15 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good, it will save their lives and help produce a fair verdict.

Trump sees himself as a 90's monster. Threatening witnesses is totally his trademark. Not to mention sicing his more devout followers on them

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I don't think she had full control of her faculties near the end. Her handlers and power of attorney should have forced her to retire but they didn't.

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Only when she says it on the floor as a congresswoman. She doesn't have carte blanche to say whatever she wants anywhere else.

And since she sent out his nudes in a mailer, he can sue

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They've been in NATO since back when the US would lock you up for being gay too. Hell, Texas only removed the law banning same sex relations in 2003. And it took a supreme Court ruling to do it. Sodomy was still a crime in the US army until 2014.

Ottawans are used to protests. It's a capital city, there's serveral protests going in any given day.

What they weren't used to was the neverending train horns, the constant street blocking, the assaults, the destruction of property, and the constant threats. They lasted way longer than I would have.

Fuck the convoy and fuck the people like Poilievre who supported them.

How about both are bad.

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When he froze he was asked by a reporter whether he was going to run again in the next election in 3 years.

That stroke had great comedic timing!

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Dude was making fun of the people he fired on twitter, mocking people who weren't sure they still had a job.

I hope they took every trade secret they had.

Clinton was right about everything. In 20 years its going to be really hard to explain why she wasn't the obvious choice who should have won by a landslide

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I have absolutely no idea how this franchise went from an undercover investigation of a chop shop to driving cars into space

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People normally think fascism seizes power undemocratically. And it does. But first there are years of voters saying they want tyrants who will only hurt the bad people, never thinking that it could happen to them.

No honour amongst thieves

Yeah, they are not known for just letting go of someone for no reason. This guy must have been dusty balls useless

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Im not sad, are you sad? McConnell is an awful human being who has profited off the suffering of others. He's not misguided or trying to make the world a better place. He's human smega. Fuck him.

Out of the goodness of their heart, with no ulterior motives to worry about!

Except this arson wasn't done by rich people. It was locals who want to use the land for farming cattle.

Absolving individuals for their behaviours is a great way to go nowhere. We all make choices

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She always has been. Picking her as a running mate just added to the decline of the gop

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Latest polling has him below Chris Christie so....yeah lol who asked him?

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I deleted everything. It's too bad, a lot of searches are going to turn up threads and find blank spaces where the answers should be.

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At least trash bags have a purpose. His only purpose is to provide a gender neutral bathroom once he's in the grave.

I don't know about that. Younger millenials that grew up with social media are having kids and I see them posting about it.

For better or worse, I think social media is here to stay in some form or another. Maybe theyll fight harder to put some limits on it but I'm skeptical

It's trying to recreate the glorified vision of Woodstock but with more drugs and more money

Lol Meta has some good PR. The government did not stop Meta from sharing news. They stopped them from profiting off someone else's work without paying for it. Meta was told they had to start paying and decided to stop showing it entirely.

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Fucking duh. For one, it's too early in his career to make the run for POTUS again. He just tried to get the nom 4 years ago and failed. Who would try that again and seriously hope to win?

For another he's in Biden's cabinet. Primarying a sitting president is dumb as hell, and always fails. He'd be sacrificing a good secretary position for an embarrassing flop.

Maybe 2028 he will have a chance. He's young and building a resume. But 2024? Lol no

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Make sure it's something that will take her servants an extra hard time to clean

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If you want to kill BP, stop buying oil. The Amazon fleet is about 70,000 vehicles and they're transitioning to electric right now.

Consumers drive markets. Mega corporations aren't polluting for the fun of it. They do it because it's a byproduct of them taking our money. Stop giving them money and they stop polluting. Why else would they stop?

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Weren't they already doing that? I swear, you read some posts and it's like a PR team is trying to get a story buried. Like after a Leo DiCaprios dating history got air time you started seeing him in more memes the next days, and TILs about how he was a good actor

7 more... is a step ahead of you

That and the servers are under such stress that it makes for a stuttery beginning for any new usrrs. Even just trying to upvote you and comment was a process. First this page wouldn't load properly, then then the upvote didn't show, then the screen jumped around when I tried to reply.

This site and any other will only replace Reddit etc if it's got people. It only gets people if new users can use the platform. We're not quite there yet. The people here now are willing to put up with growing pains but if it doesn't improve soon people will move on

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This behaviour isn't because he's famous it's because he's incredibly wealthy and no one has ever told him no.

Local anger then forgotten. No one would ever hear about it outside the few people who lived nearby

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It is wild to see this. It's amazing how quickly things change.

Yeah, Russia was incredibly powerful in its heyday, both in global influence and military power. Think about how people are worried about climate change now, then double it. That was the threat of nuclear war that kept people awake at night for decades.

After the time of the collapse we found out how empty a lot of their power was. How much of their achievements were less an unstoppable train and more of a rocket that couldn't be refueled. They had power but they never figured out how to make it sustainable.

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Trump should have been in prison orange years ago. But there's a better chance of him becoming president again. He's protected by the American right wing and that is probably enough to keep him not only safe from legal consequences but to keep him in power. They won't drop him until voters do.

Prove me wrong america

Some of his fans will try to defend him and say he's being stupid and you're not supposed to listen to him, ignoring all the people who will.

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Incidentally, China is the single largest contributor of GHGs in the world. Their coal fired power generation is immense and incredibly damaging.

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Good for him, let him wait for his hero to save him

They fact that there's always been a lot of negative news and world ending crisises throughout history. Everyone always feels were in the end times but we keep making it through. Not only that, we consistently get through it and make things better in the process.

There are broken parts to the world but we are objectively better off now than at any other time in history.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by bad news, it's time to adjust your news intake.

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It's narcissistic and douchey. But it's unfortunately not delusion. It's hard to deny she had an impact. She wreaked havoc in the Senate. And now she has a golden ticket to go on to sit on boards, be ceo of something, or just be a public speaker and get paid shit tonnes of money. The system is set up for Senators

2024 is going to be a repeat of 2020. The question is whether voters turn out for Biden or Trump.

What have american voters learned?

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Poverty has never been a major cause of low births. The poorest countries in the world have the highest birth rates. Instead it's about increasing women's health and education, giving them the choice to have fewer children or none. Turns out when they have the choice women don't want to get pregnant and raise kids at 20. They want to have careers and lives and travel and stuff.

Nations need to make child rearing more appealing for couples to want to be parents. Because a huge chunk of people could have salary raises and homes and be upper class and still now want to have kids.

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