
1 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Isn’t that the guy who said they were going all in on NFTs? Then when that bubble burst, said they were going all in on AI? And has now said they will be cautiously adopting AI?

Can’t seem to make his mind up

I know it’s the Verge and all but really, using “big mad” in a headline?

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Someone un-virgined the olive oil

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I think they meant getting the account linking stuff undone/reversed took a Herculean effort. Guess Sony really wanted it

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Why do ink cartridges have chips in them anyway HP? This wouldn’t even be a problem if they never added them in the first place

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If else to return true or false? I think I need a shower after reading that code

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I wonder what the split would be for a dictator doing what I want vs going against what I want

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Yeah good luck getting to general public to understand what “cryptographically verified” videos mean

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It’s also worth checking your local library which might offer some basic printing services. Could work out cheaper

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While I’m not saying the farmer quote shares this belief but it’s hard to take when there have been so many “farmers protests” about changes to subsidies linked to reducing emissions and planting more trees

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Wasn’t this just voice recognition for orders? We’ve been doing this for years without it being called AI, but I guess now the marketing people are in charge

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Are any under 16 buying the phones themselves? With the price of phones now I’d guess for the vast majority it is the parents themselves buy it for their kids.

At that point it’s for the parents to decide for themselves

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They should not be getting praise for walking this back. It was ridiculous from the start, and if not for the justifiably overwhelming negative response, they would have just done it. The absolute most that should happen is people stop giving them shit for it

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So was it all just a marketing stunt?

This isn’t about the game but

Rockstar didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment sent after business hours

What did they expect? Either send it in business hours or wait?

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Who could see this coming when they decided to spend so much time and money developing an expensive steel box that rusts. Imagine if the CEO had any idea what they were doing and decided to focus on making actual cars

Am I missing something, because I’d imagine the target audience for Roblox is not the same as the one in the market for a new bed side table?

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Jesus Christ, 1.5k upvotes on an ad. I know it didn’t say it explicitly but it does read very much like an ad

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What problems would it solve?

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I mean they had a crack at making a new game and it’s not really worked that well

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Sees climate change waving in the distance

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Can’t wait for yet another presentation that is nothing but “we are doing AI too”

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On iOS the browser isn’t really Firefox. It’s just a re-skinned Safari due to apples rules. I think now they are allowed to ship their own engines

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I was amazed they still tried to get it through until now. This Sunak government has been criticised (rightly so) for getting nothing done.

Why make a big song and dance about something that experts and companies were saying was impossible, just to have to cancel it.

It highlights once again how truly useless and incompetent the tory party is at the minute.

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Brain chips from the people who “move fast and break things”. This can only end well.

I have enough difficulty when a UI decides to use abc layout, no way would I want to learn a new keyboard layout. QWERTY it good enough

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I’m sure par of the reason for this so they can lay off a bunch of employees.

What’s funny to me is that Roblox and other companies have to threaten peoples jobs to get them to come into the office. Surely if it was as great as they say people would just want to come in x number of days a week.

Hey give some credit to America’s other enemies: China, North Korea, and Iran

They care now that interest rates have increased. That’s kinda what the whole “enshitification” and layoffs are all about. Tech companies desperately scrambling to make a profit.

I’m not 100% but I think Bitwarden actual encrypt the entire ‘password object’. So the url, username, password, and any notes. Lastpass didn’t/doesn’t encrypt the url so if anyone gets access to the vault, they have a list of websites where the person will have an account and can more accurately send phishing emails.

You’re missing that they are just incompetent and awful at politics

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For some services sure it would be annoying. But for a service that stores peoples photos this seems like a good thing.

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Common US healthcare L

Wow, another page to see bot posts, truly revolutionary.

Ehh. For iPhone you are only missing out on “Live Voicemail”. I can’t remember the last time I even got a voicemail so don’t think I’m missing much

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You also don’t need to show a banner if you just store a login cookie. You only need to get consent for “tracking” cookies. Essential cookies that are required for the site to work are ok.


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This damn dog keeps beating me to Thursday. Maybe I’ll win next week.

About time. Willy jiggle physics have for too long lost out to titty jiggle physics