7 Post – 215 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have a bad habit of jumping into programming without a solid plan which results in lots of rewrites and wasted time. Funnily enough, describing to an AI how I want the code to work forces me to lay out a basic plan and get my thoughts in order which helps me make the final product immensely easier.

This doesn't require AI, it just gave me an excuse to do it as a solo actor. I should really do it for more problems because I can wrap my head better thinking in human readable terms rather than thinking about what programming method to use.

Oh god, you reminded me. I had a run in with this recently because my parents got new laptops. 1TB hard drive, should be plenty right? NO! My mom had 15GB of files in her home folders and One Drive was whining constantly to pay them for more space.

It was about an hour of debugging to keep the files safe, extract One Drive from the home folder locations because it had dug in like a virus, and then (after 20 online searches and scouring forums) click the specific toggle in the specific menu to disable One Drive so it would use local files.

I paid for a 1TB computer, why are you forcing me to use your shitty online-only limited-space shit show. Fucks sake.

For me? Recall. I'm ordering an SSD to dual boot Linux off of and ween myself off Windows as much as I can. Probably can't remove it as long as I want to play games* with friends, but I'd be happy to have my day to day be less awful.

* Before anyone says Proton, Wine, etc, I mean the awful multiplayer rootkits like Valorant.

I don't think this happens much in real life, I would assume most people use contacts. Though it is a commonly used format for fake text messages meant as memes.

I have used Windows for a decade now and keep using it because my workflows and the application support are there. But as someone that uses Linux on my server, has tried out Linux desktops, and uses WSL, I can confidently say that I am gone if they start charging me a subscription. It will be annoying as hell but just like leaving Reddit I am willing to give up some niceties to keep my money and my morals.

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Videos. Viewing your up/downvotes. Profile posts.

Not a feature of Reddit, but I also miss RES features: user tagging, seeing my votes on a user next to their name, advanced post filtering, and more.

A lot of Lemmy communities need rules against misleading/editorialised headlines already, it's as bad or worse than Reddit right now.

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TL;DR company shady

The main 3 points seem to be: China-owned, predatory loan applications, and spreading themselves across too many concept/trend browser spinoffs. Honestly this is kinda old news and won't stop anyone I know from using the thing. You can't just say they're "probably" harvesting your data for "nefarious" reasons and expect people to all jump to Firefox (as nice as that may be).

You have the freedom as long as it stays niche. Having no protections against such practices means they have a chance of becoming so commonplace as to be unavoidable.

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I seriously think Lemmy should add NSFL. There's not really any downside. Although I'll go slightly against the grain here and say I want to filter out NSFW and keep NSFL if I can. If I'm browsing my content feed I don't want horny posts. I have a separate account for horny posts where I don't want to see gore. This would benefit both use cases.

Why you join can the be navy a when pirate?

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Cost. The gaps in most NA stalls are so big you will know whether it's occupied anyway just by walking past.

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I am so glad we don't, modern Reddit awards are such an assault on the eyes lol.

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And as we all know, big corporations always keep their promises.

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  • Is there a plan to improve search and federating communities between instances? My biggest hurdle joining and using Lemmy was without a doubt the search functionality and subscribing to a community on my own instance, it was severely off-putting. Let me walk you through it: you find a community you like, say ! You paste it into the search of your instance, as instructed. It immediately tells you "No results". If you don't click off, sometimes it changes it's mind within a few seconds. Sometimes it never loads. You try manually creating the URL by going to but it gives you an error. If you're lucky it works the next day, if you're not then I don't actually know the next step. Not to mention the lack of feedback on subscribing to communities. I have "subscribed" to communities before then realised a week later that despite appearing in my list of subs it didn't actually work and I have to redo, the only feedback you get is "pending". This is the #1 issue that stops me from recommending Lemmy, or at least smaller instances that haven't federated with much yet. Is the search a priority?

  • I know you've been asked about splitting NSFW already, but is there any chance of a specific NSFL tag or a generic spoiler/blur tag? Gore and nudity are such different topics they really don't deserve to be under the same banner.

  • Are proper inline previews something on the roadmap? What I mean is items like YouTube videos, Streamable links, and just about anything that isn't a Lemmy image is not expandable and requires leaving the website. It's one of my most missed features from old Reddit with RES.

I read as much of the thread as possible, so hopefully these are new questions. Hope I didn't come across too negative here as I've been enjoying my time overall and I know y'all have been swamped these months and never expected this popularity.

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I don't use invidious much, but this seems easy to use and friendly! Much better than the default from a new user perspective. My only complaint is please use a dropdown or radio select for the quality instead of a slider, using the slider input makes me feel dirty.

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I tried out Plex when I was first setting up my media server and having to do a bunch of stuff through Plex servers was one of the main reasons I jumped ship immediately. The hardware is in my house, the files are in my house, I never want it to leave my house, I kept thinking why the hell do I need to mess around with Plex accounts and online connections??

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I don't reckon Lemmy users are as great as all that, but I definitely agree on the downturn of Reddit. It's been on a downward trend for years but we've past a milestone recently where I truly no longer want to interact with most of it.

I saw a Reddit post a few weeks ago that was a 1-minute cut down clip, clearly reuploaded from a YouTube video without credit. Several thousand upvotes, fair enough as it was a good video, but I went to the comments to find a source as you always could on Reddit. One person. One person out of hundreds of comments had posted the source and they had about 10 upvotes so I only found it after scrolling multiple pages. In the old days that would have been top comment with a "why didn't you post the source of this stolen content" attitude, now it was almost impossible to find. Made me realise the audience truly has changed. The top posts are all Facebook slop for people that want to pretend they're better than Facebook users.

You should treatyoself by getting that diagnosed.

This response at least answers the most important question. They are paying Billet for the prototype. Personally I think they should do more than cover the raw cost, but at least they have done something.

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I came to similar questions/conclusions talking to my coworker. It's disappointing because otherwise he's quite friendly and normal, but I'm realising perhaps that is just because I'm not the "wrong" type of person in their eyes. If he believes Trump would save the country, what else does he believe, right? And seriously, why?

They need to convince you it's different so you'll eat the $50/month subscription.

... the investigation has nothing to do with the GamersNexus video, so your reply is irrelevant to the parent comment. But since you posted, I'll take the dive: you really think it's better they don't investigate? If you were Linus, you're saying you would rather bury your head in the sand about potential employee abuse because your reputation is too important? Sounds like your morals are worse than LTT.

Every time I read lemmings it sounds as though we all jumped off the Reddit cliff to kill ourselves in the Lemmy mines. It's not wrong, it just isn't the best mental image lol.

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It was extremely unfortunate timing. Pop_OS! had a bug for that week (or a few days?) where installing Steam would IIRC try to install the wrong version with the wrong dependencies. To support these alternate dependencies, it had to uninstall a bunch of the defaults, thus breaking the system. You can probably find a much better explanation by searching it up, Steam Pop_OS! i386 or whatever, but that's the jist. It was a crazy blip that Linus managed to be in the way of.

Not Linux's fault, not normal, but in my opinion not entirely Linus' fault either as who expects their desktop to be bricked by installing an everyday program?

Surprised that it prompted him to delete his system, when he was trying to install Steam!

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If Rockstar made a fully-fledged open world Crazy Taxi game with the scale and quality of Red Dead or GTA, that is quite indisputably deserving of the "triple A" label. Putting aside where you draw the line for it to be considered AAA, they clearly mean that their goal is an AAA experience. It's not that deep.

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That's why I go 100km/h in school zones. Free country!

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Pretty sure the only people still talking about Reddit are the really passionate people that hate or love it. I am neutral and therefore stopped talking about it.

Please take your meds I'm begging you

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Should require a license to go outside or read a book too, they might meet a dangerous group of people or read something that influences them.

Same reason we debate how to pronounce GIF (it's pronounced gif, I'll have you know) or what toppings to put on pizza. Because it's entertaining for some, no matter how grating it may get for others.

Technically, since she's Ms and not Mrs Paint, you're asking if her dad is alive.

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As a dedicated Jellyfin user, 100% agree. I love it, but glitches where it loses my seek progress and requires restarting the video, or the terrible subtitle support on Roku, or the often lackluster library management (they improve it slowly though!), and more I'm sure, these all make it much harder to recommend.

The solution here is actual moderation on news communities, but unfortunately it feels as though 90% of Lemmy subs aren't actively moderated or the mods don't give a shit. So many of them have no rules and no mod presence.

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Talk talk talk all talk @ me when they actually fucking do something.

Krita is a drawing-first program, so this makes sense.

Yes. Also, you can shuffle playlists. Anyway, I have about ~40 current playlists, not counting sub-sets, out of which I use 5-10 day-to-day. They're basically genre/mood tags but I don't want to clutter up my entire library with fake genres so playlists it is.

I used to run a single playlist, essentially just my entire library, but the issue with that is I would be skipping songs constantly and it would jump from upbeat to sad to energetic to slow... it got old. Now, if I'm feeling in a rave mood I put on that playlist. Pop? Got it. Angry, sad, EDM, synthwave, swing, phonk, metal, hip-hop... the list goes on but I've got playlists for 'em and I don't want to listen to each of them every day or at the same time. If I am feeling multiple I just queue up multiple on shuffle. It's allowed me to be a lot more adventurous in my music taste by separating out the rare listens for only when I need them. Keeps me from getting bored of them.

This isn’t really relevant when webp is more optimised and smaller file size. People are determined to force things to be GIFs despite them looking terrible and taking up 50MB for 10 seconds of 720p looping video.

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