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This is why you shouldn’t use cloud services for personal security, because the cloud is just someone else’s computer.

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Nice. Lula is Brazil’s greatest leader.

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This is a violation of HIPAA and the rights of patients to privacy.

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They’re not the same drug. They’re related compounds. Similar how both ethanol and methanol are alcohols (related), but methanol will make you blind.

Methamphetamine is a stronger compound compared to amphetamine and can keep you awake for days at a time.

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Wait, wasn’t Guantanamo Bay where the US tortured a bunch of innocent people? You’d have to be a sick/sadistic psychopath to laugh at crimes against humanity.

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Their only actual product is their cars, and even then the newest one (the ugly truck) will need a complete redesign to meet US safety standards. Tesla demos are a dime a dozen at this point. Don’t believe the hype. Just know if it looks dumb, it is dumb and won’t actually see mass production.

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Orangutans are so chill.

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This is such a dystopian way to fine the public.

The Biden administration tried to prevent the war from expanding.

At every point in the development of this conflict, his administration has enable Israel to escalate and expand its military attacks upon countries within the region.

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Israel clearly wants a regional war. Why else would they be committing all this violence and performing acts of terrorism in neighboring countries?

The same can be said about the US penny and nickel. Both cost at least double their value to produce.

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The cyber truck is a nightmare that won’t see mass market production.Since it doesn’t have a crumple zone, I doubt it even meets US safety standards.

Amd dropped the ball when it came to software and has now separated their GPU architecture so that they only have enterprise cards for data science. NVIDIA got in early and made CUDA default among all product lineups so that consumer cards could be used as entry-level cards by hobbyists. While it would’ve been nice to see more competition, the only company taking this space seriously has been nvidia.

Yet another reason to be ashamed of the US senate.

It could be that some of that data was scraped from FB messenger.

It’s absolutely insane and genocidal for you to wish for the drowning of millions of civilians.

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That’s just the price of being an invader nation. By definition, Israel can never know peace, only armistices between further acts of war. Unless they manage to genocide Palestinians world wide, they will always face attacks on their invader population/infrastructure/society. It’s a feature of colonization. Netanyahu knows this, but is trying to maintain his position by bringing home an unattainable victory.

Both are on test flight (beta prerelease) for iOS. I can’t log in on Liftoff, so memmy is my current go-to.

I think the reason the US is lying is because they believe that they can undermine China’s position. They want to damage the country in some way to maintain their status as the sole superpower, but it’s too late for that. China is entrenched as a leader in world industry and attempting to contain them is impossible.

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Doubtful. Greece has been limping along economically for a decade and Turkey is a major player in drone warfare. Also, I don’t wish war on either of those countries.

My horse prefers Italian food.

I’d describe myself as unfortunately well-informed. More likely is that the people I’m arguing with are paid apologists/mis-educated by the mainstream media.

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I’m American.

You should post this in lemmy.world/c/trees

Yes. It was Boris Johnson who made the call and Zelenskyy did as he was told.

This is completely false. Also, Ukraine has been begging to join NATO since Russia invaded. Western Europe rightfully refused to allow their inclusion (because it’d start WW3) and told them it was tough luck that the Ukrainian Regime was foolish enough to believe the Brits and Americans. They should’ve gone along with the peace negotiations Russia offered in 2022 or just honored the Minks agreements.

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None, and trying will end in defeat and possibly nuclear war.

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The Dems are fragmenting and it’s Biden’s fault. He’s too old and frail to be president. Ideally he would’ve taken the route LBJ took and announced his decision to abstain from running a re-election campaign, then endorsed the chosen nominee.

Lol Taiwan and China have both claimed to be the “real China” but Taiwan is just a small separatist holdover of a civil war that ended nearly 75 years ago. Since they can’t run the show, they’re trying to be a wedge for US imperialism in east Asia. The People of Taiwan are Chinese citizens and the US should stop encouraging them to go to war to destroy themselves and their country.

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Petty is when your girlfriend keeps your favorite shirt after the breakup.

Refusing to admit you lost a civil war 75 years ago and blowing up a major dam, killing 35 million people to stall unification is genocide.

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It’s MADdening that you believe that the US won’t be nuked for giving weapons to Taiwan and directing them to kill millions of people in mainland China. Taiwan doesn’t want to go to war with China and they’ve always wanted reunification. The US wants to divide and conquer China and should stop before it creates a nuclear catastrophe.

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You’ve lost the plot. More weapons can’t solve a lack of soldiers. Unless Western Europe/NATO plan to start WW3, the outcome has been decided. The humane thing isn’t to cheer for more war, but to understand that cheering for war itself was a mistake.

We were told Ukraine could win. We were told wrong. The people who gave us this false impression also told us we’d win the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Last I checked, those wars didn’t result in the victory we were promised, either.

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Both China and Taiwan have claimed that they are the rulers of China and only one of them is right. For Taiwan to be a neighbor it would have to cease being Chinese, which it has never done. Taiwan is still officially “The Republic of China.”

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All that means is that Hamas lacks the resources to resist genocide on their own. If we expect a people under siege to be able to fight off tanks with rocks, then we’re in support of their extermination.

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Hungary isn’t worried about Russia invading them. They know Russia won’t, because if Russia wanted war with NATO, they’d have already invaded. Russia already stated that its goal was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and obtaining nuclear weapons.

Hungary is more concerned with keeping its costs down and avoiding going along with NATO aggression against Russia (provoking a war Russia doesn’t want). They know better than anyone that giving into all your allies’ demands will spell disaster.

Like Hong Kong, Taiwan will rejoin the rest of China. We want to believe that Taiwan is some bastion of freedom, but it’s literally just a holdout for the losers of China’s civil war. For a while the US tried to pretend that Taiwan was the real China, but eventually changed tact and has been trying to drive a wedge and use Taiwan as a military outpost. This has been US policy since the 1950s! (Most people in the US weren’t even born yet, and Joe Biden was only 7 years old when the Chinese civil war ended.)

This would be the equivalent of the Confederacy setting up shop in Puerto Rico and Russia supporting them as the “real” United States, then back-peddling while planning to use Puerto Rico as a military outpost. In the 1960s a similar situation happened when the Soviets tried to station nukes in Cuba and the US threatened to end the world.

Just like the US couldn’t be threatened, China can’t be threatened. You can’t hold a country of 1.5 billion people at gunpoint. You can’t destroy the 3 Gorges Dam without China nuking the US. The US needs to pull back on this position they’ve had since the 1950s and stop trying to bully China.

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Hungary is the only independent country in Europe, which makes the US worried, because it sees the EU/NATO as vassal countries. And EU policymakers have admitted as much to think tanks in Europe.

Meanwhile Hungary is walking the tightrope between the EU and Russia. Hungary boldly chooses to get its Russian oil from Russia, whereas the rest of the EU chooses to get its Russian oil from India. this is beyond the comprehension of the EU states, which loudly proclaim to their American masters “Russia Bad!”

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It’s best that this conflict ends sooner rather than later. I’ve heard that Ukraine is outnumbered 3 to 1 and is sending injured soldiers and teenagers to the front lines. There’s no hope of them winning. Hindsight is 20/20 and it’s clear that the Ukrainians’ best option would’ve been to surrender in February 2022 and negotiate a peace agreement when they still had some bargaining power. Now they have none and this guy will go down in shame as Ukraine’s worst leader.

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