
1 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

He did and how he's suprised I guess

Pretty much... Weird coward still is a coward

It's a bold move Cotton let's see if it'll pay off...

Narrator : It didn't pay off

Better choice than Shapiro

His "Free Speech Absolutionism" is just.... Freedom from any consequences for what you say.... Which is also a really stupid thought process..

This is something I can get behind for a politician

Kill for aux support

1 more...

Can't go wrong with more DOOM

Yeah tactile buttons and if you are like the mini and go beyond... Dip switches are the way


Yeah waiting for the news headline... Any second now.... Zzzzz

It's more valuable than Twitter and threads to me... It really is only missing video and I'll be fully sold and hashtags seem to work... I just don't use them often

Always can't not support hating this slime ball

Perfect Dark has me greatly intrigued... I just hope they keep the additional mission objectives on harder difficulties in this one and it will be fantastic