1 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Social Media. Cancerous all of it. Psyops and psychological manipulation. If you studied psychology and sociology you would know there is a huge stage 4 cancer in society and it is social media.

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Antarctica too? What about people who don’t have internet?

Imagine getting a big enough resume to get jobs at any company just so you can do this one neat little trick.

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Never blame people for an issue with a system. If you have to blame the people then just admit your system is shit. It’s called idiot proofing and when theirs a bigger idiot proof it some more.

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You're finally realizing the end game of capitalism. The 1% trying to hoard everything and milk 99% of the population. I call them piggies because they're gluttonous with money.

Edit: you're

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Upload is the biggest nobody gives a fuck in this ISP provider shit despite its importance.

You as a 8.1 billion population have to come together and decide as a group and the enact it. If we couldn’t even stop Covid which is still around you think we can do something like this?

Pirate's all predicted this. It was inevitable that streaming services would turn into Cable TV. The only plus side aside from prime is lack of advertising. Yet here we are again. "I am inevitable."

You have a cult following around celebrities and you are surprised by religion which is older than you?

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You should understand why news is now inherently a horrible thing and modern day journalism is dead because of it. This is the same for when they readily use “terrorists” in news presses.

It’s not good without modifying a lot of the numbers solo at least

This is an excuse by the entire world to not spend money on solving the problem because they can just keep spending money the same way and not worry about it changing. This sounds like capitalism 101. They need to spend money is the problem their is no excuse for "there is nothing that can substitute it" aside from "I don't want to spend money on trying to figure this out". Their is always a solution to a problem you just need to you know... solve it.

It's actually different than a traditional bong. It's more intricate.

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Use noscript it's the best. You will have to learn what's useful while being real and what's fake but that's the best part. It disables YouTube's scripts for advertising.

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Double standards everywhere, Alcohol should get kicked too.

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You will learn from a very young age that extremists only care about their perception of their religion perverting everything they touch.

How much money were you paid to lobby for dumbasses like rich people?

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It's called hoarding and it's an unhealthy habit so why isn't anybody doing anything? Because if you give them enough of that money they won't complain.

I am going to sound like an unpopular opinion but some games are just easier without keyboard and mouse. I personally have a controller for these games.

Edit: Xbox one with usb(faster latency)

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Wait until you realize Microsoft actually cares only because they have already analyzed and predicted that this would hurt their bottom line.

wItH iMmAcUlAtE PrEcIsIoN

They would lose a good chunk of free income. People underestimate how much this is worth.

Overdose on caffeine is like an anxiety attack to me.

Nah you learned a valuable lesson. Make a dummy email for the app(s).

Just wait for them to finally admit workers rights is finally anti capitalist.

Let’s just say Cyberpunk 2077 was more a capitalist feat than a game…

It's because of perfection of the ability to stay at home while keeping yourself entertained. The other side that nobody remembers was that their was almost nothing to do at home so you would go out because their was things to do. Now theirs so many things to do you can literally stay inside for the rest of your life and never be bored.

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This isn't deja vu. This is overdosing on Marijuana and your first time.

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2016-18 is a pretty good year for those designs without the bullshit.

Jailbreaking cars will be the new software development in piracy. Just wait for someone to figure out a way to permanently disable this entire system.

No you’re incorrect we lose information in the contextual sense. We need to keep context just as much as we need to keep the information.

Even worse it's like an ad popup. "Stay away from dumb aggressive animals"

Workers rights is against capitalism to just give you everything needed to decide if this system is good or bad.

There is no logic for this issue and I swear everyone will see this problem reoccur for every scenario that hasn’t been accounted for. This will happen in almost every self driving car because it just hasn’t been accounted for.

Why stop at this? Just live off nutrients in powder and pill form.

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Theirs automation and theirs stupomation.

Conscription into a war you do not want to fight does this to your soldiers.

If they really cared about cheaters they would have cared about game based differences and not background processes.

They think they can just lower the bottom line...