How many days do your wear your socks before changing them?

Mr. to – 157 points –

Some people change their socks every single day, to me that's a little to much. I'm more of a 2-3days kinda guy. Is changing socks each day absolutely necessary?

Edit: Obviously something is wrong with me, I'll take some time to rethink my life decisions and buy more socks! 😅 Edit2: I mostly wear wool socks, I hope that justifies this a bit..


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24 hrs since I put them on for sleep and keep them on for the next day

Why do you sleep with socks? That sounds very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, if they're not too tight, they are a bit comfy for me. I heard Einstein was even proud of never wearing socks, but I think you people just have different foot vibes, I'm rather neutral about wearing them.

Even more importantly, it's winter, it's really fucking cold, and a blanket or two just isn't enough, at least not when I get out of bed early the next day. Directly covering extra skin helps.

I think socks are comfortable but I could never sleep with them.

I do agree that getting out of bed is not very nice in winter. The floors can be uncomfortably cold and it's just an unpleasant experience.

Our outside temperatures are so weird this winter. It varies from like 10 to -20 in just two weeks for so.

The temperatures are rather consistent here in Poland actually, I only felt it was mildly warmer for a day or so, but besides that I've been wearing the same clothes and feeling fine. Autumn was way worse.

An inconsistent winter is the worst.

It's just terrible. One day you have a lot of snow, and then it gets water so it's all slush, and then it gets colder so it turns to extremely slippery ice.

One place in the country went from -43,6 (coldest since 1887) to 0,9 in under a week. Utterly insane.

I wish the weather could just decide on snow or not snow, either is perfectly fine, but not both.