
8 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Disco + slugs

It amazes me how badly these billionares are at running businesses.

Like im an engineer and Not in my wildest dreams could I have destoyed a company like Twitter faster than musk.

Like Did he do it on purpose?

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They want me to pay to be advertised at.


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So right now with our current — trying to hire at $22 an hour, you're never going to see another person again walk through those doors. That's it," Smith said. "Unless you guys do a dramatic change."

Smith stressed the urgency of the matter and said smaller police departments he has looked into pay at least $30 an hour.

I wonder if these cops support raising the minimum wage.

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Unsubscribe from his manipulative trash and stop talking about him

Peoeple who do bad shit should be exposed before they are forgotten about.

My mom drinks bud light because she can drink all day and still use power tools with relative safety.

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There's like 50 articles i know of that say otherwise.

Care to explain buddy?

Kinda sounds like you dont know what your talking about.

Earth puppy

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Blaming the victims much?

How about cops learn not to shoot kids........


The Factory in Arizona could require long hours and total obedience.

Wft does total obedience mean. Lol what bullshit.

I work in a semi conductor fab and I assure you the most inept workers here are the upper managers.

I have to give 3 separate updates a day with the same information to the same people. They are constantly worried about micro-schedules and push backs, while also requireing endless meetings to discuss why we arent making the deadlines. Its fucking ludacris. Also their Internet doesnt work inside the fab so I have to stop work early to leave and then email them their fucking updates.

These are the same people who are attempting to use temp companies to fill every position and then wondering if their workers have the work ethic. Lol.

Pay people a living wage and stop making their jobs miserable.

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Okay Stalin's Moustache,

Listen there's more kinds of people than liberals tankies, and fascists.

There are also anarchist who can critizes these three groups ( and others) with out being within them.

I have no problem with ML and other comrades of various flavors but if your going to be really Into to stalin your not going to be working with me.

You should read about the Spanish civil war.

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Hey could you pick me up a coulpe memes while your there?


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When i search roku for a movie made in 1969 and its $9.00 to rent or 15 to "buy" on their shitty platform......

Ahoy, matey

I'm not here to debate the definition of Zionism.

I'm here to post images and links of Palestine's casualties. I'm not sure what your getting at above. I feel like your trying to distract from the current situation. Which is this: Israeli bombs continue to drop on Gaza.

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We can all adopt a plant based diet which will absolutely slow change as well as cost less than a diet that involves meat.

Found the vegan.

Some people need to eat meat: Like my room mate who has mass cell activation.

Also many indigenous peoples have dishes that involve meat. They are not apart of this problem.

Frankly there are a lot of reason to eat meat. If I go out and shoot my own deer and butcher it and cook it this does not effect the climate the same way as buying beef of the shelf.

And while beef is particularly resource and land intensive so are many vegetables you see at grocery stores.

Do you eat avocados? Because most avocados grown in mexico are done under control by violent cartels.

Many people probably should eat less meat. But acting like EVRYONE can do this is wrong on many fronts.

If you want to be a vegetarian please do. But lets stop acting like its a real solution to climate change or even a option for many people. It isnt.

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Once again. I don't know what your getting at.

Let's stop dropping bomb on Gaza and figure out the rest later.

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All these text and emoji features that are being added into apple but are not compatible with Android: this seems like a problem....

Until you download signal.

It has great features for group messaging, video calling, emojis and is generally feature rich.

And it's end-to-end encrypted when messaging other signal users.

It's available on iOS and Android.

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The monthly savings from boycotting youtube continue to rise.

People trying to make a better carrot are very confused.

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Raids in america involve guns swat teams and often phantom warrants.

Its happening, just slowly.

America bout to have my ass illegally immigrating to mexico.

Lol i just cant imagine that level of ineptitude.

Am I living in a simulation?

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Im glad you have found success with your credit score experiance.

On the other hand, Heres a paper reflecting on a few studies showing how credit scores can poorly affect minority communities.


In Cuyahoga County, there are significant disparities in credit health across neighborhoods. Communities of color have the lowest median credit scores, the highest percentage of individuals with subprime credit scores, and the highest share of individuals having debt in collections. On the other hand, majority white communities have the highest median credit scores, lowest percentage of individuals with subprime credit scores, and lowest share of individuals having debt in collections. These disparities are reflected in access to mortgages, mortgage denial rates, and arguably shape access to rental housing. Relying on credit scores and credit histories to determine access to rental housing and mortgages disparately impacts communities of color and helps exacerbate existing inequalities in the region.

And further

In practice, the reliance upon credit scores in evaluating borrowers and tenants disproportionately disadvantages communities of color, perpetuating another cycle of economic and housing injustice.

Maybe those 10 Million new subscribers were just bots.

Source please

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So does this include all Communists or just authoritarian communism? aka red fash

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Cool stuff dude. Down with Israel! Thanks for your support.

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I use signal mesagaing app. They have a note to self feature thats awesome.

Elon DDOS'ed himself in confusion!


From the article posted in anothers comment:

Animal 11”: They were killed in a terminal procedure at UC Davis on March 15, 2019. Prior to this procedure, the monkey had a cranial implant surgically placed inside their brain on Dec. 3, 2018. Following this procedure, the implant became chronically infected. The monkey began to have a depressed appetite.

October 2018, UC Davis staff noted that the monkey was “missing multiple digits [on] both hands, [right] foot,” possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma.

On Dec. 18, 2018, staff decided to “prophylactically or conservatively start [antibiotic treatment]” for the monkey after observing that “the skin was eroded” surrounding the implant. In the following two months, there are frequent observations of the monkey having a bloody, infected head wound from the device experimenters attached to their skull. The monkey was prescribed several types of antibiotics during this period. In January 2019, staff observed that the monkey had a “bloody head…dried blood around base at cranial implant.”

God dam right

Call servpro. They can clean up bio hazard no problem. I did i myself a few years ago.


This site was showing lemmy.world was down.

Shrink-flation !

I have no prpblems with jews who are not committing genocide.

Oo oo

I'm having one of those things !!!

Like a headache with pictures!!!

Am american:

Many People here are very hesitant to try one out.

They have some weird thing about butts & water. And shooting water onto ones butt. Its like they consider it overtly sexual and therefore weird and european.

Once people try it out they usually like it.

But the honest truth is: most americans walk around all day with dirty butts.

There is said it.

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It doesn't work that way.

They check my credit before I can rent a place to live.