Some Mexican pharmacies are selling full bottles of Adderall. But it's actually meth.

USA to World – 271 points –
Some Mexican pharmacies are selling full bottles of Adderall. But it's actually meth.

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They’re not the same drug. They’re related compounds. Similar how both ethanol and methanol are alcohols (related), but methanol will make you blind.

Methamphetamine is a stronger compound compared to amphetamine and can keep you awake for days at a time.

Both useful and prescribed for adhd, Desoxyn is meth Adderall is amphetamine.

In this article, it's made clear how there is a legal meth medication for ADHD and the doctors note that that "They are very similar medications. Their chemical structure is almost the same".

Meth and Adderall are not always chemically identical, but their makeup and effects are very similar and their difference is largely in how much amphetamine is prescribed and how it's used and how poorly it is manufactured and regulated.

like methanol and ethanol, that's a good comparison.

That's by the way a great comparison. While drinking small amounts of ethanol is perfectly safe, drinking the same amount of methanol could blind or even kill you.

Things being chemically almost the same doesn't really mean anything for what they do to a person. Crack and cocaine are almost exactly the same, yet the consequences of taking crack are so much more severe.