
2 Post – 193 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

It's changing settings to only allow one way sync and disable deletion. The sync folder basically becomes an automatic archive destination.

They are soooo close to having this cool tool, but many feature requests have been shot down because it's not a true sync. I get it, but it sucks too.

I use syncthing for backups including some phone files, but I'm not sure this would be good.

Syncthing devs clearly don't want this app used as a sync-and-archive tool so all phones would have all copies and any phone can permanently delete any file. I wouldn't trust that.

(Yes, there is a roundabout way, I do it too, but it is prone to errors and sync issues)

I second immich and backup. immich can archive as you want, and Syncthing can make backups of files.

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Outcome is unfortunate but pointing a gun, replica or not, at an officer has always been a very bad idea. Nothing is different now vs 30 years ago.

Do we as a society really need reminding don't point weapons at police? Don't do it folks.

26 more...

Yeah, woops, something got pooched. I replied to a comment in my messages and it wound up here.

According to the article there were 2 youths.

There is another side.

Sweet! My first computer was a 333mhz PowerPC Mac! Still have that behemoth. Man, I learned video editing and 3d modelind on that thing and totally changed my career path.

Now 25 years later it's decendant (roughly?) is a SoC running a wireless hub!

Can confirm. Neighbors house had an attic fire with knob & tube wiring.

... Just like the stuff still in my place today. Eek! Landlord won't upgrade unless there is a problem. In my house, the breakers are all 20amp and that's a lot to run on, best guess, 70 year old wires.

Oh, and do not assume anything is wired as expected. Test after. I've found a couple plugs "upgraded" to 3-prong by jumping the load and ground together. That made for a fun firework show when my metal fan touched something metal. Even the landlord was impressed by that stupidity.

A cheaper solution is to take a copper wire and connect the ground screw of the socket to a water pipe. It does the job and is better than nothing.

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Price is definitely important, but so is traction. If stopping distance increases because eco materials grip less, that would be a concern.

My criteria are performance results, wear rating, and price.

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Ahh remindes me of a quote.

Mr. Prosser: Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I just let it roll over you?

Arthur Dent: How much?

Mr. Prosser: None at all.

8 more...

As I've heard someone say last year: "I wish Reddit a happy Digg.com"

13 more...

Shhh! Nobody tell them about "inside out."

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So if every photo of a Galaxy S24 is a fake AI composition, does that mean nothing could be copyrightable or used as evidence?

Those will be fun days in court!

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I did the math and it would take me roughly 90 years to pay off a 2 bedroom fixer-upper.

Surprise twist, said fixer-upper is the place I rent currently.

Double surprise twist, I pay more in rent then the mortgage for this place, but don't qualify to buy my own.

I'm stuck in the renters purgatory.

There are more twists still, but those are too personal.

35 more...

It took 14 paragraphs to get to the F-ing point. Jeez The Guardian is sensationalist dribble.

I'll save you the emotional buildup to radicalize their demographic and cut straight to it:

The charges filed by the union allege that Brown unilaterally changed protest policies without bargaining, and made threats of retaliation toward union members for participating in pro-Palestine campus protests.

“It’s really about the university trying to leverage this fact that, as graduate workers, we do have student status, and kind of using that as a workaround for violating labor law.

OMG what if Google moves to India/Mexico permanently and is subject to the TikTok ban.

Oh, I can dream. Haha!

"Oh no, those poor ticket buyers. How can we make this right?"

A fit of laughter washed over the C-level executive suite as hardened stoic expressions melt under the absurdity of the line.

For the Ticketmaster empire has fulfilled its purpose once again; to draw out the anger, to be the hated, to consume and regurgitate the evils and greeds of the land.

Lunch is delivered, and that was the last thought on the matter for the day. Talk of vacation homes and weekend yacht excursions permiate the walls; yellowed ever so slightly over the decades.

The delivery driver sulks away, untipped, from the lions den as their phone buzzes with a new notification.

Sender: haveibeenpwned.com

"Oh, shit. What this time?"

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There is a nonconductive coating on the wire that also prevents it from oxidizing. The wires can touch, but if the coating isn't scratched it won't short.

Some fine grit sandpaper will reveal the metal so you can solder connections.

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That's exactly where I wanted to work, but before you hate, I wanted to get into advertising because I didn't like what I saw and thought I could do better. I got the degrees, took the psych classes, and set off to change the world for the better. Nobody hired me.

You can't buy what you don't know exists, and there are some awesome things out there. But being hammered by messages or propaganda is lazy and abusive; I don't put up with it.

So yeah, I'm an wannabe advertiser turned massive ad blocker/privacy supporter. Screw the industry.

Some of us experience this on Lemmy too.

There are some communities here where users plunge headfirst in groupthought and if you cross their path, good gravy will the down votes flood in. It's not about being right or wrong, it's about refusing to acknowledge alternative points of view.

Water off a duck's back. If Lemmy needs more kindness, be the kindness you seek. That's my philosophy.

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Interesting idea.

I submit another idea: that food grown is being harvested earlier for quick turnaround and, for example the fruiting parts, immature in comparison from years ago.

If the plant ramps up nutrient storage as seeds mature, early harvesting is counterproductive.

I'd love to test that idea!

3 more...

Hold on to your butts...

Good luck on your updates. Thanks for all your work. Raise a glass

I don't think self hosting is average person territory at all.

I noticed 2 services out of dozens weren't working last week and restarted their docker containers when I got home. Working again! Easy.

Nope. They only work on local LAN. Turns out IPv6 wasn't working so I had a heck of a time tracking that down.

Home assistant kept giving me errors about my reverse proxy not being trusted, but all the settings were correct. Tried adding IPv6 addresses too, but never got that working. The only thing that worked was change the network interface from Ethernet to wireless.

There are a LOT of gremlins in selfhosting. It's a fun hobby and rewarding, but definitely not for everyone.

6 more...

I can't speak for everyone else, but my hourly rate increased.

It was still less then inflation, benefits cut and hours reduced, but "Promotion!"


I just saw one too. Not a particularly bright bird. It was sitting there yelling at me and I said out loud "what's your deal, yo?"

She laid eggs 2 feet from railroad tracks and was telling me to bugger off. They really blend in well! Image

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Let's see here. $2.6 million divided by 3,037 cables is...


$856/cable. Dang! That's some premium digital data conveyance!

I gotta find this infringement market. I got 2 solo cups, some string, and an Apple sticker!

That's what home assistant is built to do. There is a docker version, but I hit limits pretty quick and fired up an old raspberry pi running HomeassistantOS

One app, many devices & brands, custom interfaces for each member.

12 more...

Yeah they blocked it a few months ago. I don't remember the specifics, but it seemed like a new mod/admin came into play and didn't get the memo about Lemmy and trying to be more transparent and engaged with communities. Just poof

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It's the font size.

That is the issue.

I'm not a fan of some of Elon's behavior, but I'll acknowledge the successes he and his companies have made.

But when have software updates, remote software updates at that, warranted the recall badge of shame. What do you want owners to do, take off the tinfoil hat for their cars?

Change the font size and push the patch. Sheesh. We don't need an article CBS and the front won't fall off.

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I, too, watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Also grew up with a solid fear of drain pipes as a kid. That crab v pipe video ages ago... shudder

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How close do you need to be to take cell phone video of police without being a distraction?

25 feet feels a bit much, but understandable. I can certainly record people 25 feet away with very good detail.

However, does that radius expand if a second cop gets in between and starts walking your way? That sounds like an entrapment issue.

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In my experience, noooooo.

I've had too many momentary disconnects with USB devices to trust that on a 24/7 server.

An early server I built had a large USB backup drive for a RAID5 array and every month there was usually something that went wrong.

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Ahhh! But did you check the cellar? [Authorization was] on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.'

Immich was my first donation too. It's grown so much, implemented features from user suggestions, and is quite polished.

It started as a Picasa/google photos copy, but is so much more now.

Can't wait to see where they are headed.

Rumor has it Roku hard coded Google DNS nameservers on some devices so along with pihole, you have to block direct access now. FYI

I had a pihole that worked until an update. Had to block Google nameservers to restore blocking.

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You're kinda in a self hosting community, so I'll start off with a Raspberry Pi, docker, and your ISP. Not what you requested, I know.

That said, I do also pay for hosting for my other sites that need a little more 24/7 uptime security. I use namecheap since they were super helpful and awesome when I got fed up with my other host back in 2007 I think. Buuuut the bigger they got, the more clunky the service. I don't really recommend them for business, but hobbyist projects are still ok in my books. They totally botched email though; their servers are on so many blacklists.

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Of course the big question is "what will you use it for" because some uses will run just fine.

I would max that out so fast though.

I still recommend Brother printers, but some MFC-* models do support/enforce OEM lock-in after firmware updates according to reports. All the info is 2 years old and I so want to be wrong on this. Have they reversed that decision? Firmware update disables 3rd party toner

I just advised a business on a tech proposal, including printers, and the bid quoted one of the lock-in models. Of course it's a company so toner is a business expense and they arn't pinching pennies, but the owner is with the us in not supporting this decision. Props to them.

The psychoactive THC is activated by heat so unless the rats brought little lighters, they are just eating stinky salad. Other forms, such as edibles etc. would work, but I feel bad for a little rodent starting out on 10mg. That's going to be a bad day.

Anyone have a good connection for bulk pitchforks? We should order now to save on shipping.

I've been getting Lactaid ads alllllll over the Internet since reading that article.

Guess there is a new advertiser site that needs blocking ..

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