
9 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They will now

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Why do people keep expecting a language model to be able to do literally everything. AI works best when it's a model trained to solve a problem. You can't just throw everything at a chatbot and expect it to have any sort of competence.

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Not concerning at all, pilots aren't important to a plane.

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Japan tends to have extremely corporate friendly laws. Basically if the corporation doesn't want you to do it, there's a good chance it's illegal.

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When you normally delete a file, it doesn't actually delete it, to save time it just marks the space as free, so any new files can be written into that part of your drive.

But the actual data just remains there until a new file is written to the storage.

SecureErase does the second part without making an actual file.

Normal delete:

File: 01010101 -> no file:01010101

Secure erase:

File: 01010101 -> no file:00000000

Okay, but if they don't say no, Biden has the opportunity to do something very funny.

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This is incredibly funny, a sub I was a mod on wanted to vote on mods and the admins stepped in and said we couldn't do it

Are you saying you don't want a button that looks like a pinned tab that only lets you change between a handful of time-limited themes?

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Probably didn't see them, Epic's already suing again because of their compliance plan.

I'll take the smaller cliff

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Wym, both took the correct action?

I think N/2 would make the most sense

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Do you blame the scorpion or the toad for trusting it?

Victim blaming is bad, blame the scorpion.

Libs use it that way, actual leftists use it to describe fascists that think they're on the left and like red flags.

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I mean, nothing about the os isn't well suited for consumers. It's just software isn't written for it.

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Damn, if only we paid taxes that could be used for maintenance.

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I do kinda get being cautious, don't want to give him any grounds for appeal, but this is so blatant. He literally doxxed the prosecutor, how can they not hold him in contempt.

Aegis is a great Foss totp app

Yeah, you just need to start with enough money you don't need to work.

Yeah, my desktop is just basically a place for a picture, can't stand having anything on it

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Least abusive cop.

He gave an interview where he talked about him and his son monitoring each other's porn consumption

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Yeah, basically

Have you read your entire car manual? Mine's like 200 pages, no way I'd remember everything even if I did read all of it. It's best used as a refefence when you need to do something.

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Volvo Cars (VOLCARb.ST) said on Tuesday that it will end production of any remaining diesel models by early 2024 as it heads towards becoming an all-electric carmaker.

"In a few months from now, the last diesel-powered Volvo car will have been built, making Volvo Cars one of the first legacy car makers to take this step," the Swedish company said in a statement.

Majority owned by China's Geely (0175.HK), Volvo has committed to going fully electric by 2030.

While a majority of the cars Volvo sold in Europe were diesel as recently as 2019, in 2022 they made up just 8.9% of the Swedish carmaker's sales.

In August 33% of Volvo's sales were fully-electric or hybrid models. The company did not break out how many of the remaining 67% combustion-engine models were diesel and how many ran on petrol.

Sales of diesel models have declined rapidly in Europe since Volkswagen's (VOWG_p.DE) emission-cheating scandal and carmakers have been gradually reducing the number of diesel models available in their model lineups. Advertisement ยท Scroll to continue

Diesel vehicles comprised more than 50% of Europe's new car sales in 2015, but accounted for just over 14% of sales in July.

...They said waydroid

The main gain would be losing any tracking youtube does on how you interact with their app. They could only track based off what videos your ip address watches.

Maybe the coup should hold elections and invite international watchers. The colonial power being bad does not mean any action the subjects take is inherently justified. Each action needs to be morally weighed individually.

It's a map of what percent of us land each thing takes up

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A different strike on another hospital from a few days ago

I'll give it 1 hour after launch

Honestly, it's improved a ton, I haven't run into any bugs the last few weeks

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Oh, yeah, I was mostly joking, more people have it downloaded means it's basically impossible to take down

Israel has a cum retrieval unit. "The Health Ministry has set up a special unit that works 24/7 with the IDF and the four hospitals housing sperm bank"


The text added here is taken from a video Israel made about it.


Okay, but the name

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Partial good news, the FTC has an antitrust case against google, and it's currently at trial.

It could also have been a ghost listing, but yeah, I'm baffled they aren't profitable

Yeah, and understanding the context of a massive codebase will give it a ton of challenges