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Joined 12 months ago

So I get rid of the land border with France, but in exchange I get a land border with USA - possibly the only worse country.

Also we lose Sicily and their awesome food and women but we get to keep Sardinia, where the best food is cheese with worms and the best women are one meter tall with moustache.

Bad deal man.

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Anecdotal stuff from Italy: 5 years ago you could buy EVO for some 3 euro /lt at the supermarket, or super delicious local oil for 10/lt. This year it’s 6/lt for supermarket, and average for local oil has gone 14 - 18 - 20/lt in the last 3 years.

If olive oil didn’t spoil it would be better than real estate.

Did anybody in the comments read the article? Rhetorical question

The article defines “live service game” as a game receiving regular updates for years, a definition which includes worldwide favourites like the Witcher 3 or BG3.

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Yes, OLD Lenovo thinkpads.

Buy yourself a used T400-T430 (and models of that age) if you don’t have very big computing requirements, they are 10+ years old and they will last you another 10+.

If you buy a Lenovo from the last 7-8 years you will get an overpriced piece of junk.

Italian here, a bit of info:

The meeting in Modena will likely get cancelled. The mayor published an update today on his social media where he claims that an administrative investigation will take place where the grant of public space will be reconsidered in light of the information about the event. It was probably granted as an oversight.

The meeting with dugin will happen and can’t not happen. Dugin will be in video call from Russia. The call will take place in a private structure, there is nothing anybody - even the police - can do about it. There will be protests. I will be there. But the event will take place regardless.

If y’all and I gather in my living room and we make cheerful poems about the holocaust and chant heil Hitler to each other’s face it’s still legal. You can say anything you want in your private space. This is not Russia, as much as those pieces of shit gathering there would like to.

This post’s image man

It’s not that hard(tm)

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I feel you (or your family). Call me whatever you want but I really like the algorithm, I get exposed to so much stuff I wouldn’t otherwise. 90% of my subs are channels I found through YouTube suggestions.

The missing recommendations for me is the main reason why I’m still using youtube instead of freetube, that and watched videos being synchronised across devices.

In the time before ubo fixed the popup I would browse yt on the browser, get recommendations and copypaste urls into ft.

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I agree football is great but don’t the yanks call it “soccer”?

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I’ll be honest, I do research companies and aim for ethical employers and all that, but

  1. the job market is fucked, techies come a dime a dozen nowadays - anything you apply to the competition is fucking fierce so you can’t really afford to be picky

  2. I care about how ethical my employer is, but not enough to be chocked in debt or live paycheck to paycheck without affording a single luxury in my life. I’m talking “eating out once per week” here, not yachts.

It’s a bit more nuanced than that. Meloni is from the istitutionalised fascists, who are indeed generally Zionist. The grassroots fascist movements such as forza nuova are generally pro Palestine, and have been for decades. Just like in every category, you find both.

I have never watched it and probably never will- I’m sure it’s a great movie but the twist is one of the most spoiled in internet history :(

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Bruh the current government has been staunchly anti Russian since its election and was actually pushing for stronger aid to Ukraine even before, while other parties wanted to only give them “defensive weapons” whatever that meant.

Hate on Meloni all you want but do it for the right reasons. Sucking Russian dick ain’t one of them. You’re thinking of salvini.

There is nothing to debate, Linux is just Linus with an x at the end and should be pronounced as such.

Though sometimes I wish Linus had claimed it was pronounced laynaxe just to fuck with people. Too bad we already know: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c39QPDTDdXU&pp=ygUpbXkgbmFtZSBpcyBsaW51cyB0b3J2YWxkcyBhbmQgaSBwcm9ub3VuY2U%3D

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See my comment to the OP

Isn’t “protecting content” on a public platform kinda moot?

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that doesn’t account for much though. by current estimations next year he’ll be a twice impeached 91 times indicted POTUS for the next 4 years. it looks like you can be a lawless dick, suffer no consequences and go back to power. what’s even the point of rules?

For me it’s multi account containers.

Fam, corsicans are the only ones who hate French more than us, they are welcome to rejoin Italy whenever they want.

So stupid I saw it used a lot of times and I used it myself before I even knew the guy.. it conveys the meaning so well

🤓 you are only a cannibal if you eat individuals of your own species, they eat the flesh of their god so that’s incorrect

The German people, as a people, started as the unification of the Germanic tribes. The unified tribe called itself the tribe of all men, Alle Männer in modern German. The history of those times is narrated by romans and Greeks so we have a romanised version of that name, alamanni.

And don’t you wish you kept knowing very little? Instead… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu

no it’s not Italy


Nothing is ever truly original, everything you create is a remix of things you encountered after they are processed by your subconscious. And that’s ok. Even if your song will end up to be very similar to another one it will be your own spin on the musical “idea”. Go for it

Disengage, mostly.

I’m good at tech stuff but I hate 99% of the work that I’m good at, so i just treat it as the revenue source that it is and try not to think about it too much.

If things in my life had gone differently I may have had to mine coal somewhere to get my paycheck, so overall it isn’t that bad.

The idea of getting paid to do stuff I enjoy is buried there with the rest of my youth delusions.

Missing sprinkles of pentiti, too basic

And what’s stopping these people and these instances from spreading that content using just the publicly available link? Instead of just clicking “share” they’ll have to open an anonymous browser window and copy paste the link from there, the horror!

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That was exactly my point. Blocking instances because “that way my content can’t be seen there” doesn’t make sense, because it’s trivial to bypass it. Yes, even a screenshot will do the job if nothing else, so why talk about protocols in the first place?

Somebody (maybe you maybe not, can’t check while replying) said that blocking instances was useful so that “my content doesn’t get seen / shared / pushed / etc to people and instances I don’t want”. That doesn’t make sense because of the line above. If you need clarification on who are those people and what are those instances ask them, not me.

I hope I’m somehow conveying my message. If there is a subtlety in the subject that I didn’t catch feel free to help me understand.

Sure but then the recommendations would be based on a snapshot of my watch history and would not evolve further, which kind of defeats the purpose

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

IDK chief. It seems like one of those things that are hard to do in theory as you said, but relatively easy in practice.

I mean just about any human who has played a bit with ChatGPT nowadays is able to identify ChatGPT generated paragraphs within a few words. I don’t suppose it would be much harder for a machine.


Any group you don’t belong to is irrational and devoid of any logic whatsoever, not to mention WRONG.

Pesky moderates, they are insane just like the extremist, everybody is 100% a basket case except for me and you.

No, weapons are not INHERENTLY evil - as you seem to say - nor they are good, they just are and it so happens that countries need them, either to attack or to defend. Making weapons is not an evil act per se, supplying Russia with them would be a terribly evil thing to do, while supplying Ukraine or simply stockpiling them in the west in preparation for a possible escalation is a very, very good act.

We may go to war with Russia in the future, you need to be very naive to think that’s impossible. It’s not likely but it’s a possibility that we must consider. We are seeing in the past year or two that drones are the new game changers in contemporary battlefields. It’s only because of drones on both sides that nobody is able to make advances on the frontline.

Russia has adapted eventually and is now building a shitload of drones with increasing capabilities. China is doing the same. So is Iran. All of our (collective west) enemies are investing in this, with the aim of being able to hurt us and our allies.

Now how is us developing drones (through private enterprise, as is custom in liberal societies) a bad thing? About bloody time I say.

Thanks for the info. I admit my experience was based on the Italian greens who are irrelevant and generally left leaning, which in Italy means Russophile like anything left of the dems, and on what I know of the German greens, which is that they lobbied for getting rid of clean energy and ramping up the use of coal / gas / petrol, all Russian imports.

Downvoted for speaking the truth

Don’t worry it’s the same in Europe

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