Doug Holland

2 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Old, large, cranky. Gotta go to the bathroom.
Also, that picture isn't me.

I will try to hold back too many profanities, but it's seriously FUCKED UP that anyone but this woman and her doctor know that she's pregnant, with a doomed fetus, and needs an abortion, and it's FUCKED UP that anyone gets to overrule her decision, and it's FUCKED UP that she has to flee the state during an obviously traumatic time, and it's FUCKED UP that the FUCKERS will vilify her now, hell maybe even prosecute her, and it's FUCKED UP that making a difficult time much more difficult is "good politics" in the state of Texas, which, by the way, is an utterly FUCKED UP place.

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Like Trump, Santos never told the truth about anything, but remember that a majority of Republicans in the House, 112 of 222, voted not to expel him.

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    "The evidence continues to mount by the day," Steube said without providing details about the evidence he was citing.

Your desire to "connect with pretty much everyone unless they were particularly problematic" is admirable,. Just remember, please, that the wider the gates are opened, the more idiots wander in and the more work for mods and admins.

After dealing with the first thousand or so idiots, you can smell 'em coming. I'm with the admins on this.

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My guesstimate is that Reddit — with BotDefense up and running — was at least 20% bots posting articles and then bots having conversations about those bot-posted articles. Without BotDefense? Yikes.

"Here's another chance to make people miserable," said some Republican, because making people miserable is their favorite thing to do. Your birth cert is needed for all manner of things — a driver's license, a job, a mortgage, etc — all of which will now be much more difficult, and involve telling your life story at every bureaucrat's counter.

Republicans are fucking monsters.

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And as always always always happens in cases like this, there's no indication that the officers involved were disciplined in any way.

There are areas of the USA where what Boebert and her man are doing could land them both on the sex offenders' list for life. She has her hand on der wienerschnitzel, he has his on her boobies, in a crowded theater during a show.

I've done the same, but in the balcony at a movie theater, with no-one else within a dozen rows. Also, I was in my late teens, and not a member of Congress.

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Don't kink-shame.

This is the first smart move I've seen from the Biden campaign. It'll certainly signal clearly which party might give a damn about women's rights. On the downside, of course, the clinic Harris visits will undoubtedly be firebombed soon.

I'll say the obligatory "Trump's a criminal and needs to be in prison," and I mean it, but mostly I just think it's cool that our page is big enough here to have a megathread.

It's way, way too late to be the first stages of civilization's collapse.

Terrible news, of course, but I'd like to thank OP for including a little of the article. It means, in my blog, I can link to this page on Lemmy, instead of linking to the article and all the ads no doubt awaiting readers there...

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Thanks for posting this. I've been badmouthing Biden ever since he blocked the railroad strike, but that quote from a union leader — “Biden deserves a lot of the credit for achieving this goal for us. He and his team continued to work behind the scenes to get all of rail labor a fair agreement for paid sick leave" — finally cools my steam.

When he shows up and carries a UAW picket, I am ready to be honestly impressed.

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Gaza is like what, 4 square miles?

About 141 square miles.

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The AP's shitty coverage doesn't even mention that the undercover cop who got severely beaten is black.

Cops beat a black undercover cop at a protest, because he was (a) black and (b) at a protest. Of course, cops routinely beat protesters, especially black protesters, but everyone who's beaten doesn't get a fat payout like this. Only cops, and only if they sue.

Huh. I'd thought of Vox as being a reasonably reliable site, but handing a page over to a shill and not even telling readers he's a shill... Jeez, even Fox News identifies the shills with a chyron.

It's the only way Republicans can win.

And it pisses me off that they win by cheating.

Why is this even phrased as a question?

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Are we supposed to believe the US hasn't already been sharing intel with Israel, like, since 1948?

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In what sense is half "fully"?

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BBC being the only outlet to avoid using the loaded term 'terrorist' was solid journalism, so of course that had to go.

That said, Hamas certainly is a terrorist group by any sane definition, and so's the Israel Defense Forces.

'Counterprotestors' seems absolutely and obviously the wrong word.

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Lots of bot posts, and under them, lots of lively conversations between the bots.

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In no sense is Edge is a good browser. It is built for ads and tracking, and makes surfing the web inherently unpleasant.

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I'm genetically allergic to ads, and have five adblockers running, but you got me curious so I went to the posted story on a different browser, without the blockers, and


There's an oversided banner ad, a floating and moving video, soon a popup ad that blocks the whole page, and more animated ads in the sidebar as you scroll down.

Sigh. I don't object to ads that sit there waiting to be read, but I can't stand the ads that block what you're there to see, ads that follow your mouse, ads that wave and shout and jump around for attention, and my favorite at many TV news sites, the last ad that pops up when you scroll your mouse toward closing the tab.

I don't even believe in hell, but if it exists it's jammed full of people who worked in advertising. :)

Do they not teach government and civics in schools any more?

No, they do not. In most American school districts, civics classes are no longer part of the curriculum.

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    OK, so there's this wingnut Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Football) who's angry that the military reimburses officers for travel expenses when they need to go out-of-state for an abortion. Until that rule's changed, Tuberville has vowed to block all military promotions (who knew Senators had that power?) and now the Army, Navy and Marine Corps have no Senate-approved commanders in place.

    Other than how it screws over low-ranking officers, I really give no shits at all about Tuberville's blockade. It makes him look like an idiot, and he is an idiot, and I'm pretty sure the Army, Navy and Marine Corps can do all their armying, navying, and marine corpsing without Senate-approved leadership.

    But man, I got a laugh out of that "aiding and abetting the Communists" crack.

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A long-ago girlfriend made us these for breakfast, and called them glory holes. Seriously, circa 1975. She had no idea, said her family had always called them glory holes.

They know it.

Sneering is rude, and I try to be polite. But those voters, those souls are lost and cannot be reached. Our survival depends on getting sane voters to vote.

I hate both parties equally.

Words to chuckle at.

Heck of a sweetheart deal, for treason.

Astonishingly, the attacks of 9/11 had little effect on the Saudi approach to religious extremism, as diplomats and intelligence officials have attested. What finally changed royal minds was the experience of suffering an attack on Saudi soil. In May 2003, gunmen and suicide bombers struck three residential compounds in Riyadh, killing 39 people. The authorities attributed the attacks to al-Qaeda, and cooperation with the U.S. improved quickly and dramatically.

Suspicion: The attack was actually planned and/or executed by the CIA or some US agency you've never heard of. RIP, 39 people, but America got the policy cooperation it wanted.

We must always always always vote for the turd in every election, for if the turd doesn't win we'll be stuck with turd plus vomit.

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Sweet jeebers, is Biden really dumb enough to use the State of the Union Address — biggest Presidential bully pulpit in an election year — to complain about shrinkflation?

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This is news of important to Ms Shanahan's family, but not the rest of us.

Depends on the instance. Here on Lemmy.World, it's allowed and encouraged, but on some instances they don't want the traffic and storage.

I would updoot that line of thinking, and award you Lemmy Gold.

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Maybe some people can read a book and listen to music at the same time, but I'm not smart enough. The music bleeds into the book, and it becomes Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Pink Floyd, which is completely different from Treasure of the Sierra Madre, if you catch what I drop.