1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Homeboy is HAGGARD for 36! That man is at least 65.

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When you notice yourself not wanting to do something you know you should do, do it anyways. For me, it started with taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Snowball it from there. That's really the only way, there aren't shortcuts.

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"It's just this old Papa Roach song, you've probably never heard of them. I'm just really unique like that."

What a cornball.

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Yes, but the title makes it sound like it was because he was running an anarchist Mastodon instance. That's not why, he just happened to be doing a backup when he was raided, the backup was unencrypted, and they seized it. Has nothing to do with him running an anarchist instance from what I can tell.

[...] This is exactly what the admins over at have done and now one of them has been raided and charged by the FBI for activities unrelated to Mastodon


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In 2021, my wife and I purchased our first house for $960,000

LOOOOOOOL!! Stopped reading right there.

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Lol, yes.

Who cares? Just post it. The knowledge is what's important, not some rando author's karma count.

You know, you can join both lol

Golden Sun. They were the best RPG games I've ever played and never get the love they deserve. Don't know why, I've never played a game that struck me like those 2 games did.

The first few Advance Wars games too, Advance Wars and Golden Sun were a huge part of my childhood.

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Worth noting OP: port 80 is HTTP, and port 443 is HTTPS

I cancelled Prime around that time and my Amazon spending dropped significantly. I still shop there occasionally when I need something, but I'll usually throw the stuff I need, but not immediately in my cart and wait until I qualify for free shipping. Also, they've given me like 5 free month trials, which I use when I DO need something ASAP. Just gotta be sure to cancel before it auto-renews.

Less consumerism is always better.

Jerboa being the only one on F-Droid, guess I'm sticking with Jerboa!

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Hardcore is punk, but faster, heavier, and more aggressive. The Dicks are hardcore, yessir.

I'm not a dev, but I do have SOME coding experience and have been wanting to help with some open source projects, if nothing else but for the experience. Rust has been on my "to learn" list for like a year now. I def have a lot to learn, but the best way to learn is to get your hands dirty. I'll take a look at the Github page and see if there's any low-hanging fruit I can try to tackle lol

EDIT: I'm pretty sure I can help with some of these. My coding skills are out of practice, and idk any Rust yet, but I'm a fast learner. Currently learning how to use git to fork a repo, add code, and create a PR, then I'll go learn some Rust syntax and get to work! I'm actually really excited! I've been wanting to figure out how to contribute to FOSS projects since I started daily driving Arch Linux like a year ago, and this is a great opporunity for me to learn!

If anyone has any development tips for a noob like me, let me know! I'm going in pretty blind here, so any advice is appreciated!

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Lmao, if people post them! There's a lot of hardcore lore out there, I'm sure there are some other great ones to post.

We don’t get to pick and choose who’s lives have value

Lol, on an individual basis, yes we do

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I'm honestly not 100% sure, but I don't think so. Waybar does though, with the tooltip option.

Waybar is similar to Polybar, but only works on Wayland rather than X11. Configuration is a bit different, but similar in many respects. If you're using i3 with Polybar now, you can install Sway as the window manager and drop your i3 config into ~/.config/sway/, it should work exactly the same as i3 after a few minor tweaks. Once Sway is set up, you can install and configure Waybar. The config file is not a drop-in replacement like Sway was for i3, but if you can figure out Polybar, you can figure out Waybar.

Link to the Waybar wiki on Github

I hate the supreme court. I hate this country. I hate conservatives, and if you're about to type a response to me telling me I'm wrong to feel this way like a sniveling little bitch, then I hate you too.

1 vote on its own doesn't matter, however, the collective vote of undesirables in a country with the highest incarceration rate on earth could really fuck shit up for the elites who seek to control the population.

Thanks dude!

Awesome man! I appreciate it!

Damn some of you guys are creative! I'm fairly satisfied with my setup, but its pretty basic.

You definitely should! It's the other half of the story! I'd say the 2nd one is better than the first one in many ways.

Nope. From an article about the debt ceiling bill that resumed student loan payments in June: "Some $886 billion will be spent on defense, according to the bill text."

That's an increase after a $858 billion defense bill passed in december

Biden's student loan forgiveness only would have cost $400 billion, but spending almost $2 trillion per year on ending people's lives is more important.

Sure! I used to hate doing the dishes and would let them pile up until I had no clean ones left, so then if I looked at the sink and saw that there were dishes I didn't want to do, I'd do them anyways. When I wanted to stop, I'd just keep going until they were done. Even if my back started hurting and my hands were soggy, even when I was so bored I wanted to tear my eyes out, I'd just keep going until they were done.

Making your bed is something you can do every day to build willpower. You don't HAVE to do it, and usually probably don't want to, but it only takes like 5 minutes and makes your living space look nice, which makes it a good exercise.

Idk how old you are, but I'm old enough to no longer live with my parents. They're like almost an hour away. When they call to invite me over, my knee-jerk reaction is to stay home, but I know they're not gonna be around forever and I should see them every now and again, so I'll force myself to go visit.

Going to the gym, or going on runs also helps. Working out is hard, and staying consistent is even harder. Lifting weights/getting exercise is just as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. 4-5 days per week, 5 exercises per session, 3 sets of 10 reps. It'll take about an hour to complete. There are more efficient ways to work out, but that would be a good starting point. Alternatively, run/jog for 30 min, or go on an hour long walk 5 days per week.

Gotcha, fair enough! I run Arch with Gnome on my desktop gaming rig for similar reason, I just wanted a normal DE that I didn't have to tweak much. Laptop is where I have Sway/Waybar and experiment with different window managers and such.


Please leave this awful joke on reddit

I don't think you can. As of right now, you can follow and interact with Lemmy communities from Mastodon, but I don't think it works the other way around (as far as I can tell)

No worries! Honest mistake I'm sure I've made before too lol

Even 600-700k is like 3 times what I could realistically afford lmao. I love it. I love how THIS is the housing market we have to deal with, and mfs will still complain about homeless people existing.

Sounds awesome, subscribed!

This is amazing! Thank you!

Awesome! Seems to work for me! Thanks for making this!

i3 on my laptop, gnome on my gaming rig (cuz wayland)

Thank you! Ill keep that in mind!

This is amazing, thank you!

Send it to TickReport for testing

  • [package_name] --help
  • man [package_name]

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