0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

But it would be an easy war of attrition no? How many died/almost died because Texas couldn't handle a lil iced? How long could those states last without resources from outside? How much of their materials are usable raw?

Do the "much guns" states actually have a decent bit of knowledgeable people? Being able to shoot a gun is fine and all but a war is far more than that.

The biggest worry would probably be the ones already in the military who could/would easily sabotage any efforts. And yes, drones are easily beating rifles when it comes to depleting each other's resources.

I know fuck-all about guns and war but my armchair is warmed up.

True, we all know he won't take it, especially considering that his benefactors would gladly match it for him to stay in his seat.

But it was a solid end to an episode outlining how scummy he is with his bribes. The episode wouldn't get as much traction as it would be seen as barely more than another call-out.

And in the one-in-a-milliom chance that he accepts, we still win.

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  1. Shut up nerd!
  2. I learned something today. Thanks.
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So they essentially broke even? What sense does that make?

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It’s the second ruling in favor of trans rights this month from the 4th Circuit, a once-conservative court that has become a trailblazer in the realm of transgender rights.

Not bad. Definitely not something I expected to read.

The decision will be appealed to the Supreme Court, which recently allowed Idaho to enforce a ban on gender-affirming care for minors.

Of course. This Supreme Court's really gonna do a number on the justice system for decades to come huh?

Even if you buy it(which I do support more and more), pirate it. We're at a point where it's just far easier to use the pirated versions of a lot of digital items and you also don't have to worry about someone "taking it back" afterwards.

Goddamn, it really did hit Forbes. Now I'm really interested in how Respawn will handle this one.

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Does it really make sense to complain about fragmentation here when many distros are just downstream from others? I was on Pop! And have used Ubuntu but am on Debian at the moment. Nothing's really changed. I installed the same application versions, I'd read the same tutorials to get things done. What am I missing here?

I've heard both, but I can't not rinse after brushing. Any taste of actual toothpaste in my mouth is unsettling to me.

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This has nothing to do with Linux. Gamers in general, the cast majority being in Windows, hate EGS. It makes contracts for exclusivity, the launcher is apparently atrocious and there's an almost inherent bias against any launcher/storefront that isn't Steam. You'll find those three reasons in just about any conversation about EGS.

And, to actually address your Linux theory, all I have to do is to open Heroic, sign in if I haven't already, download the game and run it through Proton, in exactly the same way I do on Steam. Epic's hate for Linux isn't really that much of a problem.

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It was EAC, for the most part. Once EAC worked with Linux, Apex was one of the first to enable it. That is/was the case for a good bit of games

I turned it up thinking it would be some kinda disgusting sound from the maggots. It definitely wasn't that.

I'd be thinking more about how they'd plan to do it. Trump does have the Secret Service.

But good luck impeaching a man who can make his enemies disappear with a waive of his hand.

Friend, that's why you just sign something in your office with the doors closed and not make it public.

Honestly, I didn't even think enough about the whole thing enough to realize that the President could possibly get away with murder. Wouldn't that make it an obvious ruling then? Could then appoint new judges to the Supreme Court. There would magically be a few openings all of a sudden after all. How is this ruling really something they're actually considering?

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But the judge and prosecutors should know that this would happen right? I'm a tad above a layman but isn't it obvious that this would happen? It's so negligent I'm almost convinced that it was negligence. Or is it that they usually get away with this kind of thing?

It doesn't even need to be a hobby in the sense that you're always there. Going a few times a week gets you exposed to people and you're getting more fit and healthier. And there's usually at least self confidence that comes along to help with finding other hobbies if you want.

Google just doesn’t know what the fuck they are doing

Can you send this to Google:

"See Apple Pay and the Wallet app on iOS."

I really don't understand how they can see another company doing things right and still be this lackluster. Copying the good things their competition does it a good thing sometimes.

What targets exactly? Should every policy be limited to just their term? That completely removes the possibility of any target that takes a long time to reach. It would be a waste of time and resources to do smaller increments and then revisit them.

Almost every policy put into place will have effects that future presidents have to deal with. Do you actually care about this in principle or do you just not like this policy?

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I don't own a Steam Deck nor have access to one...but now I want to sniff one. I must know what it smells like!

Exactly. No reputable company is going to NOT put their logo on the phone, especially with the main other difference is the camera stack. It's free advertising. The assumption is that you'll throw a case or skin on it anyway.

RGB for Corsair (iQue on windows, open to alternatives)

What I do with my Commander is to use the onboard lighting and fan curves. Set it up on a VM or when you still have Windows.

You can also look into Liquidctl

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They're not being criticized for doing the right thing. They're being criticized for the negative aspect. Many others have answered it, but the way you're framing this is kinda strange.

You'd equally criticize anyone else that you thought had the power to save a drowning man but sat there watching for a while before finally saving him.

18 more...

You and I don't disagree here. The guy I replied to is arguing that we shouldn't really even be asking why it took this long, because we eventually got it. The act of questioning why it took this long shouldn't immediately get a response of "at least it's reversed now, stop complaining". The guy saving the drowning man could very well have very valid reasons as to why he's waiting, that we don't know. But if we don't know them, we kinda have to ask don't we?

I'm yet to see anyone get the reason for it taking this long and not accept it. It's been ~6 months since they got back the FCC. The complaint isn't over a measly 6 months. That's an acceptable amount of time really. The first assumption is usually that they've had the ability to reverse it much closer to when Biden took office. Waiting until near to the end of a 4 year term is a really long time.

How do you stay accountable when you don’t set limits in your own term?

You don't. Even if they're in office, there's nothing you can do. What do you think they'd do to Biden? Jail him? Fine him? You vote in people who align with what you want put in place, then have the separate parts of government check each other.

I don’t mind long-term goals, we need them, but there should be milestones

I addressed that in my previous comment. Nobody's wasting time and resources. Such a limitation would cripple every president and make them damn near useless. They'd spend most of their time in office recalculating milestones, which would be incredibly small, at best, and impossible at worst.

frankly I’m surprised it’s apparently an unpopular opinion.

Because it kinda indicates that you haven't really thought about this or you're just not aware of how things happen in life. You're coming off as management that's never worked on the floor and have no idea about what's actually feasible. It's a good way to have everybody despise you.

Using this as an example, let's say it was done at the start of Biden's 1st year, what percentage should he set per what time period, and do you really expect car manufacturers to recreate their vehicles each period?

Manufacturers need time to meet targets. And the final percentage would be incredibly small, because it would be only four years. Whenever you see a product hit the market, development has starts years prior.

Basically, it seems to me like the technology in mobile GPUs is crazier than desktop/laptop GPUs.

It's not. They have the same software technologies and the desktop counterparts have better hardware.

but not by enough that it seems to need to be 100x bigger than a mobile GPU.

Yes it is. No benchmarks would agree with you here. Also, just look at the power draw for each and how much noise each cooling solution makes.

And top end mobile GPUs actually perform quite admirably when it comes to graphics and power.

Depends entirely on what you see as admirable. Power efficiency wise, they're great, but their performance isn't anything to write home about, especially considering that they typically share cooling solutions with the CPU. And that's at the top of the line. Lower down, it's not all that great, with desktop counterparts having much better 1% lows when the power is more comparable.

So with most of what you said being incorrect, your conclusion is also incorrect. Generally, more surface area on coolers means they can cool higher power limits, can have bigger fans and/or have those fans spin slower so they're much quieter. Regarding the power consumption, it's simply diminishing returns. Mobile GPUs are just cut sooner on the graph.

by up to 45% on SSDs

Excuse me, what!?!

I wonder where the average is for the performance reduction. Probably something I'll look into but I'd be pissed if I bought a drive and instantly lost even 20%.

Luckily, I'm not on Windows so I have nothing to really worry about but damn.

This is one of those things where formally, sure, there's a difference, but I've never heard anyone use that first term. Everything's a loanword. And these kinds of things are in many, if not all, languages, from my attempts at learning other languages.

And that functionality is in Gnome, but disabled by default IIRC. I've had it on for years in both PopOS and Debian so I may be wrong but I do believe it's a Gnome feature.

It still irks me. I guess it's just me having rinsed my entire life.

Arli and the article only use "may" and "could" because we have no instances of it in practice yet and they can't directly assert the policy's intention as hastily. But it is simple: If you don't add your biological sex, they can count it as fraud and subsequently refuse to update your documents. We're all commenting on it because it's so simple and obvious. It's Florida. We know what they're doing.

What are the job titles of the people on these teams? I would suppose physics and CS. How are those job sectors looking in terms of vacancies? I'd think that there are more workers than jobs and that this is a ploy to get less experienced people for cheaper but they're trying to rehire the same employees.

They definitely did. This will easily be the top Apex news for at least a week.

The data being generated now sure, but there's still the years of actually useful data there.

Then add on the remaining half of comments that are from sensible users and it's a decent, and still fairly unique, dataset.

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Finally, a sane response. Of course they'll "sound similar" because they're both female voices attempting to come off as friendly with an American accent.

I'm more on the side of opposing AI implementations but people are really reaching with this one. I'm assuming it was pulled just so they can get their legal defense in order.

This will be another case like any other, where they take it to court, and there is no real basis for anything

Because then they'll give up whoever it was that they used to voice the AI and it'll be mostly over. The thing is though that if they rush into a lawsuit too eagerly, nobody's going to want to work with them under a similar contract.

Insulting? You're insulted by any kind of criticism huh? Yeah, makes sense. And that's not in any way how this works. That's not at all analogous to what we're talking about anymore.

You just misrepresented what I said and ignored my point.

Quote it then. You've done literally nothing to actually show where or how I've done that.

YOU never made a reasonable case.

My point was always: you can criticize a negative aspect of something without it being a criticism of the entire thing. That still holds true.

Now you're trying to make this about the Democrats as a whole. You're really not able to think about things in parts huh? I can criticize something taking far too long(which, if you saw my response to another comment, removes pretty much all actual criticism from this specific case) and still accept that they did something good. Merely asking why it took this long isn't, by any means, saying that them doing the thing was wrong. I've said this multiple times already.

Trump is going to win unless people start supporting Biden.

Let me know when left leaning persons have started voting, in significant numbers, for Biden merely because they have criticisms for Biden. That's actually asinine. Actually going along with that same logic, do you think Republicans and centrists magically start voting for Democrats if any criticism is levied from their side?

Celebrate the wins or the centrists are going to give control to the fascists

Nah, I'm not stupid. I'm not going to ignore every negative thing that "my side" does just because you think it means the other side will lose. As I said before that's literally giving leeway for them to do absolutely anything they want, as long as they're at least marginally better than Republicans. I've gladly accepted that Net Neutrality is back, but I'm not going to realize it's only back now after years, and ignore it without good reason. At this point, we're not even arguing over the actual Net Neutrality case anymore.

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I read here recently that the rich people who pay attention to Forbes for investment information avoid all Forbes contributor content and focus only official article from Forbes staff.

I understand you, but they're not the ones who matter here tbh; it's other laymen. I don't use Forbes, I just know what Forbes is. Looking at that page, I'd have no idea what you're talking about. The url is Forbes, the author's name is there, and is labelled as a senior contributor. For most of us: "we hit Forbes boys!"

I don't have to fall for your sealioning shit

You don't know what sealionong is. 1. It has to be repetitive or be multiple requests 2. It has to be in spite of requests that were previously fulfilled. It's been one request. You said I misrepresented you. So quote where I did. It would literally be you scrolling up and copy/pasting it. It's one simple request. Hell, my comments have been far longer than yours. If anyone's a troll here, it's you. You've yet to make a substantial point.

And I might as well address your other comment in this one too.

The analogy was never about Democrats; it was about being able to criticize anyone while still accepting that they did a good thing overall. You're the dumb one that tried to jump all over the place.

I'm just jumping in to call out your "oh we would never do such a horrible thing as not vote" bullshit.

You mean the thing that you brought up? Absolutely nobody said anything about not voting. If this is a troll, at least do something that isn't this blatantly dumb. C'mon, at least make a comment that'll demand more than a quick 2-minute response from me. I clearly have the free time. I miss the days when trolls were at left somewhat intelligent. It's also an apt analogy for the situation it was actually getting used for. The other commenter was able to interact with it perfectly.

But you know what, I said I was done before and now I'm gonna stand by it unless you can actually back up the stupid claims you're making. Quote where I misrepresented you or I guess we really are done.

EDIT: Holy hell! I only now noticed that I'm responding to two different users tag teaming in and out. No way in hell someone's that dumb to not just point out that it's someone else. Dude really said sealioning.

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Now imagine their replacement actively wants to drown people and for some reason there are people who think both sides are reasonable choices

Nobody here is saying that. Do you really think the person who's wondering why it took this long is sitting there saying the Republicans made a reasonable choice to remove net neutrality? Really?

others are backing the pro-drowning guy.

Who cares? They're irrelevant to this. We already disagree with them. We're likely never going to agree with them. They're not criticizing how long it took to reverse Net Neutrality. They're mad that it was reimplemented at all.

I'll take the guy who took his time.

What? Who isn't? Again, the action of reimplementing Net Neutrality isn't being criticized. Them taking this long is what's being criticized. Or do I need to ask you to give evidence of left leaning people complaining that Net Neutrality was reimplemented?

You're advocating for just taking whatever you get as long there's someone worse. With that same logic, the guy could wait and watch the drowning guy get bitten by something in the water and get injured trying to save himself and then save him. You'd still accept that no problem huh? You're saying that there's no reason to improve, because at least you're better than the other guy.

Furthermore, everyone I've seen so far has accepted the reason for it taking this long. So again, the way you're framing this is strange.

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Fascinating how there's no logical reason for that to happen, but carry on. Doesn't look like you ever cared to actually make a reasonable case for yourself.

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Sure, it's possible, but no one on lemmy is actually doing that

I literally did.

Democrats did a good thing. Stop there.

Nah. You can't give me a good reason to do so because there isn't.