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Unfortunately you saying that still has the same credibility as your first statement. It's just your word. I don't doubt they do on occasion but to say ALWAYS refer to themselves that way is a lot to take on word alone.

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It's less bs than you think, still unlikely sure, but not a non zero chance.

For awhile their was a single point of failure in telcom for the midwest in the us. Because the core router was so old and didn't play well with failover. It took them several months and a lot of intermittent issues to get it replaced and working as expected.

To OPs defense, i didn't put 1 and 1 together until you spelled it out either. Wouldn't have crossed my mind that the smell in an enclosed space would bother you.

Regardless of the rest i hope your daughter enjoyed her treat!

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I would rather not assume someone is just out to troll. I'm sure in a life-threatening circumstance, they could do any of the lines you listed.

But if they don't have to and could just pay a little more for someone delivering it oh well. Will they pay through the nose for the convenience? Sure. Is it still a lot of money for the convenience? Yes.

Given how active flying squid is I don't think he is just out here intentionally trolling. I could be wrong.

That's what gets me on these things. If you want to be a dick and make sure your car isn't hit go park or in the boonis! Nobody goes out there, don't have to worry about carts, take as many spots as you want! Shoot for a record of you want try to get 6! But why tf are you doing it in close parking spots?

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I mean, my first thought was "i wonder if you could drive across that." But I'm also smart enough to not be the first person to try... maybe the second though

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The problem is you know you have to mute them/ block them after they say/ do something bad to you. When you block them it may stop them from doing that to you but it doesn't stop them from doing it to others on the game. Making it a bad experience for others.

Mute/personal blocks do not fix the root problem which is the toxic players being toxic in the game.

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So I'm not a biologist or any gist that would know something about this. How would the cruise ship have avoided hitting the whale? Do these things just happen and it just sticks more because the whale was endangered?

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In the response posts to the article someone said they got the icloud address via reset request which you can use in iMessage.

Not an i phone person so i can't verify but thought id pass that along.

To be honest, dating 20+ is a shit show. The things i learned about dating in my teens didn't help me dating in my 30's. Sure they have issues dating but we all do. It's the willingness to learn, adapt, and care for someone else that i don't see in incels and that isn't learned from dating in your teens. They seem to blame outside forces for their issues and not seek to improve themselves

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You are talking about a school. Effective range doesn't much matter past 25 meters. They are clearing rooms, not football stadiums.

And there is precedent for shorter range weapons being more optimal. Knife vs gun for instance https://youtu.be/Upxfo_jBrDE

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Did you even listen to what was said? Insults are one thing but alluding to rape and then saying it's not rape if the rapist enjoys it. Is on a whole different level of depravity.

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Not the 529,000 views that the video got? Was that satire or is there actually a channel that is that popular for candy crush and state of the game updates on it?

I don't want to search for it and poison my recommendations for years to come

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OK so yeah, that guy doing it if crazy. That has been covered. But that also looks to be at ground level where anyone can walk by and touch it?!?! That seems like a bad idea too

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Her saying she isn't going to mute him doesn't give him the go ahead to say the things he did.

Could this be a publicity stunt? Sure. Does any of this make what he said ok? No

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Pawns form a union and are no longer willing to work for the man.

Connect for lemmy has gotten better now that i can hide posts without interacting with them.

Call of Duty updates

OK, so the "Current" member of the armed forces is only current because in the military you need to be active duty in order to be in detention.

I'm a little confused as to the wording here. Typically detention is in the brig and if they are in the brig regardless of what rank they went in as they are busted down to private.

I understand artistic liberty but it seems they are intentionally stretching this. And i while heartedly understand that there could be some active duty Marines that are neo nazi's. The examples given are a stretch to me.

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You also see this sort of thing about cops. I just learned ACAB, all cops are bastards, today. Which I'm getting increasingly tired of. When you try having a discussion with people they are just as stuck in their ways as the right and don't realize it.

Do i think all cops are saints no. But demonizing entire jobs/professions/whatever right wrong or indifferent is the same reason i stopped watching some news. All doom and gloom.

"torture, murder, and sexually sadistic mutilation of animals" it gets worse

Very much this. I dislike M$ as much as the next guy but it isn't always their fault. The biggest reason we have outdated SQL in my experience is older software that clients do not want to pay for an upgrade for that uses a sql backend that will break if we have the databases in compatibility mode.

Just like M$ with good reason (mostly) end of life's an OS they need to no longer mainstream support older software versions.

What was said wasn't an insult. "Your momma...." are jokes, "you suck do bad..." are insults. Tbagging a dead body is an insult.

Implying you are going to rape someone and then saying it's not rape because you would enjoy it isn't a typical "insult".

So yeah i read what they said. It just didn't really apply to the situation.

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I read it as a way to filter/ sort the results. For instance i tag a single tag 'DnD' on a post, it would show higher up on the results list than a post tagged with 'DnD', 'fantasy', 'tabletop','minis','#cute'. This would encourage concise taging vs spamming as many tags as you can.

Just my interpretation though, could be wrong.

Sitting out on my deck listening to the frogs/nature at night. I still hear the bats when they are within 20ft. It isn't loud but you hear them. They are a pleasant addition to the symphony that goes on at night.

Now... fuck pheasants at night they are loud and when you don't know what the sound is its creepy

To my recollection he is past that. So if you are a one and done contract 4/5 years you actually sign up for 8 years total (its in the fine print) . You do your 4/5 active then you go into what is called the inactive reserves. You don't report to anyone or do anything but during that 3/4 years you can be called up to service again. And that is how they are typically reactivated and then punished. Since this guy is at 12 years total he is past that 8 years and it would be much harder to reactivate him.

I'm not an expert either just saw someone have this happen to them. Also this isn't saying if he should or should not get punished under the UCMJ just sharing some thoughts on how it could/ could not happen.

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That makes so much more sense than the title. It leaves out the warehouses part

Even if Krav Maga teaches more attacks and more "leathal" attacks. i would hope 5 of them at the same stage as these individuals, 4th degree black belts and instructors, would be able to restrain 1 individual without permanent damage.

When i think of someone that is that well trained i think they are trained in more than just the moves. Going through my martial arts training we were taught the fighting mentality and spirit as well as just the moves.

Edit: I've never been through either of these training styles so I'm making assumptions and may be wrong.

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I live in the midwest and have seen plenty over the years to not trust my dogs training 100%. There was a dead cat a mile up the road from my house yesterday that got hit by a car.

Every once in awhile an owner decides to walk their dog from the dogpark entrance to their car without a leash and it runs off and gets hit. It's not the dogs fault the owner is a dumbass

Thank you for partially resorting my faith in humanity

Same here. I love sync but connect has been alright. Have you found a way to hide posts? That is what I'm missing the most at the moment

This is what got me. 1. I couldn't believe he would come out and say it. 2. When i watch the clip he was saying "Just ask Earth"

What do you mean ask earth? Is it a dumb way of saying "the history books will tell the tale" or "the people will know what happened". Just ask earth... i thought he was advocating about global warming or some shit

I disagree but cheers! Have a great day!

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Speaking as a combat marksmanship coach for the Marines. I respectfully disagree with you in this instance.

Your facts while mostly true in a void do not account for training, tactics or the situation.

If i was standing next to someone that has an ar15 i would take a pistol or a knife all day. That AR can't do jack if i grab the barrel and point it away from me.

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I bought the ultra/whatever when it first came out. Same justification as others who have purchased it. I use it for hours a day and i used it on reddit. I love the similar feel and the dev is amazing. Worth the money in my eyes but i can appreciate the people that use the free and ad block. You do you

I mean the 8 year old child didn't really know better

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Thanks for putting time and effort into explaining it for us non sciency types. What you said makes a lot of sense

Agreed, i had a weird issue with reddit sync, major upgrade or something. I lost the premium features, i just had to restore purchases.

I wonder if the guy were are taking too reached out to the dev at all

100%! I am not saying learning these things doesn't help. But blaming lack of dating in their teens for an incel becoming who they are is not a valid justification in my opinion.