemmy/Kbin are designed as a way to connect with people that shares your same interests.

@zach IDK why, but this app gives me some Infinity for Reddit vibes.
Probably is the UI. Those upvote and downvote buttons.

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@Wilshire Yep... It's official. We're in a South Park episode!!!

@Cube6392 @Los You're right! Those poor billionaires are probably starving. I gonna go to donate them some of my hard earned money.
They need it more than me!!!

@mykl Right now I think that I'll leave the ActivityPub for now.
Is easier just to make an account in lemmy.ca and in kbin.social than trying to reply comments/toots, find a way make the comment in first place, to try to follow someone and also to find a way to save content from another social network.

Also ActivityPub allows me to make a post on Lemmy from Mastodon on any of their "subreddits/communities".
The issue I can only post and reply 500 characters. Which is very annoying.

@CMLVI @L4s Reddit gonna kill whatever makes them don't collect enough user data as they want.
My guess old.reddit will be next after killing the mobile website.

@L4s In mobile browser still works, but they already said that the mobile website will be killed.

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@Syrc According to one of the admins they were experimenting with removing the login in mobile websites.
That means that they're preparing for a possible future where they remove said feature.


@mykl I make it work, but there's interoperability issues.
Right now I can see that one of my comments got like 2 thumbs up. The issue is that I can't see it on Mastodon, not even like a "favorite ⭐" which is the closest thing.
Also I gave you a "favorite", but Lemmy don't register it as a thumbs up, so probably you only gonna see some of my interactions with you, only if you access through the Mastodon UI.

Also I can't find the way to follow people from Lemmy and bookmark/save their posts.

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@afraid_of_zombies @Clbull OP is a Hollywood executive that's out of ideas for new films.

@mykl There's only one issue with the ActivityPub.

Which is:
- Is more feasible to make an account into Lemmy or Kbin to comment, save posts or give them thumbs up/down than to access to the ActivityPub from another social network in the fediverse.

For example to make these comments into Lemmy from Mastodon I had to search for a guide on internet to make it possible. ActivityPub isn't user friendly which is the main issue in the entire fediverse (issues with UI and UX).

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@The_Hunted_One I'm finishing the second game of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. 🔥 🐲

@ImplyingImplications @Kill_joy Mastodon "see" Lemmy communities as a group. There's a feature here that allow users to create groups with other users.
This is how "No Stupid Questions" looks on Mastodon: https://mastodon.ie/@nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

@ren Me as an Android user right now: staring towards nothingness and waiting to get at least a Lemmy app that looks good.

Is quite interesting that Mastodon has more Android apps than iOS ones, but Lemmy has more iOS apps than Android ones.
Like each one of them choose an OS to build their "community".

@WhoRoger Thanks to Adobe shitheads!!!
Also the only subscription that I can stand is Humble Choice which let me keep the games that they give on my Steam account. So if I cancel I don't loose them.

I keep HBO MAX for the sole reason that they have newly released films. So is cheaper ($8 monthly) that paying for a cinema ticket.

@Kovu Threads is the perfect example that if you put a huge warm and steamy turd into people's faces, but you spent some good money in advertising and PR. They still will want it, even if you tell them that is a 💩 that has no value at all.

@CeruleanRuin Is nice to see someone that's open to the idea of connecting more communities without the need of extra accounts.

@Atemu This is why, for me, Firefox is unreplaceable on Android. Just the fact that's not Chromium + also supports extensions is what makes it superior.
I wish that it'll come pre-installed in phones instead of Chrome, so more people can give it a try. But is Android and Google would never allow that.

@9Volt @chri5 Reddit at this point doesn't care about PR.
They only care about sweet user data money. Like Google, Facebook, TikTok...

@Saanang Add some caramelized red onions & mushrooms. You'll have me in.

Even that you make me hungry. Enjoy!!!

@AlmightySnoo "Bots brigading against Lemmy"


@mykl @AndreTelevise Or even better you can use the ActivityPub like me to send a comment from Mastodon to Lemmy.

So if they block every instance in Lemmy, which is impossible by the way, you can still use other fediverse social networks to access to it.

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