The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault to politics – 675 points –
The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault | Margaret Sullivan

The press must get across to American citizens the crucial importance of this election and the dangers of a Trump win. They don’t need to surrender their journalistic independence to do so or be “in the tank” for Biden or anyone else.

It’s now clearer than ever that Trump, if elected, will use the federal government to go after his political rivals and critics, even deploying the military toward that end. His allies are hatching plans to invoke the Insurrection Act on day one.


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Oh, you didn't know? There's a huge dome encasing the entire (flat) earth, and its edges are in Antarctica. Because that's where the edge of the earth is. Antarctica is a huge ice wall that keeps all the water in, which just makes global warming much worse 😂

Antarctica is a huge ice wall

Something tells me these people don't understand map projections, though that's the least of their problems.

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