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"All 5 attendees were treated on scene. Paramedics were originally very concerned about brain damage but were relieved when they saw the name of the event. 'Can't fry an egg that's not there,' stated one."

Empress is considered the best Denuvo cracker in the world. Mostly because she's the only one that is consistently successful.

There are two major trains of thought regarding her. The first: she's a batshit crazy narcissist who is more toxic than a Kardashian-Jenner family dinner where Kanye and Pete Davidson show up unannounced. The second: she's the goddess and the most wonderful woman on the planet and one day she'll recognize my loyalty and I will have a place in her New World Order.

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Thomas Edison wishes he could have been this successful in ruining the name of Nikola Tesla.

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Aside from the transparency issue, did you see how much it's going to cost?

Four hundred million dollars! The city is cutting back on pretty much everything else but wants to spend that on police radios.

Everyone has to tighten their belts while the thin blue line gets fatter and more dangerous.

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SA is anti-LGBTQ. They will deny them services.

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It lasted longer than I thought. Probably because it was a weekend and Elon was probably too busy sniffing his own farts.

That altered pic definitely looks unnatural. Even by fashion model standards.

Well, since anyone with a decent computer can install Stable Diffusion locally, this isn't news.

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The truth is irrelevant to Trump and his sycophantic MAGAts.

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With that, the Roman Catholic Church is now about one century more progressive than the Mormons. Still a brainwashing and abusive cult...but they all are.

It's almost as if consumers influence markets.

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Don't forget to label them as "Bible cartoons and movies."

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Sounds like some sort of conspiracy. Like universal healthcare.

It made a lot more sense when I read the senator is from Oklahoma. He's representing the faux redneck trailer trash amazingly well.

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"Officer, I signaled to switch lanes but I forgot to update my card on file so the blinkers won't turn on. I was on my way to get a prepaid card for the blinkers and to open the trunk so I can get my groceries out."

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I try to avoid reviews for games that haven't been released or aren't in an open beta. I am especially suspicious in regards to embargoes that lift less than 24 hours before the game goes on sale.

Publishing peoples' private info is bad and nobody should be encouraging others to find that info.

On the other hand, info about the games should be published. If a games journalist is willing to tow to company PR lines and withhold valuable info (to players) about games, then they should be willing to cover this. If they aren't, then they're just a fan with special access.

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I wouldn't say that contemporary political issues are tangential to the movie. The same thinking and greed behind those murders still drives American capitalism.

I can see Apple and the filmmakers wanting people to not draw comparisons.

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Well as someone with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, as well as being on the spectrum, initially we'd be kinda screwed. I have spent a lot of time in therapy and have done a lot to manage it all, as well as developing empathy for myself and others, so not so bad.

However, I choose to be a non-theistic Satanist and an anarchist, so a lot of other people are going to be fucked. Especially those that deserve no empathy due to their hoarding of resources and exploitation of people and the planet.

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She did the world a service. If only more people would be willing to step up and cut off the wifi when someone starts playing Fortnite

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Sorry dude but you are most definitely not Kenough.

Reuters could have geoblocked the article.

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What was Google protecting us from?

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It's because the impact to Rotten Rons corporate bottom line is positive. Franchisees are required to buy the specific machine and can only have authorized service people work on them. That money goes to corporate and they make more of it than having machines that run well and can be serviced by the franchisee.

The machines are connected to the intertubes so when they breakdown (like they're supposed to), corporate knows and nothing can be done until the authorized service technician arrives from Clown Shoes Corporate Shell Company, Inc.

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Let's be fair, there's also been a rise in CSAM, too, not just hate speech.

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Every new development seems to point at an internal power struggle that Altman and Microsoft manipulated and won. Now, we all will pay the price. Microsoft does nothing out of the goodness of its heart, only its bottom line.

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Why would the designer post the altered "fan art" to his IG, especially without commenting? Got caught and now he's trying to cover his ass.

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It's not fractured. The House is broken...well, the GQP voted for a total nut job as Speaker which really broke everything.

I'm not anti-Semitic but I'm definitely becoming extremely anti-Israel.

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I'm pretty sure the ROI for relationships with people who quantify abstractions is in the negative.

...or I'll continue to destroy the company

Boeing might be able to help with that.

What's great about this meme format is the opposite of what their followers would do. Satanists would share their key to feed the homeless while Christians would call the police..or just shoot them for looting. Cuz that's what Jesus would do.

Leave Lemmy? Use a front end with filtering/blocking? Change communities? Plenty of options if you just take a hreath and think instead of whining.

Too many red crayons in his diet.

Well, for starters, European police are actually trained professionals (in general, much more so than American police) and have different oversight. American police also handle a wider variety of things that really aren't law enforcement - things that should be handled by other kinds of professionals.

EDIT: American law enforcement agencies are also home to some of the highest rates of domestic violence perpetrators and right-wing extremism.

American police shoot and kill 3-4 people each day. That doesn't take into account deaths that occur in jails and prisons due to negligence.

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It's that they added it after release without previous notice.

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Please don't associate Xitter with the ancient Romans. They never hurt you.

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You mean elite Americans...the ones making money off of inflated prices, not the ones being drowned by student loan and medical debt. And, of course, the brainwashed masses who can't make a decision without consulting Facebook or talk radio.

So...Bungies leadership is worried that Sony will completely take over, so they're making it into a dumpster fire?

That'll only mean that Sony will take over and fire the Bungie executives making these decisions, giving them generous severance packages on top of all the bonuses they'll give themselves for cutting costs...wait, I think I figured it out.

Can't be hassled by the homeless or protestors when you are out sailing on your new yacht.

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