YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

Jure to – 349 points –
YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

Google's anti-ad scripts are breaking browsers and privacy plugins. It could get worse because Google controls the ad market, Chrome, and the extension store.


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Use noscript it's the best. You will have to learn what's useful while being real and what's fake but that's the best part. It disables YouTube's scripts for advertising.

Or just use uBlock Origin? It blocks YouTube's ads (and their adblocker-blockers) right out of the gate. It's also available on Firefox for Android.

For the moment, Youtube is managing to push ads onto me despite uBO.

Have you followed the instructions in the devs' Reddit thread? (At the bottom of the thread, they also have a section of instructions for people who've already gone through the process of purging their filters before.)

Also, make sure nothing else (ex. another adblocker, including your browser's built-in adblocker) is causing issues.

This is better than Adblock.

It's too much of a pain to use for me personally. I really don't want to spend time figuring out which scripts to enable every time I visit a new site. Adblock I can just turn on and forget with minimum effort.

I have never had to touch anything on uBlock origin. Well, before this youtube stuff when I sometimes have to manually update a block list when YT gets a new adblocker blocker

I already use uBlock Origin. I haven't had any issues with it. I was replying to the person who said NoScript was better.

I never had to touch anything in uBlock Origin, not even once, I just have to remember to check for updates every now and then. I see some people saying sometimes they still get ads on youtube, not sure if it's youtube testing new targeting, but I've never seen ads on YT anyway, I guess I'm not interesting enough to them XD

Download Firefox. Look up "ublock origin firefox" in search engine of choice. Click install. Done!

It's that easy....

I was replying to the comment saying that NoScript was better...I already use uBlock.