
2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree with this. I have found that most women do not however. It has been a great trouble for me, to talk about, when trying to find a new partner.

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For the purpose of disclosure. I just cant live with myself if I do not tell prospective partners when they ask. I know there is a difference between avoidance and lying, however, I value honesty. Not implying that you are not or should thinknas I do

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Absolutely not

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Interesting. Thank you for the contribution. It is much appreciated.

I don't know. Feels like a lot of content is mirrored from reddit, just with less engagement. That being said the quality is a lot higher. I also like that there are less comments trying to be comedians with quirky one liners

It has unfortunately come up before, hence my aprehension in approaching the topic.

Not necessarily first dates. I just answer truthfully when the topic comes up. I don't want to have it be a problem further down the line

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There is way too little nsfw content on here to make this a permanent replacement

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You shouldn't smoke though. It's not good for you

Disposable income and need for intimacy lol. Some things are not just about the sexual pleasure but fulfilling specific fetishes

Just the other day I had a dream about my wife and I hiking in the Pyrenees mountains. It had been her wish to one day visit them again as she grew up in a small town sorrounding them. She often went there with her family in her youth but never managed to do a full adventure hike along the southern ridge. Before she passed away I had made a promise to her that we would make an effort to see them one last time. Her illness progressed more rapidly than we could have anticipated and alas I was not able to keep my promise. That dream made me feel nostalgic for her presence again and in some way I believe it offered some solace for my regrets of dissapointing her.

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Sorry if I came across that way my friend.

I am a neutral observer and was just surprised. Wish you all the best in your endeavours. Keep well.

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I just use both lemmy and reddit

I have enough of the superiority complex of some lemmy users who think they are better than others for using a certain website

What an amecdote. Thank you for lightening my mind lol

Imteresting, thank you. I will dwell on the topic further.

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Hello, I am a communist

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I agree. Jerboa started with good intentions and I only have respect for the devs but the UX is horrible. Nothing that cant be worked out with enough commitment.

As this is in my line of work it hurts to see even more

The trampoline

I am sorry if my title was perceived in that manner. My first language is not English, therefore I have some difficulty expressing my thoughts at times.

Some of my students are communists and have referred to themselves as "commies". I was simply under the impression that this is a colloquium. Nonetheless, I thank you for your advice and trust that you keep well.

Yo, I smoked so many of those when I was younger amd I am certified mentally handicapped. Take from that what you will

I am fine with service animals and well behaved animals. At my company they had a trial run with "work buddies". It resulted in people bringing in their untrained mutts that would fight among each other, shitting on the floor and generally making a mess of the office. One dog tried to jump on me during a meeting and I shoved it aside, the owner came over and was all pissy that I wasn't more friendly to his dog. That policy did not last long

I see. Thank you for the clarification. Have a nice day my friend.

Yes. In the phrasal verb meaning.

Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. Cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones represents the moments that are most important, I agree. It was comforting to see her again and to somewhat be held true to my word, in some way. I wish you all the best. Keep well my friend.


Go to the opera. World class building and performances. The whole inner ring of the city has fabulous buildings and should be on anyone's to-see list. This is in Wien

I disagree with you in a snide and condescending tone while missapropriating your argument.

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I feel like stagnation is setting in. Niche communities I joined are barely posting, I see the same posts day in day out. I dont mean to be a pissimist though. I like competition and variety but feel like these elements have declined in the last month

Tragic :(

Basically xd


I totally heard my buddies talking about UFOs. They saw them, trust me bro. I cant show you any evidence though, just trust me bro. It is such an obvious attention grab by a man who's brain has suffered from PTSD

I am a interaction artist at my company. Still a new field of PR that we are experimenting with. I work for one of the major hydrocarbon companies

I feel like the lack of nsfw content and the somewhat prudish attitude towards it is hurting the potential of lemmy. It was a huge part of reddit even if some dont want to admit that

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Beelated, you mean ;) but in all seriousness just let me know if you need any help

This is fascinating to me. Thank you. Do you have some insight into how the leadership and centralisation of power dilemma of traditional leninist ideology is reconciled within the fed? I noticed many of my student groups running into issues with the concept.

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Ok, I had activated that and joined the instance but nothing was showing up. Must be another jerboa problem :/

Wouldn't that be the most human thing to do. We truly are our worst enemy, even on the grandest of scales

I will believe it when I see it. Keep drifting racers

Why so snarky? I just noticed that fed is way more communist than any other space I have ever been in and I am a lecturer at a very left leaning University, living in a very left leaning community.

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