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Joined 7 months ago

Last year's DnD movie is the best film of the last ten or so years. It succeeded on every level, except in the box office.

My hypothesis is that Hasbro insisted on branding it "Dungeons & Dragons" to push the brand, and non-gamers figured it wasn't for them. If they'd have made the main title "Honor among Thieves", all the game nerds would have seen the DnD logo, and others wouldn't have been turned off *. As it stands, people will find it and it'll become the new "Starship Troopers" that bombed but shines forever in retrospect.

* See "Arcane".

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Bernie Sanders is obviously a raging anti-Semite.

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It's a list of all the good word games, minigames and puzzles on the internet, and you can customize it to shortlist your favorites and even add new links. I go there every day to link to all my favorites.

...oh, full disclosure: I built it. Though hopefully nobody minds, since there's no ads or monetization whatsoever.

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...and yet, here we are. I left Reddit recently because of the drop in quality, and a lot of folks I know agree that it sucks even if they aren't yet tapped into the fediverse. The internet still has a lot of friction and inertia. These things take time. But the momentum has shifted. These social media cesspools can't last, even the most idiotic knuckledraggers will eventually smell the stink.

The downside is that they will find their way here. Lemmy will be bigger and less cool. Eternal September, am I right?

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My phone's home screen.

I'm not obsessed with it, per se. I have it dialed in and don't think about it much. But I use a special launcher and organize the app icons carefully. When I get a new app, I put time in to consider where it goes and where to shuffle things around. I'm very deliberate about the widgets I keep around. I'm proud of it and I've shared my layout and the apps I use on Facebook. So I think this counts.

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I think this is pretty cool. Sure, capitalists are gonna capitalist, but here we have subversive moves in a positive direction.

Bud, you sound like a technophile geek. The kind of person who custom built his own computer. You're not the target customer. Apple builds products for people that don't care about technology, they just care about what the technology does and want it to be easy and seamless. And that is a vast majority of the people.

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Joe Rogan.

Since nobody else is saying it.

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Smarter Every Day. Used to be just some amateur prettyboy nerd just geeking out and getting behind the scenes on cool stuff. Then it seems like he run out of cool ideas and money got involved. Last episode I watched, he was hocking some obviously awful aquarium game that he was involved with.

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Onion also got bought out a couple times. The new videos are low effort crap; nothing like the superb clips from 10-15 years ago, which is probably the best satire ever created.

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I think the issue here is that we're all genetically just apes and we live in a world where we're expected to know about geopolitics, outrageous technologies, all kinds of cultural artifacts, and a bazillion other complexities of modern life, in addition to the basics of feeding ourselves, finding a mate, and child rearing. At the same time, we have behemoth corporations in control of all media with a strong interest in keeping people dumb, angry and discontent. And education is... not what it should be.

No, humans aren't inherently evil or stupid or whatever. We've just inherited a world situation that we are not adapted for, and few people are able to learn and grow sufficiently to really understand and handle it all properly.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

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This is all just about normalizing poor decisions, right?

Fig ma balls.

News Feed Eradicator is a must have. I can check in on Facebook for personal messages and events, even post occasionally... but I don't see the feed and I'm not the least bit tempted.

It's also good for sites like Reddit (which I'm migrating away from, of course) where you can disable it for a set amount of time, to enjoy some idle web browsing time without slipping into a vortex.

Also, not a browser extension, but I use Google's Family Link to moderate my web use. I can't access social media on my phone. My wife administers it. It's occasionally inconvenient, but on the whole it has been transformative.

Silly question: could they evolve the infrastructure to an actual transit system?

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The woman I loved decided to give it a go. 13 years later, we're a super happy family.

PS: also, being bi and resisting the social urge to "be true to myself" and go gay, assuming the straight part was obviously bullshit.

You're welcome. Note the settings button, which gives some nice customization options. Feel free to share it with folks who might also enjoy it. :-)

Yeah, this has nothing to do with Biden. That said, it sounds like the rules are not being applied fairly. That said, it's not like America has fair, consistent policies or anything...

Lisbon, though we have some other ideas. We went through the process of research and consideration a few years ago and were seriously going to move. We didn't and are glad for that, and glad to have gone through that process in case we decide to leave.

If you like this, you might enjoy, a list of lots of little games like this. Nonograms is one of the sites listed, and I keep it on my shortlist. Though I don't have patience for more than a 15x15 B/W puzzle.

Both sides are pretty bad. They are not the same.

This is the main reason I'm here. In 5-10 years, the fediverse will be standard, and full of the same slobbering morons. But for now, being niche and fresh, it seems to be populated by more intelligent and conscientious folks.

Oh shit. That stuff is probably delicious.

I once tasted some regular Cuervo gold my buddy brought to a cabin weekend. He was going to make margaritas (with HFCS mix) and I nabbed a pour to sip on. It was one of the best tequilas I've ever tasted. I couldn't believe it was Cuervo, and then he told me that it was a bottle his Dad brought back from Mexico in the 80's. Apparently that stuff was really good back in the day.

Buttons? Ew.

I have consistently been Luddish about moves like this (removign physical keyboard, eliminating phone jack, even the tablet form factor in general) but I think I was mostly wrong, and monimizing hardware features in favor of software seems to improve user experience.

Harry Mack. Greatest off-top freestyler ever (except maybe Juice WRLD, but that's apples and oranges). Folks are sad about the end of Omegle Bars, but I've always thought Wordplay Wednesdays is his best format.

I worked at AT&T and then AT&T for about 8 years. I'm not talking about the anecdotal evidence of personal friends. I'm talking about broader consumer data.

For your information, here's a statistical study:

This indicates an average of replacing a phone every ~2.7 years. That means there's someone that replaces their phone every year for each person who keeps their phone for 4 years. And many people keep them longer than that. Obviously, I'm not saying that EVERYONE does this. But obviously this is not uncommon.

I don't typically complain about this; it happens to be the topic of conversation here. It just sounds like you're taking it personally for some reason...

I took over my mom's minivan during college. My frat bros made fun of me at first, but damn that was a great road trip vehicle.

Though on the whole, my current Subaru Outback might be my favorite because it came with a sweet sound system. I've never splurged on premium sound, and this was included because I wanted the towing capacity of the premium trim. Game changer.

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exorcise, btw.

Not a bad idea to consider a plan though. If you'd want to move away, that's a major decision that is best made through research and deliberation, not in a fearful rush to escape.

The whole thing about "keeping up with the Joneses" is inherently about judging others' motivations as invalid.

WIth a phone, there are various reasons to want a new phone. But you certainly don't NEED one. The year-over-year improvements have largely become trivial. Mostly, camera upgrades marketed for impressing your peers. In any case, this tendency is certainly based on norms set by the marketing, which people follow. And there is some portion of this that is just conspicuous consumption.

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Yup. Deadpool is entirely about breaking the fourth wall, and the first movie executed that beautifully while injecting a lot of heart into the story. The fact that other movies try to replicate that out of context for laughs is unfortunate.

I love Arak. Every country in that region has its local anise booze, and Israeli Arak is my favorite. I basically make my own by infusing vodka with anise.

Uh, or just don't get one? This is a stand-alone product with an unconventional business model. It's not like they're forcing it on anyone.

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I am. I'm Jewish, and a Berniecrat. Bernie is a caricature if an old Jewish man.

A handle of tequila with cacao nibs added. I do infusions, and this was a failed experiment. Should have tried it in a mason jar.

Though it usually works out well. I have a bottle of premium Costco vodka with two anise stars and some simple syrup added. It's like a homemade ouzo and delightfully sippable for $18 a handle. I also have slices of pear in another bottle, and it's yummy. And a mason jar of bourbon with black peppercorns, which I like to splash into an Old Fashioned.

Hot tip: Buying flavored liquor is expensive and never as good as infusing it yourself.

This wasn't an art film... but it had an original plot, was genuinely unpredictable throughout, awesome, imaginative action sequences, epic high fantasy, great comedy (I laughed my ass off), and real emotional tenderness (well, I cried). Often weaving these together in the same scene. I think you have to judge a movie based on what it's meant to be, and for a fun high fantasy jaunt, this was a monumental achievement. IMHO.

Generally, people that are less educated or with shitty values. It's not about genetics; it's about the perpetuation of bad culture. If I were to name some groups that typify this: religious fundies and under-educated rednecks.

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I think he's a good host for engaging and entertaining conversations, if you don't take him seriously. The problem is he became hugely politically consequential, and he can't decide if he's just an everyday moron (ha ha) or a powerful voice with meaningful opinions.

It's kind of a golden age for cinema, and especially for TV (episodic long format video). Good times!