
5 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

AI generation can be used for disinformation which can literally destabilize or right away end the world as we know it.

But fake Taylor Swift pictures, this is where we draw the line ...

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"Packaging was damaged and there were several blood stains on it. Driver didn't even say 'Hi', just laid there. Rude and unacceptable! 1/5 *"

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Back in the day we had a rules of the internet and they were clear: there are no women on the internet. So you are not fooling me

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Can someone list those piracy subscription services so we can avoid them as responsible citizens?

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You know Lemmy, sometimes you make me laugh. A lot. That's what I like about you

Nice but you should've used a different movie. I mean the Gladiator premiere was like yesterday, must have been few years ago max, am I right?

Enough phone and laptop chargers to not have to constantly go to another room to grab one.

Yes! I had enough of this so I bought like 6 USB-C cables at once, best buy ever

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It has 230 ft, that's 70 m since we're in Europe

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Sigh ... can you people tell me what is your "idea of life"? Like what do you think a persons' life should look like?

I mean for a moment lets imagine that you're the only one on earth, everyone just disapeared. Your life will be pretty hard do you realize that? It'll be a constant survival, gathering food, clean water, being warm, preparing for weather catastrophes, animal attacks, insects, diseases, etc. You'll be constantly on edge whether you survive to the next day, week, year. The reason you don't have to deal with shit like that is that we have sort of functioning society where everyone takes a part, everyone specializes at something and together we achieve more and make your life super easy.

So with this in mind, back to the original question - how do you imagine your existence? Sitting down on your ass? Travel? How? Having a family? How do you feed them? Do you want them to be in constant survival mode?

Or if you like this then go. Really. Go to the woods and enjoy your life.

Or is this somehow supposed to be criticism of 9-5 office job for some billionaire? If yes then this is laughably shallow view of jobs and a society as a whole. Whith shit like this you literally shit on eneryone who does our society a better place.

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Ummm I failed? I have no idea what I'm looking at

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Hi, first of all sorry for all the downvotes and people not telling you why - c/asklemmy is meant for more generic, openended questions. If you need help, then try one of the programming communities or maybe stackoverflow.com. Not sure how many such communities we have on Lemmy but I'm sure we can find some

Edit - to people downvoting, don't be dicks, we aren't on reddit anymore 🙂 We're relatively small group of people here, try to be helpful instead and suggest the right communities 👍

Java ... BAAAAD! Ahahahaha never gets old.

Also search your dictionary for 'sarcasm'

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Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly

Pray we don't defederate any further

Haha what? There are no small people in computers, what are you talking about?


Sigh do I really have to? Sigh ok ^._.^

Personally I'd sometimes appreciate it, especially from Lemmy to Mastodon. Sometimes I find something interresting or useful on Lemmy and I'd love to just boost it on my Mastodon. The way it's now is that I post the link to Lemmy post on my Mastodon and this isn't nice, f.e. now I have two comment sections (one on Lemmy, one on Mastodon) and if people on Mastodon want to join Lemmy discussion, they need to have Lemmy account.

Also the other way arround (from Mastodon to Lemmy) - sometimes I see screenshots of Mastodon messages. It shouldn't be like that, we should share the original post directly in Lemmy which would credit the author and we could join discussion

Edit. But btw this is already working ... sort of. In a very, very limited way. F.e. this is how I see this post in Tusky app with my Mastodon account. No image, no comments, it's ... meh. I think you can somehow join the discussion too or just reply to a single comment but again, it's very limited atm

Also let me point out one nice feature here - the freezing point is 0. Bellow it you can expect snow instead of rain, ice on the road, sidewalk, plants are in danger, etc. A lot of things and situations in your life are affected by this simple fact that water freezes so it's nice that we have it at 0.

Fahrenheit has 32°F ...

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I'd see 2 reasons:

  1. A lot of people put a lot of money into it and they won't give them up. They'll keep buying and selling, keeping it sort of artificially afloat even if it has no real world usage. Well there is actually one which leads me to the next point
  2. The illegal market (and gambling) has a use case for cryptocurrencies so they actually use them

But to put it simply - they don't die because they don't have to. There is no single company that would pull the plug. By it's design, they can coexist in our world and no one can stop it, doesn't matter if people use it or not

It's like a torrent with millions of seeders. As long as there is at least one seeder, the torrent will exist even if the files it contains aren't really useful

So ... which one is the duplicate?

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You need to say what? You have to finish your sentence. Over.

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Me too, each year I spend my vacation in SOT (Slovakia Overseas Territories)

I'm not 100% sure but If you heard about companies/websites that provide DNA testing like Ancestry, MyHeriatage, etc. (actually anything related to genealogy), there is a big chance that they're based in Ohio Utah and in some way connected (or directly owned) by mormons. Just by now they must have a huge database of people's DNA

But feel free to correct me, as I said I'm not entirely sure if this is the context

I'm with you but I get it that sometimes it's convenient. My wife likes what we call "cup recipes" in baking where everything is measured in cups/glasses (this was a new thing couple of years ago where I live). It's very fast and convenient.

But yes, it gets out of hand. I mean "a cup of celery"? ... How? Why?

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That's how you get maggots

Of course they will! This is the sad, sad reality of todays internet - the power is so centralized in the hands of like 4 companies, that every business basically can't ignore them. Like you can but by that you're just hurting yourself from the business point of view. Elon Musk can literally say Fuck You to advertisers and they still need to advertise there. This is just crazy. On nation level the anti-monopoly bureau would take action but we don't have world wide anti-monopoly bureau.

That's why when people tell me "Oh, Elon Musk just bankrupted Twitter" I say "Did he?". At this point I believe he can do anything he wants, he can murder like dozen people, blow up the headquartes or start selling drugs to children and Twitter would still be fine

That's ok u/TacoButtPlug

It's not sad. I'm jealous

nervously flips through notes

It umm ... It's nice she's giving them some helping hand, am I right?


I'm just going to comment on work life - the truth is, the older I get the less I care about things like appearance. Depends on the profession of course but for f.e. office work - people don't care. Especially not if it's for medicall purpose (they could even have a problem with HR). I meam look at the older colleagues, they themselves look like shit, they don't care.

But I remember my mid 20s and I was exactly the same, now I look back and it's a bit funny. It'l be good, go for the braces :)

Wow, that's heavy

Hmm the guy sounds legit. I should check this "Skyrim" game

It's apparently a bug in Sync, the bug ticket has been already created. For the time being I copy the link and open it in the browser which seems to work




That's a good question. It's hard to go back to my teen years but I'd suggest:

  • buy a musical instrument and learn to play it, really doesn't mater which one. Especially during college years everyone who could play anything was suddenly a superstar
  • buy some book to learn some skill, again doesn't matter that much what you learn. I don't know, like mixing cocktails? Sounds fun. For example by accident I learned "reading of hands". I quickly learned that it's bullshit but boy, was it an interresting thing to perform during parties in college
  • Nothing really comes to my mind regarding of profesional development. Really at your level most of the stuff you can learn is free online and you don't need anything expensive

I don't know if sarcasm because there are actually maniacs like that in this world

I'm dumb but what does that even mean?

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Not The Onion?

... Are you guys for real? Since when is Reddit this centralized heaven you describe? You have r/news and r/worldnews. You have r/funny, r/memes and r/funnymemes and probably dozens of others I don't even know about. NSFW subreddits are like on another level where every single NSFW category has like at very least 5 subreddits and people who post there crosspost constantly.

And every single other platform for commuities has the same situation - on Facebook you could have found groups NHL, NHL fans, NHL 4 life and like ten other NHL communities with duplicated names.

And yet when we come to Fediverse, the BIGGEST F*CKIN ISSUE of the entire platform is that there is fediverse@lemmy.ml and fediverse@lemmy.world

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I mean ... Pikachu face? :)

So people switch to service based solutions for movies, games, music, ... where they own literally nothing because the actual owner is the corporation which sort of 'rent it' to them. And then they're surprised that provided stuff gets demolished by 'landlord' because it doesn't bring enough money to the landlord

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Can we see that [1] source?

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