4 Post – 99 Comments
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Lemmy Recap 2023:

You don't have a small car. You have a normal car.

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I got that it's some of these DEEZ NUTS jokes probably. But I kinda don't get it.

bo fae deez nuts? I don't get what this is supposed to sound like.

Ligma is simple. Sounds like Lick my. But bofae?!

Sry english is not my first language.

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You mean this?

Discord Moderator Simulator 2024

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Must suck to be a Windows User


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Das ist doch Belgien, oder?

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And then "well now that the browser is already open. Why don't I check out Lemmy."

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Im in this Picture and I dont like it.

This looks insecure because he "saves" but well its just a joke and you actually need to be very secure to risk ruining your question with this joke if she doesn't get it. He isn't saving, he is risking more for a joke. This man is very secure.

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Good for him. Cheers

Stop worrying and start living your life!

Nice try, AI


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Ich interessiere mich nicht für Fußball, daher weiß ich nicht wie die Deutschlandflagge aussieht.

This pic is actually half a year old because I was to lazy to make a new one. But I just walked by them and check this out. Sharing a spot right now again. :) They had their heads together, but I sadly woke them up.

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Ich weiß nicht, von wem Sie sprechen. Ich bin jemand völlig anderes. rennt weg

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Yea, I heard once that you shouldn't tell anyone if you want to do something new. Because telling everyone, already getting respect by everyone and all that even tho you didn't even did anything gives your brain more dopamine than actually doing it. So yea. The trick is to not tell anyone. There is still a huge chance that you won't finish the project, but the chance that you do it is higher and if you don't the shame is lower. But anyway I'm saying this all but I didn't learn from this tipp myself. I also always tell everyone instantly about my new project that I will absolutely do this time! Because I absolutely don't need that trick, because THIS TIME its different. THIS TIME I actually do it. :) yea...

Soft boiled egg sandwich is the fucking best. I thought I'm the only one who does this.

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I already wondered for long time why they don't just buy PioneerDj, the biggest DJ brand ever, with all the money you earn with a free open source project ;)

Ah thx :) Wer ist Meep? Betrügst du mich?

How is the game called?

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I think we should build a huge highway bridge to Hawaii

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You can't. I already flushed it down.

For fucks sake


Ah thx :)

So meth is healthy?

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I disagree

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Nothing special to set up if the other side also has ProtonMail. If another ProtonMail user sends you a Mail, it's E2EE by default.

If you want people that don't have ProtonMail to send you encrypted mails, you need to share your Public Key somewhere.

You can get your Public Key this way:

  1. Settings

  1. Encryption and keys -> Export public key. And then share it here. DO NOT SHARE THE PRIVATE KEY. Only the Public Key.

Thank you very much

Ok ich versuch das jetzt mal zu vertstehen ganz ohne Übersetzter.

Er sagte (so vermute ich): „Aber nein, ????. Ein Belgier muss gewonnen wählen Eingang ins kiek (bestimmt eine kneipe oder so) oder um matau griffbereit zu haben (matau ist bestimmt ein Bier). Keine anderen Flaggen.“

Dies klingt jetzt vielleicht erstmal sinnfrei, aber für mich ist seine Aussage ganz klar. Sinngemäß möchte er sagen, dass man sich das Wahlrecht, ob man ins kiek gelassen wird, erst gewinnen muss ODER man hat einfach Bier mit. Flaggen jedoch helfen dir nicht, um ins kiek zu kommen.

So does that mean that every phone with NFC can charge wirelessly then, or is some special NFC needed.

No? 2019 was last year.

Wait.. On second thought. .. Yes please.

Ok thanks for the Tipp, Mr Internet-Man

How do you pay the rent

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Geschlechter sind ein soziales Konstrukt. Ich kenne nur Menschen.