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Joined 1 years ago

You know? Somehow, this post, this board made me question if we're taking the en passant joke too far. I don't know why. It wasn't thousands of google en passant comments, or memes, it's just this layout that broke me. Or, slightly cracked, at the very least. This, seeing someone put all these pieces, just for an en passant joke.

"New response just dropped..."

And yet some people would call that a Red flag...

...does tea count? Or sugar? Jerking off and video games are enough for me.

My only real problem now seems to be finding a relationship, so life's great.

I also have zero interest in those drugs though. Coffee tasted bitter. Alcohol tastes bad, and when I got tipsy once I just felt mild inconvenience walking, I think. Smoking smells bad. Never saw weed with my own eyes. A friend had me try yerba mate telling me it'd give me a kick like coffee, especially if I never tried it, but I just didn't feel anything special.

We actually had one for days now, but um... Early on it was replying to itself.

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24 hrs since I put them on for sleep and keep them on for the next day

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I click on d4 to check for mines

After 1,5 years, they finally stopped trying to milk the Elden Ring hype. Bought DS3 too.

Last time I played a bit via family sharing though, my saves went and got wiped after a few hours... the game says it has cloud saves but the others don't actually work (this one neither, probably), so I'm mildly afraid. It does work great on Deck though.

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This is one of the few communities I use lemmy for so far, the others are dying and I don't have time yet to post more on my own

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I've been missing a lot of Steam overlay's features on the deck, last time I used a guide I had to look it up everytime I went back into the game. Not to mention only having the Steam guide and no web browser.

I didn't understand the title before the pic loaded so here it is

Shit llepsretnuoc

On the contrary, if they're not too tight, they are a bit comfy for me. I heard Einstein was even proud of never wearing socks, but I think you people just have different foot vibes, I'm rather neutral about wearing them.

Even more importantly, it's winter, it's really fucking cold, and a blanket or two just isn't enough, at least not when I get out of bed early the next day. Directly covering extra skin helps.

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To top it off, I think the group in general was adding anti-piracy measures that could brick your Switch. So, it's fine to pirate Nintendo stuff, but you can't pirate the pirate's stuff.

(I might be thinking of the DS cartridge group but I think this one did too)

Less stuff actually made me check it less, which is healthier. But I also don't feel like there's much more enjoyment, probably because I used smaller specific subs more often. I also waste some of that earned time on Youtube, so overall, I have a bit less wasted time and that's it.

The devs are making Project Terra, so eventually

I don't know how draining Celeste was, but it can't be too much. Most indie games probably work.

Indie games in general have great OSTs, MGS:R and Persona (and SMT in general) are obvious popular picks.

The World Ends With You is less mainstream (with one of the few gripes being the lack of boss-specific themes, at least in the DS original I played - but it makes up with the diverse overworld and normal battle themes), as is Etrian Odyssey.

I think orchestra is mixed, it's either the best fucking tracks ever (often when mixed with electric guitar or other modern instruments, but not necessarily), or they kind of blend with other orchestral tracks I know and don't end up being unique enough to remember.

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Depends on what you define as comprehendible. Stalker and Yakuza as my "not AAA but does what I expect AAA games to do, since I play indies" came to my mind but they might not be comprehendible at times.

Same with fun, do visual novels count? Ghost Trick is the best story I played in recent years, but it's a puzzle game.

I mean, there's a ton of games I played with good story and gameplay over the years, but I don't play AAA much.

Prey, after a friend recommended it to me. Had mild nausea early but it must've been getting used to it, though Borderlands 3 wasn't as bad I think. Besides that, I appreciate that there's an official default control scheme for the Deck and in-game icons for the back buttons.

Also Binding of Isaac. This one benefits the least compared to PC, because I'm glued to my laptop or phone looking up info anyways.

Are you American or something?

I think a lot of other countries would consider consoles expensive, as well as games and other imported/regionally priced things.

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The temperatures are rather consistent here in Poland actually, I only felt it was mildly warmer for a day or so, but besides that I've been wearing the same clothes and feeling fine. Autumn was way worse.

I installed Proton GE but I don't think I changed any settings, so I thought default worked. Unless I started setting GE out of habit... Either way, one sucky thing is that audio between cutscenes is sometimes scrambled, even cutting the video short. Seems there is no fix.

Eh, on one hand it's overrated when people keep saying "it's a better Persona, those fans just don't play anything except Persona 5", I think that's stupid. TWEWY genuinely has a lot of flaws. A slightly too fast endgame, the second screen, etc.

But for me the gameplay is just so goddamn fun and well designed (making your own set of attacks, combining input methods, all the risk vs reward difficulty systems), and it has a few really good ideas that make me want to recommend it to anyone. I imagine you can beat the game in like, 10 hours on Easy without optional fights too, so, it's not a big time investment. (Though actually getting the game is difficult. Switch I heard sucks at controls, phone version doesn't seem to work on new ones, emulating the DS probably sucks too)

In fact, I thought the OST would be the overrated thing, since its style might not be for everyone.

Besides maybe competitive shooters (and you can still try, and do well with practice), and games with many keyboard inputs (Terraria for me), anything you'd play on a normal PC. Not much changed in games I play since I got the Deck. And games like easier shooters (Borderlands) or mouse reliant games (flash games, in my case) still play well, so it really does seem like it's only those two specific types I mentioned.

The closest is Ghost Trick I guess? But frankly while being another masterpiece, it didn't stick THAT much more than the others, after a month or two even the 10/10 games come to mind only if I think of a related topic.

The most influencial would be Etrian Odyssey IV since it got me into giving JRPGs another go, after years of not being impressed by any of the classics (Final Fantasy 4-5, 6 kept my attention until the endgame, Golden Sun...), and now I basically beat them (mostly Atlus' so far) on a bimonthly basis. I guess EO in general sticks the best, but it's hard to label one game since I quickly went and started playing all of them.

It also plays pretty damn well in single player. I actually enjoyed it more than in the few co-op sessions I had, and 100% including rushing NG+, which I do less often in games now.

Had it for a few years now, still playing it, on the bus and such. Including DS games, and maybe even some of GBA library, I'm not even halfway through my backlog for it. The favourites would be all the main Etrian Odyssey games but there's so much other good ones. Radiant Historia is budget but has some cool ideas, Fire Emblem (besides Awakening, I actually disliked it more than Birthright, didn't play Revelation yet), all of the Shin Megami Tensei games... and I'd add Kid Icarus or Mario 3D Land so it's not just JRPGs.

It's my main PC gaming device since my laptop is even struggling with TF2, and occasionally Ultrakill (which I only play there because I want M+K, and I might just start plugging those into my Deck), so it has been more than 95% of my PC playtime since I got it 1,5 years ago.

Which I'm fine with since I can't bother with a desktop, and gaming laptops are too loud/hot, both from older experience and seeing others.

Almost cursed knowledge


Though I didn't have many - GBA, Wii, 3DS, and now Steam Deck. The Deck is much better in a vacuum, but the 3DS just offers an experience you couldn't get via emulation or ports. Even if it's just the dual screen, it looks better as seperate physical screens than what emulators do on single display devices.

With the Deck, I just got it as an alternative to buying a new gaming laptop. Years from now, I'll be able to replace my SD with another Steam, or even non-Steam handheld PC, but once I lose my 3DS and functioning second-hand ones run out too, that experience is gone, and even 3rd party emulation machines will probably lack features.

The first point is CRUCIAL for setting up your own "scrolling page/account" for, since the instances are only very vague directions, at least while the site is still growing. And in a similiar vein, the second point with B) would be better than manually blocking communities I genuinely have no interest whatsoever in, like fountain pens (unless I don't know how to operate this site yet).

In fact, C) feels unnecessary because of that right now, since I already see many new communities just in my instance alone. Though it WOULD add things to browse since there isn't as much happening here, yet...

Oh. I didn't know that.

But, who actually would be bothered by that? Going on sale while game doesn't fully function, that is. Like, you're still selling the game, sale or not.

Same. I installed a bunch of games from my backlog, including a few big ones, but I still have more than 100GB left, both on internal and SD card. You're fine as long as you uninstall the ones you're done with for the time being. Just uh, check if Steam Cloud works for the saves, Dark Souls games for instance say it works but it doesn't. Then again, maybe OP has a 64GB, in which case, he probably should.

Definitely buy an SD card though, it's a quick upgrade.

You know, the weird part is? I got two followers, and one of them was a guy I messaged earlier when asking if he'd post his content elsewhere. (I mentioned lemmy as an option) Well, the profile was different - instead of being "XXX YYY", the one that followed me was "Alternate YYY", so I assumed it was an alt. He didn't message me back on the old nor this account, and when I tried to visit it said "this account name doesn't exist". He keeps posting and is probably neutral about this whole thing, but it's just, odd why he'd use an alt right then and then delete it or have it banned (maybe he promoted lemmy or protested on it, idk, I brought up lemmy in a post title on a smaller sub but it got banned by "the mods of r/sub". My account is fine tho)

The average earnings in European countries, however, vary significantly. I think I remember checking years ago that here in Poland, games and consoles cost 2-4x of the % of minimal/average income compared to other Germany, though you could also look at spending power. And plenty of countries have it WORSE.

I know for a fact that when I went on a trip to London, I was kind of disturbed by how expensive food is if you only compare GBP to PLN via the exchange rate.

Edit: Also, OP could just be a student with a part-time job or something. I'm not saying being American makes you rich or anything, it just means that once you buy all the essentials (food, rent) which should roughly cost "the same" in most countries, you can do more with your remaining money.

ALSO, PSA: Some companies try to do regional pricing to make things actually affordable, like Netflix subscriptions. People then use VPNs to buy them for a cheaper price (sometimes 10-20x cheaper, if they earn in USD) and the the companies have to go back and sell them at close to a 1:1 currency exchange rate (saw it happen to Dead Cells too, the devs tried but they ended up losing money). If you meet anyone like that, tell them they are assholes.