
5 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For anyone interested, they explained the reasoning behind this particular defederation here:


At the end of the day beehaw wants to be tightly moderated and it's kind of imposible to properly moderate huge amounts of users at the moment with their tools so they decided to ban big instances that don't require any verification to join

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It also supports peertube!

I use it a lot, just a heads up for anyone interested, on google play the app is paid, but the app is free on F-droid and uploaded by the same devs, no features missing to my knowledge.

Think of the google play app more like a donation (or if you are like me, buy it because you are too lazy to got to F-droid) but be aware the app is actually free and one of the best when it comes to mastodon.

A feauture it has is that it lets you have as many timelines as you want, be it for instances or even tags so that you are not restricted to your subscribed, local and all but you can just choose a random instance and save their timeline to browse whenever you want.

Edit: forgot to mention, technically it supports the entire fediverse, but you will be restricted to your mastodon UI if you follow lemmy or kbin accounts, which means you will see likes and boosts instead of upvote/downvote. It is not ideal, in fact I would recommend having a separate lemmy app, but you can do it.

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Also sub to smaller and more contrnt specific instances? Personally I have been having fun interacting with communities from my hobbies (most specifically manga) and at the end of the day that's what matters most.

The fact we are seeing posts with almost 3k upvotes has me really impressed

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You realize the downvotes came from your comments and not the post itself right?

You made the shittiest attack helicopter joke I've seen in a while

Also it literally goes against this community rules and the instance as a whole, wonder why you are still allowed to post.

Go join truth social or some other alt right fork instead of waisting everyone's time

POV: you see someone who doesn't believe what Andrew Tate has said himself but is a fan

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Why? If you have blocked meta shouldn't you already be exempt from seeing comments and posts by their users on other instances? Why is this punitive approach needed

Edit: (Alongside downvoting, an explanation might be better suited to change people's minds, I just eant to know the advantage of this approach since you are excluding yourself from many users and you would have already blocked meta in this scenario)

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Why would you not be welcome? Is it for your political opinions? Even if it were, I don't think they would personally shun you unless it entails attacking minorities.

That aside, and having said that of course it is everyone's perrogative to judge this behavior, I personally feel it is an exaggeration. Not every instance is about free speech nor should they be, at the end of the day the fediverse is about creating communities, one is able and should shape them into what their vision of that is. This is not authoritarianism, in this case they said it is due to their inability to moderate.

Even if it weren't for that, it is good that communities don't federate with every instance, aa I said, not everyone is about free speech and changing opinions some are here to have a good time and for that adequate protection is necessary.

I myself prefer deciding myself when to block other instances, so I joined one that let's users decide. But if other instances decided to block us I would understand and either move on or join another instance to interact with them without thinking much about it (having multiple accounts is kind of easy on the apps,)

I think I'm kind of used from servers blocking one another from my time on mastodon and I've seen the necessity of the practice, for example an anime focused group blocking bot instances, brigading, alt right groups, etc.

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I use fedilabs, don't know if the other apps have caught up (hope they did) but the timeline function where you can add timelines from whatever instance you like and also have tags as timelines is so OP.

Since I spend most of my time browsing other instance timelines that feature is a must.

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I keep asking but haven't gotten an answer, why must instances that block meta also block those that federate with META? Wouldn't blocking META be enough, as you wouldn't see their posta, nor users, nor comments in any way after blovking the domain?

Is this punitive or is yhere a reason I'm mising?

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Please look at the community you are in right now :)

Embrace, extend and extinguish.

It was a more common tactic back in the day for tech giants to destroy competition omfor open software specifically.


While I do find it funny to have pronouns in a semi-anonymous community, the reason has to do with the community they want to build, especially it being on the progressive side of culture, here is an expert from their mission statement:

As a news aggregator and a social media outlet, with a focus on being a safe and accepting space, we strive to create a positive social impact. We will also help to connect underprivileged and minority individuals with education and civic participation by promoting a healthier online experience.

Aside from that I feel it's common modern internet etiquette to have your pronouns available, and while I do find it funny to have when you are technically anonymous it probably makes communication easier and helps erase the internet bias of thinking every single persin you meet is a man.

Edit: now this was an unexpected turn of events, I didn't expect OP to be this much of an imbecile.

Disco Elysium at 75% off is a steal!

Also, Kingdom Come Deliverance, 75% off and rven cheaper than Disco Elysium. This one is hands down one of the best modern rpg games I have played, especially because you can play without the minimap relying on directions given by NPCs, it is so inmersive and it has a plethora of interesting mechanics and an amazingly beautiful world.

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But a counter is that much of that information is already public and can be scraped, they aren't gaining much on outside meta users that they aren't already able to do.

Best advice at the end of the day is that for social media, unless advertised on privacy, never post anything you dont want to be public. And for cases like lemmy, expect even metadata to be available for anyone interested.

I understand the wish to not interact with meta, even if its for privacy concerns.

But Im a firm believer that it is the user first who needs to make that decision, not the instance. But as I said, Lemmy being the only one of the big fedi platforms right now that doesnt have a feature for instance/domain blocking user level kinds of screws this up.

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This is some mandela effect shit, you definitely could downvote on rif up to the last day

I agree with the sentiment, I'm not a fan of preemptively blocking meta on instance level, especially when everyone was touting about how the fediverse is corporation resistant and by design it is resilient because of it's horizontal nature, but at the first sign of threat they resort to the nuclear option.

Having said that, Lemmy specifically lacks tools on the user level, especially blocking instances. If a user doesn't want to associate at all that is understandable (privacy concerns, not wanting to interact with hate groups, etc) but right now they can only block communities and users individually, which would make it impossible to block meta.

Lastly, I feel there are avenues that haven't been properly explored, like forcing them to open source if they want to federate. (On the grounds of privacy concerns and security) In practice that would be the same as blocking them, but it would laid out a good foundation for new companies that want to enter the space without having to discriminate on a case by case basis.

Problem is that blocking is the nuclear option and everyone blovking before something comes out, which no one knows the danger yet like a hate speach platform would entail, goes against the spirit of the fediverse.

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Anime subs are flooded with pervs openly sexualizing children and calling for porn.

So... Pretty much the same as before July 1st /s

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No one knows if corporations have a way to mess this up yet, which has in turn fueled the push against META joining the space.

But by design it is safeguarded, it is all about horizontal growth, instances aren't thought to grow indefinitely so it is encouraged that people make their own instances to spread the load. As long as we have this option a corporation can't take over since as you said everyone can just defederate, or if they are part of an instance that has been corrupted by corporate instance you can just move over to other instance. This is the key difference with a centralized service, in reddit yes you have different subs with different rules and moderators , but at the end of the day you are all under the whims of reddit and have no sub to escape to once reddit fucks ip. Here if the equivalent of reddit where to fuck up, start banning people or defederating with everyone once it grows big enough, you can just move to other instance inmediatly and aboid the problem.

That is why I'm not really that worried of corporations making instances regardless of how big they get because as long as the protocol remains unchanged we can all just flee with no issue.

Nope, in the same way someone amassing photos from children's beauty pageant wouldn't constitute CP.

No clue why people are saying that if the collection is big enough it eould be CP. Thas is not (to my knowledge) how we define CP.

I quickly read this, which is a spanish article on the legislation on Chile comparing it to the rest of the world. You probably could google translate it if you are really interested. It talks about international definitions, other country drfinitions then the Chilean law and finally about how vague the terms used usually are and how to interpret.


From my read, CP laws usually focus on minors being used in materials that show them either doing sexual activities or that are meant for sexual excitement. Even nudity, by itself, is not CP (imagine you take photos of a nude child for a medical archive). Some other commonly seen requisites are that what is shown is primarily sexual and that the objective is the satisfaction of sexual desire. Some even separate plainly erotic content from sexual ones, but that is a big discussion in of itself and I don't know if it is relevant to US law.

Point being, nope, I don't think this conduct would constitute CP under US law (or any other for ghe matter) because it is not something that constitutes "explicit sexual conduct"

"Without evidence" bruh he has described using the loverboy method himself, consistently for years.

And even if you were to say he is lying (which would be a weird thing yo lie about) you do have 2 rape allegations back in the UK plus allegations in Rumania, if you go and ignore it all saying there is 0 evidence that is on you...

You might say there is no definitive evidence yet, but that is just because he hasn't gone through trial, which says nothing about culpability

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Would this be corrected naturally by people using feddit as a search term more or does google have to manually patch this things?

Agree with the sentiment, I don't need it nor is it my thing, I prefer to be the one that has to do the blocking rather than mods, but I can see why it's there.

I hate when people try to do safe spaces and some outsider looks at it and starts staying it's authoritarian, an echo chamber, propaganda, power hungry admins, etc. Like, dude if there is a group of people that want to be protected from certain rethoric, it's pathetic to act with indignation just because the don't want everyone to interact. Not every community is about fitting everyone and being neutral, as long as they are transparent with it let them have their place in peace.

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I am personally guessing it's this option, people keep saying the idea is to EEE but I don't think this would be the most effective use of Meta resources since they should be focusing yheir efforts at beating twitter.

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Wait how has Maatodon treated BIPOC? Is this about the users or a particular instance? Frankly I had never heard about this, I frequently use mastodon and it's really welcoming of queer people (I feel overall, but at the very least it is true comparedd with the rest of social media) so I didn't think there would be an issue with POC.

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For me while scrolling through a threat I upvote those that I agree with and leave alone those that I disagree, unless it's done in an asshole kind of way which I kind of despise.

But if I make a post I do tend to upvote everyone which I kind of justify as "rewarding" people for interacting with me.

I'm a bit sad when it comes to smaller communities that have been struggling with content, problem is that for some of those hobbies it took a lot of time to reach a user base in reddit where there were discussions and interesting posts every day, here while I see a lot of committed users trying their bests some communities are simply unable to reach that level yet.

I am hopeful for the future, but in my case it's about people just learning how to use it which is something I kind of saw in Mastodon this past year. The way for content to remain high quality is through moderation and setting the example, not simply by being difficult for casual users since in my eyes they are needed in this kind of forums.

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I'm with you on this one, in a vacuum I don't really have a problem with the term "normie" but here it is completely being used as gatekeeping.

This whole meta controversy has really caused some brain rot, a lot of people talk about this place as if it's better because it "gatekeeps". They say they enjoy this place because it is niche and doesn't have the "below room temperature IQ posters" (actual quote I saw)

I don't like this attitude, I really don't like it. It is way to common on the internet, especially for hobby communities to have this attitude.

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Are we going to start pretending this is something new to bash on reddit?

Given the lack of context the mods might be in the right here, what is up with the expectation you can just barge up to a community and say whatever you want, there are rules for a reason.

Sure let's circlejerk

Common law legislations also have piracy laws? I would rather say it's more of a western kind of affair, since a lot of countries in the east + africa (especially underdeveloped or that only recently developed) have yet to sign international treaties on enforcing piracy law.

Having the law is one thing, but of course most countries that aren't on western europe or North America barely enforce piracy laws. (For example look at the entirety of south america, where official huge bus companies will just play pirated movies on the screens)

You are doing it right, even on desktop it's the same thing. All one needs to do is search for a community from other instance in your own indtance and subscribe, you can even subscribe for communities outside of lemmy like kbin and beehaw


Here is an archive of his old website, which he has now deleted, I wonder why.

I can't be bothered to search for the clips themselves, as I really don't want to hear him talk anymore. But I remember a plethora of yt shorts were he described this one easy way to make money...

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Op, try presding this teo communities and subscribe just to check it's working properly



After you verify they are working feel free to unsubscribe of course.

Edit: after reading it again I'm a bit confused to what your problem is, so here is a quick run down of jow things should work.

From your own account, use the search bar to search for a community in another instance, there try to see button for about community (it might be different on each app) and lastly press subscribe. From yhere, all your subscriptions should appear the same regardless of where they come from.

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Holy shit what is this level of cringe!!??

Jokes aside, I quickly scrolled the anime subs I used to frequent (by hot and then top daily and top weekly) and I didn't really see noticeable change, maybe I missed a big discussion that happened during protests since I stopped using reddit since then, but I don't really see what you described.

And before the protests there was already the occasional pro loli post, of course it wasn't a flood that's why I went to check.

Maybe it's something present on smaller subs?

What reasons are there to change into those? I have been torrenting for such a long time it would be lowkey weird to vhange for no reason.

What are the advantages presented by those?

I don't know why wouldn't they be private, in mastodon only you can see the notes. It could be made so that they are stored locally or by instances but encrypted

But I agree a plugin would be ideal, but as I have 0 programming knowledge I'm asking in case one exists.

Really good, the servers are amazing, I play on 60 to 80 ping brcause my country doesn't have servers but I don't feel any lag, and I mean it.

It brings interesting mrchanics, like dragging allies and thr respawn points. It is undoubtedly fun and a dunny game by nature, you won't really notice the graphics after a few minutes.

Of course, it's a 15 bucks game AND still in early access, don't expect it to be battlefield or feel like newer battlefield titles. But it has more destruction, way too many weapons (tied to a progression system, no money involved of course)

Definitely give it a chance, it is a lovely work of passion. Especially the maps, they really impressed me on how good they were at making them feel good at every size of match (256, 128 and 64 people)

I do some

  1. Half life alyx, 60% discount. More than the game itself I find the mods to be really impressive. Of course the main game is cool, and because it's a prequel you don't really need to have played previous hapf life titles.

  2. Into the radious, 40%. One of my favorite vr games. Its a survival, based on the stalker games. The game is slow, methodical, the weapons are satisfying, it forces you to think ypur approach and navigating the world with a map that doesn't show you where you are is really cool and immersive.

  3. Superhot vr, 60%. Although be warned that if I were you I would pirate it, the devs removed some suicide related scenes that were cool to play from the game, which you can still play if you were to download an older version. If you don't mind that, then by all means buy it, it is one of the best introductory vr games after all

  4. Walkabout minigolf, 50%. If you are getting a single game of what I recommend PLEASE BUY THIS ONE. It is one of the best games I played on vr, playing minigolf is so damn fun. You barely need space on your room and there is a big skill curve to learn the game, maybe I liked it this much because I had never played minigolf, but the game feels genius to me.

  5. In death, 50%. It is a game where you are an archer and you have to battle through procedurally generated levels, also you move by shooting specific arrows or a dagger you can throw, it is really an intense game.

If you have a steering wheel consider getting dirt rally 2 and Asseto Corsa (the original one)

It is a shame that beat saber (hands down the best and most addictive vr game out there) is not discounted.

Oy, unrelated question, did you changr instances??? I can't see the posts you made yesterday. Or did you delete them/were they deleted?

Also, must say, I'm quite enjoying your posts. It feels like a mixture of bait low effort trolling with a little bit of honesty behind and I just find it hilarious, so don't stop (well of course until you get banned)

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