This little propaganda piece from Business Insider really shows how the rich think.

ɔiƚoxɘ to – 111 points –
I'm a millennial real-estate agent here to tell you that long-term homeownership is not the best way to build wealth. Here's why.

The following is just an opinion:

In this recent Business Insider article, millennial real estate agent David Ravitz presented his case against long-term homeownership. It's crucial, though, to critically examine the underlying messages and implications of this piece. In what may seem like an innocuous lifestyle feature on the surface, Business Insider has, perhaps unwittingly, amplified the voice of the wealthy, casting a shadow over the economic realities faced by the average American.

Ravitz’s story is not your usual rags-to-riches tale. The Boca Raton-based agent is advocating for a model where one simply purchases a $960,000 home, renovates it for an additional $500,000, and then flips it on the market for an exorbitant profit. Although it may seem like a savvy investment strategy, it's not one that an average American can afford to take up. It is an insight into the mindset of a certain privileged class and how it perceives the path to wealth.

By giving this narrative a platform, Business Insider seems to be operating less as a news outlet and more as a propaganda mouthpiece for the well-off. It is a reflection of the widening income gap, a glaring issue that many in positions of power and influence continue to overlook. It also hints at a disturbing trend of media outlets perpetuating the narratives of the rich and powerful while underrepresenting the struggles of those in less privileged circumstances.

In a climate where the fight for economic equity, equality, and justice is more urgent than ever, this article seems tone-deaf. Instead of providing a balanced view of the housing market or economic realities, it presents a skewed picture where success is just a few home renovations away. However, the reality for many Americans is a struggle to keep a roof over their heads, let alone purchase a near-million-dollar property.

The key takeaway here is that articles such as this one do more than just highlight a unique approach to wealth accumulation. They showcase the thinking of a class of people who view financial success as a game in which the ability to participate is inherently unequal. For those of us seeking to challenge this status quo, understanding this mindset is crucial. It's a clear illustration of the political and economic opponent we face in our quest for a more equitable and just society.

The portrayal of this exclusive path to wealth accumulation as the 'new American dream' is a stark reminder that the struggle for fairness and equality is not just about economics, but also about controlling the narrative. It's important that media outlets remember their responsibility to represent all demographics and not just those who can afford $960,000 starter homes.

As an aside the kitchen seems a testament to the color white.. Ah yes, the color white, the epitome of purity, innocence, and everything good in the world, right? So naturally, nothing quite says "I've reached peak good taste and cleanliness" like transforming your average, everyday kitchen into a blinding winter wonderland of the brightest, most painfully white marble you've ever laid eyes on. Because who doesn't want to slice tomatoes on a countertop that looks like it was chiseled from a polar bear's dreams? That sparkling surface, when hit by the gentlest ray of sunlight, won't just light up the room - it'll practically send SOS signals to space. Oh, the glory of dining in a place that's so sterile, it makes you question whether it's a kitchen or an operating room. Nothing quite like the veins of that frozen-marble look to remind you of a tranquil river... or was it the varicose veins on the legs of the Statue of David? But, hey, that’s art and purity for you. Truly, a testament to the eternal human quest for cleanliness, brightness, and subtly blinding your guests with your immaculate taste.


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In 2021, my wife and I purchased our first house for $960,000

LOOOOOOOL!! Stopped reading right there.

They rennovated it too. How much could a starter home cost, $1.5 million lump sum?

I'd be lucky to dream about having the funds to get a mortgage 1 home 15 years from now. All I want is a place I can live in and call my own for 40-odd years until I kick the bucket, then my future nephews and nieces can have a catfight over how to carve it up for coin assuming global warming hasn't decisively fucked everyone over by then.

Of course I wouldn't be able to comprehend the mindset of affluenza-huffers who can't live without cutting out the biggest slice of pie even if it means breaking the oven and starving out everyone else.

Yeah this person does not live in most people’s reality. “Starter” homes are still easily 600-700k which is bonkers but 1 mil lolll.

Even 600-700k is like 3 times what I could realistically afford lmao. I love it. I love how THIS is the housing market we have to deal with, and mfs will still complain about homeless people existing.

We picked up a turn key home in Portland (not a cheap market) for $390K at the end of 2021.

We sunk SOME money into it... The roof was 20 years old and had a 20 year lifespan, there was a plumbing issue in the utility room, those were the things I HAD to do.

Other than that? I put up solar panels and got a nice tax rebate on that. Put up a retractible awning which created a 3rd patio space.

But at 3.25% interest, I'm keeping it!