25 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It seems rather suspicious how much ChatGPT has deteorated. Like with all software, they can roll back the previous, better versions of it, right? Here is my list of what I personally think is happening:

  1. They are doing it on purpose to maximise profits from upcoming releases of ChatGPT.
  2. They realized that the required computational power is too immense and trying to make it more efficient at the cost of being accurate.
  3. They got actually scared of it's capabilities and decided to backtrack in order to make proper evaluations of the impact it can make.
  4. All of the above
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It's way bigger than that. Usually cinemas receive movies in multiple terabyte hard drives. Thats because they are using JPEG2000 standard (it varies, but it is close to lossless) and a movie can take up anywhere from 500GB to 2TB (highly dependent on resolution, it can go above 2TB).

It's an office computer. More or less it is a requirement.

I personally use firefox.

Yeah, but the trained model is already there, you need additional data for further training and newer versions. OpenAI even makes a point that ChatGPT doesn't have direct access to the internet for information and has been trained on data available up until 2021

Haha, yes that indeed might be a problem! Any idea how to approach this without being incredibly annoying?

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It doesn't, but at least it makes both think and hopefully improve the quality of the arguments. And with internet at our finger tips, it doesn't take much to double check a couple things :)

Problem here is the answer contains multiple explanations. When asking "why?" it needs to be more specific otherwise you get your problem.

Ah, I see :D I guess it is important not to miss those actual sparks of curiousity though

In Lithuania we do not need to boil tap water to drink it and usually it tastes nice unless your plumbing is fucked

So the younger the kid, the earlier memories he will be able to recall? Is there some sort of a hard line where kids are unable to form long form memory?

It is suspiciously perfect size.

It was reliable like 25 years ago. Now it's an old car that needs all the rubbers replaced. Also japanese cars rust like hell, this one no exception. If you are into cars, and like to repair by yourself, it's great. If you need a commuter, just get something from 2000's, price will be the same.

I never knew about this! Thank you, great resource

Neither does he

Sure, but they are throwing shit in my yard.

No, it is our job as humans to create great moments. All we do now is collecting, putting it on the internet and hoping for a dopamine rush from internet points.

I would suggest: Theory Tuesdays

On Tuesdays we could discuss what car upgrades would be better, tire brands best for pavement, which suspension system is the best etc. Basically theorize what automotive technology is promising and is worth looking into.

It's like we can't do both

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Entirely depends how old your car is. If new, or less than 10 years old it will take around 2 hours if you have all the tools. For me it took 4 days because my car is around 25 years and all the bolts were rust welded. Had to heat the bolts, impact them, restore the parts etc.

What a load of crap you are spewing.

Porche 911 GT2 (993) produced 331kw (443hp) with an air cooled engine.


Nice post. Man, old Hondas are a joy to work on, like adult legos lol

I'm in Europe mate, they check your blood pressure at inspection lol


Great responses in this post. Thank you for additional source

I wonder what will happen when the 07.01 comes

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Could be a couple of reasons:

  1. Leak in the system
  2. Compressor is giving out
  3. Possibly an electrical issue

You can check your pressure levels in the system, if they are low, you have a leak or need to pump some freon (or whatever they are using nowadays) into it.

If that helps, it means the issue was that. If it stops working after a month or two, you have a leak in your system.

If your pressure levels are good, it might be the compressor. Check the electrical connections, maybe something shook loose. If those are fine, it might be the compressor itself. I'd give that to check to a mechanic.

If none of the above, maybe your alternator or your car battery isn't giving it enough juice to power the system.

Good luck.

Is it less reliable though?

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In Lithuania we do not need to boil tap water to drink it and usually it tastes nice unless your plumbing is fucked

Digg was literally Reddit before Reddit. They redesigned the website to make more profits and people migrated to Reddit. Eventually Digg was sold.

History repeats itself

Namae wa manko

Yeah, constantly checked if nothing was overheating. And the impact did very well too. I am surprised how hot it can get. The impact bit sometimes got too hot to the touch, so I had to stop so it could cool down

Yes! Just learned about it, seems to be very similar to what I had in mind ^^

I had Louis C.K bit in mind when I wrote about the "why?" game bit. Comedy is a wonderful way to introduce people to more complex subjects

I am currently dipping the rusty parts in acid, will post another update of the process later in the community

I used this torch and because I was on low flame, I guess it didn't need that much propane. Still on the same tank

Previas are cool, just make sure to take care of the rust in the wheel arc

For the forks I used rustoleum black paint and for the bolts I used polimerized linseed oil

Hmm, it seems that the situation with three companies are in USA. I am from Europe, been looking into Varta batteries

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The plastic housing is not something I can dissasemble without breaking, it's literally a transparent orange plastic and then the outer layer is clear plastic.

I will give it a try, but I would greatly appreciate an example of blue light fitering

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How else do you think they are able to afford servers? Donations? HAH, right...