Apple’s biggest critics are big mad about the new 27 percent App Store tax

Lee to – 116 points –
Apple’s biggest critics are big mad about the new 27 percent App Store tax

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I know it’s the Verge and all but really, using “big mad” in a headline?

Gotta speak the language of the people I guess

Are Kids saying this? I haven't heard it. It sounds like toddler speak.

Yeah. And yeah it does.

However when I was young in the late 80s adults were always complaining about the way we spoke, so I guess I'll refrain from doing the same thing to young people now

My partner recently started working at a high school, and I can confirm that I started hearing that shortly thereafter

I feel like I saw "big mad" a few times in 2016, but never since...

I, briefly, participated in a journalism camp for a large state newspaper where I live and the guiding advice was to, "write targeting a 6th grade education".

That was 15 years ago, I can only imagine it's lower now.