More couples are choosing a ‘dual income, no kids’ lifestyle to – 778 points –
More couples are choosing a ‘dual income, no kids’ lifestyle. Here's how that changes their finances

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Generally, people that are less educated or with shitty values. It's not about genetics; it's about the perpetuation of bad culture. If I were to name some groups that typify this: religious fundies and under-educated rednecks.

It's hard to have this argument without coming across as advocating for eugenics, but I completely agree. The fact that increasing women's education is so strongly correlated with decreased population growth is not a coincidence.,children%20per%20woman%20to%20two.

The difference between a eugenicists and whatever the hell I am is that I think the solution is to educate more people, not to control their right to reproduce.

Right. There's also a huge difference between taking measures that affect birth rates and actively rounding people up and culling them. Eugenics has got to be the most equivocated term in the English language. Except maybe god.