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Joined 12 months ago


Balatro is less than 75mb and I've played it more than most games this year

Oh, you didn't know? There's a huge dome encasing the entire (flat) earth, and its edges are in Antarctica. Because that's where the edge of the earth is. Antarctica is a huge ice wall that keeps all the water in, which just makes global warming much worse 😂

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Can't have a lemon party without old Dick!

Love bitburner. I have a tiered hacking script I've written that distributes itself to all hacked servers and manages their cash whilst extracting the max amount. Great game 10/10

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Yeah but the USA also completed a highly complex multi-stage landing on Mars without a crash so I think they could do the moon if they wanted to

Oh wow, do you think?

+1 to this - it sounds neat but I have no idea what it is

My connection is 10/2. Please help me

I think spaceteam is ad free, free and local. Lots of fun too!

I play elite dangerous pretty frequently. I don't care about this ship. New players will crash it and die in fights because they won't know how to use it, and its stats aren't particularly overpowered as it is.

Let me add: "living the dream"



I guess that means you either lived through the 90s or are a current fan of Kevin Smith

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I'm surprised and delighted to see this so high up! This was the first RPG I ever really got immersed in, and what an incredible ride it was.

What can change the nature of a man? This game, apparently

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If you haven't tried them, the randomizer for LTTP is well polished and makes the game really fun for another play through!

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Just noticed your username, what a great character. The whole arc with the unbroken circle of zerthimon... I might need to go ahead and reinstall.

Sounds like you're on the right track! I have admittedly taken a break and haven't used ns3 so it's probably way more capable now. Great game though!

Triples is good, triples is safe

Agreed. I love watching sovcits get what's due but that guy added nothing

Exactly like it but waaaay faster. Something about the protocol it uses speeds up things quite a bit

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Lmao rural USA checking in, 20Mbps down for $200 a month. Kill me

For those with a lot of time and a solid source of good vibes, check out

There are some excellent remixes on YouTube if you haven't heard them!

But do I get to learn and inherit an instrument?

Who would frost a cake with their butt??

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A slam dunk unless someone in the audience (a single juror) decides that nothing the prosecution can do will make it a slam dunk so nobody gets any points (not guilty). Metaphor got away from me but all it takes is one juror to lie his way into the box and refuse to vote guilty no matter what.


I can't believe nobody has said Furi! That game lives through its soundtrack. The game is a series of intense boss fights, but during production they sent concept art and fight details to the artists so the music better matched the scenario, and it all came together beautifully.

Also hotline Miami

Federal trials don't have cameras by law iirc

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Is your name Isaac? Lmao

Counselor Ronny was a real one

I'm not sure what the gnome disk usage analyzer looks like but WizTree on windows is excellent at showing you where stuff is and how much space it takes up

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Human paraquat is such a great insult though, definitely one I keep in ol duders head

If this is sarcasm you might want to indicate that better. If it isn't... Damn dude, touch grass and chill tf out

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Touch grass and chill out