9 Post – 161 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

"MetaGoneMad" social media devolved into chaos. Selfies got replaced with close-up nostril shots. The "like" button exploded into a "passive-aggressive comment" button. Algorithm recommended enemies, not friends. Hashtags turned into full-blown novels.

British teen from the Lapsus$ gang hacks GTA 6 details in a small town hotel room using an Amazon Fire Stick. Despite compromising British telcos, he's exposed, caught by authorities, and leaks GTA 6 footage after using the Fire Stick to access cloud services and breach organizations. The tale highlights untapped talent and lack of support in his education system.

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Haha, "glitch" about $10 million dollars in storage fee was cleared.

OP you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Safety if number one reason, slamming the open-door in people walking outside the door is another. You can defend against someone forcing their way in, by using your body weight against door, something you can not do if it swings outward. Odor control is another issue, door swing outward will release the smell into next room, rather than contain it with the swing inward. Finally, this has nothing to do with architects or interior designer, this is a building code bylaw, as accessibility demand the door swing inward for people in a wheelchair so they can operate it.

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Airline keeps increasing prices, reducing size of the chair and the leg space, offers you no-snacks or meals on any flight 5 hours and under, over sell seats on purpose, never run on time, never clean plane in between flights, cancel flights, are now hiring door bouncers as flight attendants - cause who the fuck wants to pay to train their staff, am i right?

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Decided to hitch himself

to enrich himself, he was a fool, thought Trump was a billionaire.

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That is because red paint was inexpensive and abundant, than it became tradition.

What a fucking idiot.

The decapitated babies story has been confirmed a lie.

White House retracted President Joe Biden's statement in which he claimed to have seen images of beheaded children in the aftermath of a Hamas attack on Israel.

The White House spokesperson clarified that neither US officials nor the president had independently verified such reports. These claims, widely reported in Western newspapers, have been cited by some as justification for retaliatory actions in Gaza.

Americans are protecting and funding Israeli war crimes.

The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you.

This despicably evil person "Nicole Zedeck of Israeli i24 news" is the one that spread the false propaganda of 40 baby beheading.

Businesses as usual, Israeli settlers living on stolen lands rottenly rob, harass, attack, and murder Palestinians and the Israeli settlers who was arrested by the police, will be let go without a charge, as was the case of every single incident before. Israeli settlers are armed to the teeth, and are protected to commit crime.

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What a shitty fucking article.

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Is Twittex now going to sell weed or why do they want driver license photos?

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Article ignored all the costs up to that point.

The NSA has no idea whatever do you mean. /s

If you really think resistance fighters were carrying around a bunch of stapled word documents labelled ‘TOP SECRET’ like some TV villains then I have 10 bridges to sell you. Insane levels of deception here

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translation: Google Search is still an important tool, but it is no longer the only way people find information.

When was the last time USA sent that much support during which Israel was bombing Gaza, anyone? anyone?

I don't know about you, but I'm now starting to consider something is being cooked.

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Haha! The website is not even for techies, if you click on I DISABLED MY ADBLOCK without disabling it, the site lets you in lol

Let me save you a click

Google Glass: Early release, high cost, and privacy concerns led to its discontinuation.
Apple Newton: Poor handwriting recognition and high price doomed this early PDA.
Windows Vista: Incompatibility, high resource usage, and negative user reviews plagued its launch.
Microsoft Zune: Attempted competition against the iPod, but failed to differentiate and had software issues.
BlackBerry Storm: Departure from physical keyboards, coupled with a flawed touchscreen design.
iTunes Ping: Apple's music-focused social network lacked meaningful engagement.
Nokia N-Gage: Ambitious gaming phone with hardware problems and limited game library.
Nintendo Virtual Boy: Stereoscopic 3D display caused discomfort, poor game library.
HP TouchPad: Inadequate specs, high price, and lack of ecosystem compared to iPad.
Galaxy Note 7: Battery issues causing explosions and recalls marred its reputation.

wtf is a byju... looks it up.. ok, interesting.

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With a dream journal, and setting intentions before sleep, you likely can increase the likelihood of influencing your dreams the following night.

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Ignoring tickets and than closing it for inactivity is how big companies ignore their own fuck-ups.

decentralized social media is the future.

After I selected LEAVE HISTORY OFF, it stopped letting me browse and keeps asking me to ENABLE HISTORY. Anything google product has become hostile.

Israel Kills 14 Palestinians Every Hour in Its Brutal Attack. At least 2,370 Palestinians have been killed, including 721 children and 390 women. The number of civilian casualties is approximately 1,730, and 9,250 others have been injured to varying degrees, with more than half of them being children and women.

There is no question that many children were brutally killed by Hamas, and you arguing that it is despicable that some have repeated unconfirmed claim that some children were killed by beheading, which happens by the way in Middle East. The travesty! The children where purposefully gunned down, not beheaded!

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Too many companies have stupid people running their IT department, stupid to the bone, thinking backups (on site and off site) are not important. This hosting company is prime example.

They are rolling this out in stages to users worldwide, It happened to me 3 weeks ago, on Brave, Firefox, and on Chrome. I had to junk Brave, update firefox, flush out my extensions (remove them) and reinstall, and now I run 6 different ad blocking and tracking extensions and its back working again. You should also know that Adblocker Ultimate are also involved and working on blocking their extension from working so they can sell premium app, which is now an app that runs on your computer, not an extension anymore.

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I truly fucking hate this situation, the deployment of American troops. Regrettably, I can already envision the headlines: 'U.S. Troops killed in Israel,' serving as a potential catalyst for dragging the U.S. into a regional conflict.

How could people have faith in a non-interfering God who allows terrible events, even to young children? If such a God exists but doesn't intervene, then there's no reason to worship it, as its presence holds no significance for humanity. Moreover, it's likely that if this God is real and unaware of our existence, it's because we're inconsequential. This becomes even more plausible if numerous planets similar to Earth with their own life forms exist.

Fuck this world. International community of fucking killers protecting Israeli Terrorism.

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Hamas is the governing party of Palestine.

No it's not. You are confusing Palestine with Gaza, Gaza is a small part of Palestine.

Biden never saw fuck all.

White House retracted President Joe Biden's statement in which he claimed to have seen images of beheaded children in the aftermath of a Hamas attack on Israel.

Sweden and Denmark love the Saudi money.

Slippers so you don't have to wear shoes, make sure you have '' app on your phone so you can Bluetooth to your car. Sandwiches, simple home-made that needs no refrigeration for days, and a water bottle. Trash bags, small ones, and your chargers.

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Fucking monsters the Israeli government are.

They are despicably evil.

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Imagine if you only flushed the toilet once a week.

that is a good line to teach people who wonder how often they should clean the damn litter box.

X is going to become the JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF NONE, exactly how Yahoo went down in flames. LinkedIn is just as trashy.

Their servers were fucked over, a taste of their own medicine ;)

WebDetetive = OwnSpy

weapons industry shareholders

They're eagerly seeking yacht upgrades, practically drooling at the prospect of a regional conflict, likely daydreaming about the financial windfall.

Fuck spotify, I use