Another good reason not to use reddit: Scalpers. to – 68 points –

A bit ago I posted on reddit about how gameboys (handheld console) were getting more expensive and Scalpers were making it worse. For a bit the post maintained in the double digits with the occasional scalper downvoting. I went to bed and the next morning- Boom. I had been spam downvoted by people who's main activity is on Scalper subreddits and marketplaces.


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Some of us experience this on Lemmy too.

There are some communities here where users plunge headfirst in groupthought and if you cross their path, good gravy will the down votes flood in. It's not about being right or wrong, it's about refusing to acknowledge alternative points of view.

Water off a duck's back. If Lemmy needs more kindness, be the kindness you seek. That's my philosophy.

I was so confused to what grout thought was

I was thinking hard headedness

Always in lines

I had no idea until i clicked the link

That’s my experience here with /technology…god forbid you like your Apple product - everyone there seems dedicated to shitting on your likes, and by extension, you.

If you happen to feel like firefox/mozilla could do better by doing anything different, go to any other sub than firefox. I dont remember if it was on world of ml but I left because of this exact thing.